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What happens during your Aneros-less sessions? Poll is created on Mar 28, 2011

Poll results: What happens during your Aneros-less sessions?
Voter(s): 34
Poll is created on Mar 28, 2011
Nothing  -  votes: 1 / 2.9%
P-Waves  -  votes: 6 / 17.6%
Mini-Orgasms  -  votes: 6 / 17.6%
Dry Ogasms  -  votes: 6 / 17.6%
Super Orgasms  -  votes: 4 / 11.8%
Super Traditional Orgasms  -  votes: 4 / 11.8%
Calm Seas Orgasms  -  votes: 4 / 11.8%
Something else (elaborate in your comments)  -  votes: 0 / 0%
Some or any of the above, but ONLY solo.  -  votes: 2 / 5.9%
Some or any of the above, with my partner.  -  votes: 1 / 2.9%

What happens during your Aneros-less sessions?

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Some users are lucky to experience prostate orgasms without an Aneros massager inserted. I was wondering what type of prostate orgasms you have experienced without the Aneros.

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Nice poll, brine.

Yes, NASs (non aneros sessions) can be just about as rewarding as ones with my toys. And like a VICE session, they're very cool, but different from a session with a toy.

I enjoy NASs frequently, and as a nice alternative to the prep needed for a normal session.

I start with a nice firm erection, and then use PC and anal contractions to start working on my prostate. I find that stroking the sides of the penis shaft below the scrotum, all the way down to the anus is very stimulating, as the prostate lies buried deep below.

Great to know that I'm not alone out there!

Share the energy, boys....


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Now almost 2 years into my aneros journey, I am enjoying NAS VERY much and VERY often! I usually start by pressing gently over my bush and either making circular or back-and-forth motions with my middle and ring fingers. Other times I'll press firmly with my middle finger into the magic point on my perineum just in front of my anus. Either technique will excite my prostate into first radiating sensations at the base of my scrotum working upwards to the tip of my penis and THEN very enjoyable contractions and FINALLY full body orgasms --- always with precum oozing and surges. This morning, I awakened with the feeling of radiating at the base of my scrotum which soon culminated in a strong full body O. I feel incredibly blessed and continually thank my creator God for the awesome way He knit me together in my mother's womb! For me, NASs are another remarkable reminder of His presence in my life!

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Cockadoodle and Starr831 -

Thank you for sharing your experiences. I too feel amazingly blessed to have NAS orgasms. Mine usually start with simple pelvic contractions, then comes the prostate buzz. From there it progresses through p, mini, dry, supers, and calm orgasms. My wife knows how to help me through the process. She knows all my "spots" and expertly stimulates them. If we do have intercourse immediately following, the traditional orgasm is pretty super too. I leak the whole time, usually leaving a nice wet spot on the sheets! She gets very aroused while she arouses me. We both enjoy multiple orgasms together! I agree, Starr. I too believe that God has made me in fearful and wonderful ways, including the ecstasy of orgasm. There is no end to the discoveries of His handiwork.

Again, guys, thanks for sharing.


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Ever since getting the Progasm, I've truly experienced the prostate awakening! During Non-Aneros sessions, I now get the full range of prostate sensations. So far only some Mini P Orgasms, but I can feel myself gleefully headed down the road to full Super-O without Aneros inserted!

It's also so much better now when my wife fingers my ass! So much more sensitive and orgasmanic!

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Congratulations varmint!! 😀 😀

Great that all this, and your NAS opening, particularly to these energies whenever, have also spiced up your fingering by your wife!! Try the Wedding Band position for man/wife mutual prostates fingering if you haven't intuitively yet!! See my blog for details. All the best with your continuing prostate awakening!

Thanks so much brine for this keystone poll in aneros understanding!! 😀 😀 And thanks friends Cockadoodle and STARR831 for your expert personal reports!!!

all the most excellent adventuring to all orgasmic energies levels via the great aneros-less route thanks to aneros prostate awakening all


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I have been starting to enjoy more of my non Aneros sessions. I usually start off with some nip stim which triggers some nice p-waves. They aren't as strong as when I have an Aneros in me but they can feel rather good.

Another thing that is different about non Aneros session for me is that I'm more likely to touch my cock. If I get to the point when I start having dry o's, I'll go for a traditional orgasm which can be pretty intense. All in all, I prefer to have sessions with the Aneros and only have Anerosless ones when I feel lazy. They can be good but sometimes I miss the feeling of having the toy in my ass.

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I'm still quite a newbie, but A-Less sessions for me are about the same as with Helix inserted. I've had really intense thrusting either way. The feeling of something in my rectum is arousing all by itself and I think I had a more intense session with it once where I really started thrashing around.

