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Pro's & Con's

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I'm different. I can feel and people are now starting to notice. The smile has gotten wider. I have a extra spring in my step. I am just filled with extra joy. I have a ora around me that is shining bright and is blinding everyone I come in contact with. My phoenix has spread his wings and emerged into everyday life and is here to stay. My old life is calling back to me but I'm so far gone that I can't go back even if I tried. My phoenix has me on a track to pure blissfulness and I can't disobey.

A lot of guys in the chat and forums always ask me how I got this way and I don't have a answer for them. I don't even know how I got here. It's like my body was made for this. Like my body been urning for this feeling and I finally have mastered it. I'm so different. I don't even recognize my self anymore. It's good but also has it's down falls.

I'm so happy
I have lost weight
I'm more energetic
I can handle stressful situations better
I have stronger orgasms
I have a heavy flow of cum in my orgasms
I'm not shy anymore
I'm a lot more talkative
Get work done in a timely fashion
Have a closer relationship with my dad
I pre-cum a lot more
Have longer orgasms

I'm always horny
I'm always hard
My penis pulsates at the wrong time
My orgasms be too intense
I now have the urge to cum when ever
I have had to wash sheets more times then needed
I j/o entirely to much
I can't stop masturbating
Get p waves and dry o's at the wrong damn time
I have cum in my eyes to many times
My awaken prostate does not let me sleep
My prostate always wants to play even when I'm tired
I have fallen off the bed from sessions
I have been caught in my sessions cause of loud moaning
My moaning has got extremely louder

I'm not complaining but just for all those newbies out there just know what your getting your self into. Once you open up that door there is no returning back. Anal play is very enjoyable but prostate play is only for the serious men out there that like a challenge in there sex life. Once awakening the phoenix he will not go back down to his cage. He is free to run havoc on your life but in a good way. Have fun but be safe. He's a tricky little guy. That little device that you now have is a treat. Cherish it but it will take time to get him fully awoken. With a clear mind it will happen very quickly but the stubborn who are afraid will have trouble. So just be patient. He will fly like a eagle soon enough.

But I'm now at the point to where I want to take a break. I love my helix but I'm becoming to dependent on it. So I will not be riding for a while. I will clearly still have a-less sessions but no riding. I need this break. My anus needs this break. This will make my journey so much better to get this time to myself. But when I insert again the fireworks will happen and will be again the orgasming fool.

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I notice that I feel grounded in my body and my sexuality for the first time in my life. I've been keeping a journal of observations and my thoughts about my life for a while before I found the aneros so I know exactly how I've changed since starting and what other influences there are. Being grounded means that I'm much more confident about my own feelings and my impressions of other people. Of course I have stress that takes me away from myself and lose my grounding so it's more of a process of learning what being grounded means to me and how to stay grounded. I'm looking at meditation and other ways to stay grounded but right now I have a lot of stress in my life. I am aware of the pleasure that I am capable of from anerosing after the session and can access that feeling when I want just by remembering, it's such a powerful experience.

The only downside is possibly the occasional disbelief that I really experienced such extreme pleasure, sometimes shame about admitting that I do this and sometimes guilt about wanting to feel good. Between sessions I sometimes have to convince myself that what I've experienced was so great and unusual, something I've never felt before. I'd like to tell everyone but can't. Its also a great stress releiver, at least for a while, and it has improved my chronic lower back pain. So it's definitely a net improvement in my life.

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Yeah... really adds a new dimension !!

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@BigOluver: With time you'll be able to integrate these feelings into yourself and not be "cursed" by them.

Reduce the frequency of your sessions by all means, but do not stop them altogether. You've got to allow your body to come to feel that it's something normal.

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At 69, I haven't felt so continually sexually aware since my 20's

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