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What has been your most effective/favorite position? Poll is created on Jun 18, 2007

Poll results: What has been your most effective/favorite position?
Voter(s): 58
Poll is created on Jun 18, 2007
On Stomach  -  votes: 9 / 15.5%
On side with bottom leg straight and top leg bent  -  votes: 15 / 25.9%
On back with knees bent and feet flat on bed  -  votes: 21 / 36.2%
On back with legs raised on pillows/cushions  -  votes: 6 / 10.3%
Standing with body straight  -  votes: 0 / 0%
Standing with body bent at waist and hands on bed  -  votes: 1 / 1.7%
On hands and knees  -  votes: 1 / 1.7%
Other (please elaborate)  -  votes: 7 / 12.1%

What has been your most effective/favorite position?

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As I posted before, I usually spend my sessions on my back. But the last time I had a nice long session, I turned over on my stomach for a while. It was pretty nice. A different set of sensations.

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I can't believe nobody else prefers to sit on comfortable chair and rock a little. It is by far my favorite position, so deeply intense and super-o-inspiring.

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On the floor, on my back, feet up on either the couch or the recliner, that's my favorite.

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On my stomach on a nice, soft bed clenching my buttocks....yummy! Would like to try for a chair-gasm at some point.

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On my back with a rolled soft, silky sleeping bag under the small of my back. Legs bent at a 90, then slowly make it down to a 45. I've also used the same position but with my feet resting flat on a wall. My behind dangles over the bed a bit and the sensations are incredible!!

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On my back, in a bathtub with warm water. The water level in the tub must not raise above your hips, though. The sensation is wonderful, and as the involuntaries start, the water licking the rest of my body feels great. Have not experienced a Super-O yet, but getting close. Sometimes, in the bathtub like this, I find it helps to place my fists under my pelvic bone. My knees are bent, and feet up on the edge of the tub, and knees resting on the sides of the tub. (The tub is supporting me all around). A spa pillow would be a nice addition, eventually.

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Hmmmmm, warm bath...I think I may need to try that!

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Hi. My best position so far is on my back with the soles of the feet together and rotating my hips / pelvis in a mostly anti-clockwise way or cross legged lying down.

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My favorite position is on the bed, with my legs spread wide and arching my back on all fours (hands & knees). It seems to allow the progasm to penetrate deeper as I grind my ass in mid air. I also like it while I am in my hot tub or during a nice long hot shower. mmmmmmmmmmm yes!

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My favorite position is on the bed, with my legs spread wide and arching my back on all fours (hands & knees). It seems to allow the progasm to penetrate deeper as I grind my ass in mid air. I also like it while I am in my hot tub or during a nice long hot shower. mmmmmmmmmmm yes!

[COLOR="navy"]dude if yer grownup and sexy that sounds like a hot fuckin' sight ...

shinin' yer ass at the moon LOL

... from watchin' gay porn i'd infer you'd make a great bottom for yer best mate

- rip 😀

p.s. no offense intended i assume yer probably str8 - not that it matters here

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It's weird, not only does it only seem to work for me when I'm on my back with my legs bent...but they also have to be just right in terms of how far spread. Like clockwork if I extend my legs too far out or spread too far the involuntary shaking stops...when I move back it starts again. Is this the case for anyone else? It's gonna be kinda boring if I have to stay in this position every single time to get any sort of results...

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Not as much variety as I had a year ago. I've settled in on:

Right side. Right forearm gently pressing a small soft pillow against my abs and right nipple. Hands are positioned to work the left nip and do male-deer massage or scrotal fingering. Left leg bent slightly, with the sole of my left foot close to my right toenail. Contact between them sends an electrifying jolt of energy up my leg triggering uncontrolled contractions of my perineum and rectum.

Once the prostate is swollen and the orgasmic energy ascends, I loose track of body position. The pillow usually winds up over my face, hiding my view of the real world and muffling my vocalizations. Between Orgasms I sometimes find I'm on my stomach gently thrusting -- particularly if it's, 'that time of month.'

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my best position has been sitting on the toilet.

Yes! I tried that recently and OMG it blew me away!! I have not quite been able to replicate the combination of sensations in other positions. Will happily keep trying though! For whatever reason that sitting position allowed the best positioning of the device on my sweet spot. Amazing!

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I like getting started by lying on my back on the side of the bed with my buttocks just barely on the bed and my knees bent at 90 degrees, feet squarely on the floor. When the involuntaries start, I will move onto the bed, and it seems that any position I take after that is effective in getting to "that place". But I do like to have my lower back and upper butt on a pillow with the lower part "in the air" and my legs either frogleg on the bed or knees bent upward. BTW: During a long session with everything feeling really good, I have put myself up against the wall, with my legs straight up on the wall, and that's a new and very good feeling.