At this point A-Less is my preference. I can do many more A-Less sessions during the day if I want than I can with an aneros inserted, simply because I don't need to lube or worry about hygene or removing the Helix in the bathroom so I can wash it and my butt right away, etc.

I think I get a bit more pleasure with the Helix in, but it's only additional icing on the cake!

Again though - I newbie.

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Cockadoodle and Starr831 -

Thank you for sharing your experiences. I too feel amazingly blessed to have NAS orgasms. Mine usually start with simple pelvic contractions, then comes the prostate buzz. From there it progresses through p, mini, dry, supers, and calm orgasms. My wife knows how to help me through the process. She knows all my "spots" and expertly stimulates them. If we do have intercourse immediately following, the traditional orgasm is pretty super too. I leak the whole time, usually leaving a nice wet spot on the sheets! She gets very aroused while she arouses me. We both enjoy multiple orgasms together! I agree, Starr. I too believe that God has made me in fearful and wonderful ways, including the ecstasy of orgasm. There is no end to the discoveries of His handiwork.

Again, guys, thanks for sharing.


@Brine --- You described my NAS experience exactly! Some simple contractions lead to the prostate buzz...OMG...I get such a thrill from the buzz...it's just so incredible to linger in that buzz state for 20-30 minutes! I do go as far as you described given a good 90 minutes of available session time! This morning the buzz was amazing...I was in total awe of how good it became!


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Wow, Theme_Gasm!

Great to hear. Been a while since we've chatted. Hope things are well with you.


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So very excited for you!!


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About a year and a half ago I got my first a-less feelings and soon after I decided to concentrate on my a-less game. Ever since I have started almost every session a-less and it took me about 6 months to achieve my first a-less super O. The most important thing that I have learned from my a-less journey is how to fan the flames of arousal using my mind only with some nipple stim. If my a-less start does not produce strong p-waves or mild super o's then the aneros session will be a bust. Sometimes my a-less session if so powerful that I don't even insert my aneros at all. One of my top Hall of Fame sessions was a-less.

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It's great to read all of these accounts. Thank you to everyone who's posted.I can get to a point where a wave of energy washes over me. After it feels like every cell in my body is buzzing intensely but I feel like I'm waiting for something more & that's when it usually fades. There does seem to be progression though so I try to keep an open mind.

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It gets better and better, my friend!


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i must say best thing i ever bought ,anero helix syn 😀 8-X

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Been havng regular super o sessions with the aneros for past six months and been trying a- less a few times and made a lot of progress the last few attempts ,i've found with the aneros i get the moaning orgasmic pleasure as it strokes my prostate and builds till super o however the a less is more of a calming whole body trip that has me tingling from head to toe and with bursts of energy and seems to involve more of my mind and body rather than the anus and prostate alone ,last night i felt my abdomen pulsing and sending the waves around my body and it felt like my prostate was beating rather than my heart ,not a thrashing around shaking orgasm but a longer drawn out pulsing all over then slight whole body quiver then tingling and almost dream like mental state .The major break through for me is allowing my mind to control this trip from start to finish where nomally i insert the aneros and let it do it's thing .I assume i'm on the right track but the a less for me has seemed like a total different orgasm than with,in some ways less intense and climaxing as with the aneros but longer and almost trance inducing mind journey.

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Beautiful description of your A-less pleasures. So cool to hear these stories. Reminds me that we all have amazing and distinct experiences, each one customized to our joy.

Thank you for sharing,


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Been continuing with the a less and trying some ksmo and this really gets the prostate buzzing and by breathing in deep with the abdomen and then out and in sync with the prostate i was able to get the pleasure wave to sweep from head to toe and work it up till my whole body was twingeing and tingling with the prostate my whole body was pulsing with orgasms from my lower body. After i finished i was just in like a drug induced altered state i layed there with tingling and pleasure waves all over for about 30 mins,i'm still tingling now 5 hours later.Yesterday i tried a similar thing with the progasm jnr and the orgasms were deep almost unbearable in intensity but a less the orgasms were more spread out along my body and more prolonged and blissfull. The a less is becoming my favourite way but it's taken some time to really get the knack of it but wow it's good.

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IMHO the Aneros and Peridise (and all the others!) can yield quick orgasmic results and can be great means of getting started along the super-highway. But eventually, in my experience FWIW, the biggest, most intense, most satisfying and longest FBOs come from a device-free practice.

Your early results are amazing. Keep posting.


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I completely agree. Becoming rewired opens us up to a completely natural pleasure zone.

Enjoy your journey!


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