• ed's journey

    well, so much for saying i'd wait–had the promise of oral sex and thought that i'd try the helix then, but when the promise fell through i went ahead anyway with the session cause i was so het up–same story as before–a little something but…

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  • ed's journey

    i was at my local sex shop and they had the helix so i bought one–this was not a snap decision like when i bought the progasm while i was waiting for my mgx to arrive–i have read and thought a lot about getting the…

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  • ed's journey

    since my last post i have had many sessions–sometimes with several days in between, sometimes daily and sometimes more than one each day–they are at least 1 hour in duration, usually 1 1/2 hours or more–also i've tried various times of the day–i've tried all…

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  • ed's journey

    well, i didn't wait another day after waking up today with some "funny" feelings–i used the condom method with lube inside and out on the condom–i think it gave the mgx more movement–i think that there was some small progress but nothing earth shaking–it didn't…

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  • ed's journey

    well my mgx arrived and i've been using it instead of the progasm–it's been very tough going with not much to show–i've tried the breathing with the anal contractions–the held pc contraction–the do nothing and relax for an hour–the try to sleep with it in–i…

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  • ed's journey

    today i thought that i would relax entirely and try to go to sleep to see if anything would happen like some other posts have said has happened to them–in other words, don't try to force anything but just let it happen–well i think that…

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  • ed's journey

    this is the fourth day–it's easier to insert the progasm now and feels less invasive but moving it is still a problem–now i really know why i should not have bought it on impulse and should have waited for my mgx to arrive–just noodling around…

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  • ed's journey

    tried again next day–now know how to do an anal contraction, a rectal contraction and a pc contraction–when i do the pc contraction it feels like i am tapping my prostate with the progasm–so now i know how to move the progasm up and down…

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  • ed's journey

    well the next day i gave it another try–spent most of my time relaxing with nothing happening and then contracting and holding it and waiting for something to happen–nothing happened–decided i was contracting too much so tried holding a lesser contraction –spent most of my…

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  • ed's journey

    i am a 64 year old male with everything in working order–i was reading the web about the male g spot when i came across the name of aneros–well, all i can say is that reading the posts and threads, etc i ordered the mgx–while…

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