Well what a journey I have been on in the relatively short time I have been working towards MMO. I have learnt a lot and yet there is still even more to learn and to experience. On this journey I have chanaged my outlook on…
Posted on May 27th, 2011.Session Length: Models Used:
Well what a journey I have been on in the relatively short time I have been working towards MMO. I have learnt a lot and yet there is still even more to learn and to experience. On this journey I have chanaged my outlook on…
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Posted on May 11th, 2011.Session Length: 26/4 - 10/5 Models Used: Progasm, Tailess helix and a fleshlight
So its been a while since I checked my draw under my bed at university for my secret naughty notes to write my blog. I have undertaken lots of new sensation and have even taken up KSMO which works well 26/4: I started a…
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Posted on April 24th, 2011.Session Length: 12/4-22/4 Models Used: Helix,tailess Helix and Progasm ice
Ok its been a while since my last blog post and I have been busy with good reason im back home again from university to revise for my finals. Its nice to be back home and away from possible interruptions from flat mates but however…
Posted on March 29th, 2011.Session Length: 15/3 - 28/3 Models Used: Helix and progasm ice and my mind
Well instead of getting on with some maths revision as im a student I thought I would relax and fill you all in on my journey. As always its been very eye opening and I have enjoyed the outcomes. I look forward to learning more…
Posted on March 11th, 2011.Session Length: Models Used: Helix
Its that time again. Although it hasn't been so long ago since my last blog but I can tell you I have moved along on my experiences and this whole new world that has been open to me to gaze and enjoy. My thirst for…
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Posted on February 28th, 2011.Session Length: Models Used: Helix
So it has come to the time where I feel I have enough to add to my growing insight I have learnt and experienced much in the relatively short time since I last left a blog. I remain very open to new ideas and…
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Posted on February 12th, 2011.Session Length: Models Used: Helix
Well I said to myself i would leave a month between blogs but lots of weird and new experiences has happend in the last few weeks. I have learnt alot about my body and have gotten to know a few members of this forum and…
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Posted on January 29th, 2011.Session Length: 1 month Models Used: Helix
Well I have never kept a dairy so i thought why not keep a blog on all my goings of my aneros journey. This will be my first blog i will keep adding new stories and tell you about the sensation I have. Well lets…