Just got the MGX
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Just got the MGX

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I've thought about getting an aneros for years but always looked for it in whatever adult toy store I was in. Recently, I decided to take a look online, and discovered that there were several to choose from and an extensive forum for users. I ordered it and couldn't wait to get back home to get it and try it out. I drive a truck for a living and am out on the road for several weeks at a time, so it was a couple weeks of anticipation.
I got home last night, got into the room and once settled in, I broke it out of the package, lubed up and in it went. I was amazed how easily my ass took to it. I have played with toys in my ass a bit over the years, but never experienced the feelings that came with the aneros. My girlfriend is my driving partner, and she was with me. She is very open minded and was curious as to how this toy would work on me. I had ordered her a magic want vibrator as well, and although we were dead tired, we had to check out our new toys.
I had my mgx inserted, just relaxing and getting used to the feeling. No super o's or anything like that, just feeling the pressure. As I was trying to regulate my breathing and relax, she began using the magic wand. It is a very intense and strong vibrator. it took her a bit to get used to it, but then she started really getting into it. We do alot of mutual masturbation and it always get me hot and hard right away. I watched as she worked up to a very intense orgasm. She is very verbal, which also get me quite excited. As her orgasm subsided, I just had to fuck her. I had softened, so it took a little bit of rubbing my cock along her pussy lips to get hard, which I did. I was soon pumping away, on top, feeling amazing. With the mgx in my ass, I was feeling some pretty intense pressure on the down strokes. It continued to build, and in just a few minutes (I usually last forever, rarely ejaculating during intercourse) I was experiencing and incredible, super intense, long lasting orgasm that made me see stars. Wow!! I was still feeling aftershocks 30 minutes later and still dripping cum. I can't wait for the feelings that some of you on here have described after using it and 're-wiring'. Damn, wish I had gotten it sooner.....

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