• Working again

    Havn't used mine for about a week after getting a cold and finding out, it just doesn't work very well when your sick lol.
    I was a bit worried it was newitice actually )something new being more pleasurable etc until you get used to it(….because I tried to use it a few times last week, and really got no pleasure/enjoyment out of it at all. It was such a HUGE difference then before I just couldn't believe it.
    So I stopped for awhile, and once I was feeling better )nothing like having to blow your nose and being stuffed up in the middle of a session to ruin it I guess(, I tried it again last night and woot…it totally worked again.
    So, for anyone who doesn't know, using the Aneros while sick may not work so well for you.
    That may seem like common sense, but I can traditionally ograsm just fine when sick. In fact, it often helps me feel better faster )so does a ton of strenuous exersize..I burn the cold/flu out of me(…but not so with the Aneros. Guess you need to be healthy for it to work…or work well hehe.
    Anyway, it's so nice to be not sick again…and nice to have the super yummy intense orgasms again. Only did 1 session last night so far, but plan on making up for lost time!!

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      04/20/2014at4:52 pm

      I would suppose that you need to be able to focus and build sensations, and when you have a cold your concentration isn't as good as it could be?
      Glad you are feeling better.

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