Sharing Aneros expe...
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Sharing Aneros experiences with others Poll is created on Oct 19, 2017

Poll results: Sharing Aneros experiences with others
Voter(s): 64
Poll is created on Oct 19, 2017
No, this is private to me  -  votes: 33 / 51.6%
Yes occasionally, under right circumstances  -  votes: 29 / 45.3%
Yes, I spread the word as much as I can  -  votes: 3 / 4.7%

Sharing Aneros experiences with others

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Do you speak about your prostate activities and Aneros experiences with friends or others or it a dark secret for you? Details are welcome

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I discussed it my closest friend only as I cannot afford to have this subject revealed to my better half. This friend is intrigued and always interested in hearing about my progress.

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During my five/six year Aneros journey, I have only shared with two people here that I use Aneros for maintaining good prostate health. Unfortunately I go to a large Presbyterian Church USA parish which is rather conservative and straight-laced when it comes to sexual issues. There are many men at the church I attend who could benefit from a regimen of prostate massage from Aneros. Most of the men are married. Their wives if they themselves knew of the health benefits of Aneros would support this regimen in their husbands' lives.

Bill Bately
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Yes, it's a good question. Feel that promoting Aneros would be good, but really I DO wonder at the reception, if it would be taken the wrong way. So I don't, yet. Hmm, what to do?

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@Bill Bately, early this morning as I was rising for the day, I had a most refreshing sleep. I awoke with a most delicious and powerful Aless. But I had a realization: Alas, I am an American man living in a society where many are uptight on sexual matters, much less being closed minded to a good understanding of accurate sexual information. I know that raising issues on human sexuality, just as questions on good sexual health, would cause shock and offense to most people I know these days. Good prostate health in men is so essential to their overall sexual health. Hence this information should be known to husbands and wives, and their physicians. Unfortunately for most people I know now it is a very delicate subject and an taboo area for discussion in polite company.

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@BigGlansDC you bring excellent points. I would love to broadcast this discovery to as many people as I could, for many reasons including health but unfortunately society limits us from doing it; you at your church, me with my marital situation and many readers for their own reasons.

It would be interesting to read some of their reasons.

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@GGringo, my experience is similar to yours, except the church is very much like a mother or wife to me. There are definite medical benefits of Aneros sessions as well as sense of well-being that outweigh the need to share with non-listening ears.

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While I haven't discussed it with others yet, I plan to bring it up in my next men's group meeting. I don't know how this will be received but I just have to give it a try.

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It's private right now but if I was in a relationship or had really good friends I'd share my experiences with them.

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Can’t answer the poll. For me it’s a dark secret for me and my wife but could never talk about it to anybody else.

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My wife knows I use them. She doesn't want to 'get in on the fun' but knows they are good for prostate health and knows they have given me a new level of pleasure, which makes her happy.

I have a young friend that is still living with his parents but has begun to get into anal play for a new, superior kind of masturbation. I have texted him back and forth at length about how awesome aneros devices are, and when he has his own place he can get some toys and explore prostate orgasms. I look forward to teaching him and comparing notes.

frekans, frekans and frekans reacted
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My wife and my doctor know I use aneros and similar devices for health and for pleasure.

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I'd love to have an Aneros "buddy" but I don't know anyone personally who is also a user.

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thats what we are here for, man!

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I'd love to have an Aneros "buddy" but I don't know anyone personally who is also a user.

For a real time buddy - You might be able to meet someone with an ad along that line - craigslist [be careful] fetlife [also be careful etc.] For a virtual buddy, right here would work.

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Thanks,wetdream63, I think the "virtual" buddy would work best for me. I appreciate your suggestions!

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Interesting results to this pole; thank you to everyone who voted and commented on the subject.

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I voted "No" because so far it's private, but I would be OK sharing it with the right people. NOT my mom of course, but I did sort of feel out my current roommate about anal matters and he's a definite No also. And like Big Glans mentioned, I doubt this is something I'll be broadcasting at church either. I'm glad there's the online community which provides such a good support base. I plan on getting married sooner or later and wouldn't think of hiding something like this from my wife, that seems like a recipe for disaster. Better to let her know ahead of time, I think.

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I have shared this with my wife and I found that to be a super positive experience. For me, I think that it has been the key to my success with the aneros up to this point.

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I do not even discuss my regular masturbation or for that matter my sex life with my wife with my friends. I think it would be considered inappropriate.
i used to use the chat on Aneros to talk about such erotica but that is usually broken. I have also Skyped with people from Aneros
