• ed's journey

    well, i had 2 bms this morning and i prelubed with jelly and then inserted my mgx without the hot glue, but with the tab inside a ping pong ball and didn't seem to get much action–i can only hope that i'm getting rewired from…

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  • ed's journey

    took off hot glue from tab and tried it without any modifications cause helix seemed to be getting a good bite in the right spot–it was less aggressive but i think it still hit the spot, or near it–still at the same place although there…

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  • ed's journey

    warm water douched and prelubed with k-y again–usual session with some interesting feelings and some dead time, although there doesn't seem to be as much dead time any more–did whole bunch of things with no advancement

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  • ed's journey

    over on the forum pages i wondered if i had so little movement of my aneros because i no longer used prelube, nor did i water douche either since i first began, so i did both tonight and i think it improved my session–i had…

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  • ed's journey

    lubed up the mgx with k-y again and had another session–still progressing, but only slowly–had the pulses in my ass and some other feelings in lower abdomen–like the abdominal quaking cause i believe it signifies that some rewiring is taking place and will bear fruit…

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  • ed's journey

    tried the mgx like it was yesterday–not too much going on–had the ass pulses like yesterday but this time with the mgx–i think that if i could maintain the pulses for a considerable length of time it would lead to some pleasure–the pulses are surely…

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  • ed's journey

    started with the modified mgx–still slow going–brought the p-tab contact point a little farther away from the stem–still where i was a week or so ago–some ass buzzing and a few dives in the ass tried the helix, unmodified, with a little more success in…

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  • ed's journey

    well, i think part of my problem the last two days was that i was slightly constipated–today was a bit better after some bms, but not entirely satisfying–there is very little movement of my mgx–i think i will have to continue moving the contact point…

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  • ed's journey

    well, made the tab shorter and lower but it didn't change the results much–still only minimal feelings generated which don't lead anywhere-tried complete relaxation, holding slight and heavy contractions, breathing, different positions and other stuff–not advancing so far–will try to lay off tomorrow and start…

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  • ed's journey

    well i don't seem to be progressing after adding hot glue to the tab of my mgx–i think i overdid it and added way more than i had with the candle–the contact spot is now higher and closer to my balls–will cut it back and…

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