• In retrospect

    Ok so I have so many thoughts about this journey so I thought I would write this over a few days. Pardon me if I ramble on here. I was interested when I joined this site so I looked back at my profile and found this date, 09-28-2008. So it hasn’t quite been 2 years here but it seems like forever. That’s a good thing. Prostate massage using the “Aneros system” is simply amazing. For those of you just beginning have patience. Some of you will have instant success and others will be like me, plodding down the long and winding road. Enjoy the journey and smell the roses. There were times that I did get frustrated but that’s exactly what didn’t work. I am amazed that I actually stuck with it as I look back. For me the “crossover” or whatever you want to call it was ever so subtle. You ride a wave 1 day and a few days later nothing special. There were times I remember getting the feeling of being right on the edge of something to only lose it and not feel it again. Then a few days later nothing!  Such cosmic humor. Deep inside I had a belief that this did work. My first super-o was very nice. I knew something different had occurred. It just had much greater intensity than the minis I had over a year. I remember it seemed to take on a life of it’s own. I was an observer. A very happy observer. I look at that as the beginning, I had stepped over the line. I had a memory of that feeling and I began to learn methods to get me there. As time has passed since then so much has changed. Methods I used 8 months ago I never use now and things have gotten even better. I have used e-stim, prostate massagers that vibrate, stainless steel njoy massagers with some success. But nothing works like the Aneros massagers.
    Things I’ve learned along the way.
    1. Patience, enjoy the ride
    2. Do it for the fun of it. Expect nothing but the experience
    3. I experimented a lot. It taught me a lot.
    4. A certain herb greatly enhances the experience.
    5. I have found mornings are most intense but it leaves me exhausted all day. (Not because of #4)
    6. I have 3 versions: Eupho, Helex and Progasm. I use all three most sessions. Each one gives you a different feeling.
    7. I like a private area when I use these. I can be myself.
    8. Your prep is everything. I didn’t get good results until I developed a routine. Now it’s, umm routine.
    9. If you have questions search this site. Someone already asked your question.
    10. I have been open with my wife. She loves me. 
    11. Alcohol does not enhance prostate massage. I actually avoid any drinks beforehand.
    12. I have had spontaneous erections
    13. I would have never believed it but recently I had a prostate orgasm without using the Aneros . It was the day after. I was actually standing up.
    14. I have ejaculated without knowing it and without a loss of desire.
    15. At 56 I have been waking up with erections from time to time.
    16. I use Aneros toys about every 3rd day. Keeps my BPH in check.
    17. Prostate massage is like scratching an itch but in this case you get to satisfy that itch over and over again. I find the first itchgasm to be the best.
    18. Physically this sometimes beats the hell out of me. I’m physically and sometimes mentally drained. It can get that intense.
    19. Some days are better than others. I try not to be disappointed either way.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/16/2010at4:20 pm

      A fantastic post and read LivingLarge!!! 🙂
      Such good advice for both new Aneros users and the grinders like me. I find it curious that previous old techniques that worked to make you super-O no longer work now. More of that cosmic humor thing? LOL

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/16/2010at7:56 pm

      Actually it isn't that they no longer work, it's that I have developed better techniques. As an example, I used to do contractions which seemed to help me get over the edge. My body now seems so sensitive to the whole process that those techniques are just not nessessary any more. Usually within 10 minutes I am well into the beginings of a super-o session.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/17/2010at4:22 pm

      Oh very cool! Something for me to look forward to. Thanks for the response, and many pleasures for you. 😀

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