• Just when you thought…….

    I am just amazed how different each session can be. Today I was just taken to places that were wonderful. The deeper I go the more relaxed I seem to become. Some of these super O experiences can last 10 or 15 minutes and then…

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  • Alive and living

    I have read over and over about using plenty of lube. My lube of choice is called Probe. I have developed a pretty good routine which works well for me. I first clean out my anus using about 4 to 6 oz of warm water….

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  • Random thoughts

    I find it interesting at how my body reacts. Each session with these products produces different results. I have had days that I have really looked forward to using my Anero products but with less than spectacular results. My body just wasn't into it or…

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  • Which one is best

    Well I have been traveling the last 4 days and with some company. I am finally home and I was looking forward to scratching this itch I have. Tonight I started with the Helix and I did reach some good orgasmic levels but not what…

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  • Session log

    Well it's Sunday and I am pretty relaxed and I have been patient waiting for evening. I have decided to use all my versions and keep a log for each experience. Today I started with my usual Eupho experience. Today was different. I lubed up…

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  • Caution

    This thing is so addictive. I have actually had to force myself not to use it every day. The problem is that when used correctly and you are able to sustain a level where you reach super-os, you want to go on and on which…

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  • Exhausted

    Well I don't know about anyone else but after my intense session last night I am just drag my ass exhausted. I so much look forward to using my aneros toys since I have reached the super-o level. Each experience has been different. Last night…

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  • Can this get better?

    Well about 2 weeks ago I experienced what I thought was a Super-O. Maybe it was or maybe it was just a minor part of the awakening stage. What I thought was awesome 2 weeks ago is nothing compared to what I experienced last night….

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  • After 17 months finally

    Well I have to say after 17 months of owning my Helix and Progasm I have finally experienced the Super-O! Not once but in the last 3 sessions 5 total. It is so weird that after all this time it's like it's happening with every…

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