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I recently rediscovered the Peridise, after a few months out of my rotation I tried it again with Silk lube and wow, nothing short of spectacular! Don’t be fooled by its diminutive size, it had me cumming  like crazy! 

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Expound on this please!  What’s a peridise orgasm like?  How do you choose which size? And how does the peridise differ from the tempo.. is it merely a matter of material? 

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l have a large Aneros collection and enjoy them all. I also am able to have Aless orgasms at will, so you might say I am an advanced user. I have been primarily using my larger devices,Progasm and Vice 2 the past few months, and increasing have found my body pushing them out during particularly intense series of orgasms. On a lark, I thought I’d try the smallest Peridise again, I got fairly good results with both sizes and a Tempo I also have a year or so back,but not nearly as consistently sustained or intense as other, larger models gave me. I’m thinking my more developed musculature combined with the lighter, less massive Peridise allows an optimum amount of motion with just enough slight teasing of my prostate to be absolutely incredible! The Tempo being denser, heavier, and a bit longer, while still amazing is not quite as spectacular. My advice is to have patience with Peridise, it’s well worth it!

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I’m in month two, having started with beginners set of Peridise and last week added Helix Trident.  This morning with my smaller Peridise I was doing kegels.  Halfway through my slow, full and hold kegel set I started having mini involuntary contractions halfway though each contract phase.  The pleasurable sensations were both in my anal opening, prostate and tip of my penis.  Not sure what to call that - an anal, p and t mini O??  

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I used the smaller Peridise last night. I had partaken a little 420, put on my headphones, and listen to one of my favorite playlist. I concentrate mainly on the music and the Perdise act like a third speaker. It’s fabulous. No real orgasm during a 2 hour session but the feeling was great. Removed the Peridise at 2am and slept like a baby. Today I have had small Os all day almost continuously. It’s almost 5 pm and still going on. Anyone else have this benefit? I could become addicted.

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I have the full Peridise set but mainly select the largest or next largest size.  I often fall asleep during late night session only to awake in the early hours by waves of pleasure throughout my body and an enormous erection. 

These devices are smallest of the Aneros portfolio but they are certainly deliver amazing sensations and are insomniac friendly.    


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