Glad I didn't give ...
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Glad I didn't give up

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I bought a mgx a couple years ago and being impatient I wasn't impressed.. So I tossed it in my box and went about my life. As time passed I started reading reviews and started wondering if I had given up without actually trying. So one night I decided to give it a good try. I read that it takes some practice and spent a good hour or so feeling some new things but not what I read about. Discouraged I then put it back in the box. Once again reading how awesome the "super o" was I tried again. This time and the next 6 times I actually focused and relaxed. After about a half hour I started feeling an urge to compulsively shake. It was the start of something I've never felt before. So I flexed and held it more. Now just thrusting uncontrollable and feeling something I've never felt. I kept going! Before I knew it I was convulsing on my bed, moaning so loud... Hoping the neighbors couldn't hear. It settled and before I could catch my breath it happened
. Without even trying I went crazy and started rocking my hips and almost screaming untill I came so hard and so much. I nearly soaked my bed. I took almost 20 minutes to calm down enough to remove my new found friend. Now I'm a pro and can achieve this in no time. Don't give up! Practice is perfect!

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Posts: 153

Well done and congratulations. Now you can start playing games. When you start to get the initial twitching try ignoring them and make them go away. Its fun to see what you body will do to gain your attention again.

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