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Lying on my back always seems to be the most effective position for climaxing when receiving anal stimulation but Doggie style is the more "erotic" position for me.

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I'm get close on both my back and on my belly.. but I only get superOs that go over the edge (both anal and belly orgasms) when laying on my side slightly crouched.

Anerosless sessions are the same.. but have never gone over the edge (full superO) anerosless... yet....

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From the beginning, I have used lying on my back with both my feet placed firmly on my futon wide apart, often with my butt on a folded pillow. I also raise my legs in midair for extra penetration.

But today for the first time, I sat at my PC for a good hours with the Tempo inserted. That was awesome! I can't wait to do that soon!

I'll try other positions soon for experimentation sake. 😉

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I would have said on my back with a pillow under my buttocks, until this morning. Had an amazing session on my right side in crouching position. Got some beautiful auto-fucking and p waves. I think this is the way for me from now on.

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For guys that use the stomach position, how do you get through a session without penile stimulation being in the way? I've tried a little of all the positions....every time I have tried the stomach position, I always end up ejaculating in the end since there is stimulation from movement that the Aneros brings. Even if I am not thinking about penile stimulation... I have even tried putting a pillow to prop up my crotch area, but with movements its difficult. Worth mentioning, that I'm usually hard during the majority of my Aneros use so far...

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@LPW, have you tried any of those donut pillows? Something that will raise you up and keep your junk(twig and berries) from touching anything might help.

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I feel like an odd man out here, but i've had the most success in a doggy style position; on my hands and knees. I think the position causes a particular tightness of the anus and rectum, which leads to more sensations that get me going quicker. I've tried lots of others many times and had little to no success. At least not the same success that i've had on my hands and knees. Its worked out the best for me. If there's one thing i've learned from this forum its that you have to go with what feels good and works for you, regardless of what may work for others. Its been working pretty good so far for me.

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if your penis was as small as mine, this would never be a problem, lol!

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Mine used to be on my stomach, but since my back trouble, I'm not allowed, and as a result, I have to sleep on my back, which only allows me about a max of 4 hours of sleep at a time before I wake up with my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth.

However, I found some success on my back with a couple pillows under my knees; I'll do some small contractions as I drift off, and will be shook awake with some very strong P-waves.

Speaking of pillows, does anyone have any recommendations on what shape pillow I should be using? How about one of those sex pillows?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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From the very beginning of my sessions when began in early June 2012, I had been laying on my back with my butt propped up by a folded pillow and an my upper body from my chest up supported by about five pillows. While I had made much progress in that position in my sessions, that one position at times caused discomfort with my Aneros tools.

However, I believe it was @ineverknew who suggested that I lie on my right side in the fetal position with my right leg straight down and left leg hooked. This I believe is the position that is recommended in Aneros Directions of Use. Immediately I found this position enabled me to use all my tools comfortably and with great pleasure. This position is all ideal for the Do-Nothing Technique which has produced amazing things for me!

Another position that I adopted some months ago is using Tempo while sitting at my PC as I am doing right now. The Tempo automatically f**ks me away as I can work undistractedly at my PC. 😉 Thom./BigGlansDC

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While on my side with legs bent or not is where I get the strongest pleasure feelings. Once my prostate is swollen and constantly electrified, I can use any position.

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On my belly. Just have to do deep belly breathing and I'm into the O-zone in a minute or 2. Never have dud sessions on the belly.

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On my back, knees bent, feet on bed usually is the best position for me. When things start to slow down I will switch back and forth with one of my legs straight out; seems to allow the device to reach different areas of the prostate. I usually alternate between laying on my back to right side fetal position when my legs get tired.

I think on my back the device has the most free range of motion and it allows my penis to do it's thing without my legs getting in the way.

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Other ... on stomach slightly turned to the right side, left leg bend in right angle from body and with right angle between thigh and shank, thus lifting my pelvis a bit, giving my member some space between body and mattress. Right leg straight, left arm in right angles mirroring my left leg, right arm straight along my body. Altogether it looks a bit like a Helix or Eupho, 😉
Coming from another thread, I followed @rumel's advice to post here.

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On back with legs flat on the bed. This my favorite position as I'm able to become really relaxed and letting the pleasure come to me. I've tried the other positions but this is one where I've had the most success with reaching super o. Though I should try the other positions more to see if I can get the same results.

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