Hi guys,
A couple weeks ago, I started using the Progasm Classic and just last Friday, its close brother, the Progasm Ice. I would like to give you several first impressions of these awesome models. The Progasm Classic is the older model. I found that more textured model initially rather difficult to insert into my butt. It seemed that my body would resist mightily by ejecting it through peristalsis. However my body is getting more used to and more accepting of the Progasm Classic.
I think the turning point took place last Friday morning when I began using the Progasm Ice for the first time. He inserted rather easily and intense pleasure began to suffuse my body. However peristalsis set in. Otherwise my short session with the Progasm Ice last Friday seemed very auspicious.
This morning, I began with the Progasm Classic. He slipped in fairly easily almost to the hilt. He gave both my prostate and anal canal a good, robust massage for a good fifteen minutes. Then I followed up with the Maximus with whom I have much more experience. Finally I continued with the Progasm Ice with which I worked for a good 45 minutes. Massage action from the Progasm Ice was absolutely superb and I was absolutely lost in sheer pleasure the whole time. It appears now that my Aneros sessions hold great promise and that they are propelling me to really wonderful and awesome experiences.
I do believe that the Progasm Ice will enable me to have much better sessions with the Progasm Classic. Likewise the Maximus supplements or even compliments his two HUGE buddies, the Progasm Classic and Progasm Ice. Currently these three guys in my current Anerosing are my troika which may lead me soon to the Super-O. I heartily recommend them to more experienced Aneros users.
Ok so if you only could afford 1 of them but with the benefit of hindsight. Ice or classic?
I have had my helix or is that my helix has had me for over six months.
I got a eupho 1 month ago and now both rides have improved out of sight now there is the yearning deep inside. Wow well what if I got bigger? real big!
I am enjoying being had by both but what if?
Oh crap I said in a post a long while back that I was not addicted! Guess I am now >:)
Which one?
Hi braveneworld,
I like very much your comment and questions. As regards your first question, if I could afford one of the Progasm models, it would be the Ice because of its sleek feel making for an easy insertion. Quite a few guys on this Forum like the Progasm Ice for this very reason. But I am determined to master the more textured Progasm Classic as well.