I have been an aneros user for years. A few years back, in my early 30s, I began to experience the dreaded "non-bacterial prostatitis." As a doctor myself, I spent a lengthy amount of time researching treatment options, both medical and non-medical. Hence I was led to try the aneros MGX. I have been able to treat my symptoms with this device very successfully over the years with very few Acute episodes. After about two years of twice a month use, I began to notice that there was a pleasurable side to this issue. I have my first "dry O" one day, about 10 minutes into my normal prostate massage. As this was never in my intention to begin with, I must say i was quite surprised and didn't know what to do with myself. I now experience quite a bit of pleasure in dealing with my condition, having these dry orgasms about every other time I use the device. (I now use them once weekly 🙂 v Since then, I have invested in a Progasm, a helix syn (which i did not like, due to the silicone coating which I found I was allergic to.) Recently, I acquired the new MGX and Helix Tridents which are quite a leap forward in comfort and effectiveness. I would highly recommend that if you are a aneros user that you invest in this new design as they are much more comfortable than the traditional design. I recommend these devices to my patients regularly when I encounter a patient with prostate issues or questions about prostate health.
@DRAneros Welcome! It's great to have an "advocate". I am curious: can you describe a "typical" session that you use for prostate health. How long are they, typically? I'm sure many of us fellow Aneros users would be interested. Thanks!
Welcome aboard Dr. Even though we've been told many times that prostate massage is healthy it's nice to hear it from an actual doctor.
Let's face it, there aren't that many things in life that are this much fun AND are good for you!
Golden boy, My typical session is once per week and each lasts 30 min to an hour. Only about half of them result in a pleasurable outcome. Many times I do not allow sufficient relaxation before and during to achieve the super o. Nonetheless, I see value in continued usage. Prostate pain can be a huge motivator. I do think that of I wanted to spend more time with the device I would most definitely see more super o activity.
@DRAneros Just got around to reading your response to my questions; thanks! I am "scheduling" my sessions now, 3 times a week for 30-45 minutes each. Interesting how you target "relaxation" for great results, including super-o! Something we should already know, but need to practice again and again!