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Topic links not working

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Not sure if this is the right place for this post. I come across a lot of links to topics on this forum on the Aneros Wiki and other discussion topics, but when ever I click on them they just take me to the main discussions page. What gives? Are they broken links?

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You are quite correct about a lot of broken links existing in the past posts and in the WIKI. About two years ago the Aneros website was severely hacked and down for a period of time. The forum software had security flaws which were not being addressed by the program creators so the Aneros company opted to switch programs with a more secure and simplified program. Unfortunately, as often happens, not everything transitioned smoothly, portions of the previous forum data base did not transition at all and the internal reference links between user posts got corrupted. When I find these broken links in my own posts I try to re-edit them back to functionality but I am not always able to do so. It would be nice if other members would do likewise but since the membership is constantly evolving many members don't stick around long enough to correct or are unaware of their own broken links. Some of the links to external sites are dead or broken because that information is no longer posted or has been relocated with no way of easily recovering its current URL path.
Since I do have write access to the Aneros WIKI, if you find broken links in there please let me know the whereabouts of the specific occurrence and I will attempt to correct it.
Good Vibes to You !

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