• ed's journey

    had two separate sessions yesterday after laying off for three days–believe that was too much time off–stopped first session after about 40 min as there was no action of the device after initial movement–believe i needed a bm before starting which i didn't do–used the…

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  • ed's journey

    started out with the mgx, thinking it's good to go from larger to smaller–not much action so went to 16 mm peridise–moved well but not going anywhere so ended session early to watch red sox

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  • ed's journey

    last night i put the 20 mm peridise in and went out to the garage to watch the red sox–posts have mentioned wearing it while watching tv but if didn't work for me–too much clothing restriction and pressure from the chair–thie next morning i put…

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  • ed's journey

    yesterday i used the 20 mm peridise first and then the 16 mm in the order of bigger to smaller that so many posts have praised–it was nice and i think that bigger to smaller makes more sense than smaller to bigger( which i have…

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  • ed's journey

    did an early session with the 16 mm peridise unit and it was the same as reported before–did a later session with the 20 mm peridise and not much different–decided to wear it under my clothes while watching tv, etc and did so for an…

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  • ed's journey

    i seem to have reached a plateau again, but higher than i last one i was on–i seem to be having the same experience each time with no advancement, but the place where i stand now is so much higher than where i was a…

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  • ed's journey

    i have been doing a lot of sessions lately with all my massagers and my peridises too–a lot of repeatable success too–my orgasms haven't taken off by themselves and left me lying in the bushes but i can make them happen and make them repeat–part…

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  • ed's journey

    been doing a lot of sessions in the last few days–can seem to get near the threshold but never over it–got the peridise advanced set yesterday and used the larger 20 mm one yesterday and this morning–also tried the smaller 16 mm one just now–they…

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  • ed's journey

    i took yesterday off as i thought that my prostate had been extensively stimulated by both the external massages and the aneros sessions–this morning i prelubed and used the helix and it was as i thought it would be, namely, a little less than last…

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  • ed's journey

    well, i've had a lot of no advancement sessions and maybe even some one or two steps backwards sessions since the last post–tried cutting back the hot glue and also reshaping it–got feelings going but could never complete the loop to self generating feelings–very frustrating…

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