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Modifications To Your Aneros Massager? Poll is created on Nov 21, 2007

Poll results: Modifications To Your Aneros Massager?
Voter(s): 6
Poll is created on Nov 21, 2007
A.) No, I haven't made any modifications.  -  votes: 2 / 33.3%
B.) Yes, I cut the loop tail/handle off.  -  votes: 1 / 16.7%
C.) Yes, I modified the P-tab arm relationship.  -  votes: 0 / 0%
D.) Yes, I modified the P-tab pressure surface.  -  votes: 2 / 33.3%
E.) B & C  -  votes: 1 / 16.7%
F.) B & D  -  votes: 0 / 0%
G.) B, C & D  -  votes: 0 / 0%
H.) C & D  -  votes: 0 / 0%
I.) Yes, OTHER modification(s)... (please explain)  -  votes: 0 / 0%

Modifications To Your Aneros Massager?

Illustrious Member Customer
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While I know many of you have multiple models of Aneros massagers, this poll is intended to find out how many of you have made structural modifications to any one of them and WHY you did so. I know that many have buffed and polished their toys, but this is more of a refinement than a modification and is not included as a voting option. Please post a brief reason for the modification and the model(s) altered.

I have a MGX (cut the tail off), a HELIX (cut the tail off) and a PROGASM (straightened the K-tab arm, shaped the neck narrower, removed the keel). These mods were done to make usage possible while in a sitting position.
Prior poll results : [553 votes]
A.) No, I haven't made any modifications. [188] 33.87%
B.) Yes, I cut the loop tail/handle off. [233] 41.98%
C.) Yes, I modified the P-tab arm relationship. [0] 0%
D.) Yes, I modified the P-tab pressure surface. [11] 1.98%
E.) B & C [44] 7.93%
F.) B & D [11] 1.98%
G.) B, C & D [22] 3.96%
H.) C & D [22] 3.96%
I.) Yes, OTHER modification(s)... (please explain) [22] 3.96%

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Noble Member Customer
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I have 5 models (MGX, Helix, Eupho, Maximus & Progasm) and I have cut the curly tails off of the MGX, Eupho & Maximus. When I first decided to modify my MGX, I was in the pre-orgasmic stage and heard that it allowed more movement. I believe that it did, so off with the other tails! I kept it on the Helix just to have it be different than the others. I have made no modifications to the Progasm at all.

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Member Adventurer
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Posts: 18

I have not modified my MGX itself.
But I usually put a latex cushion on the abutment.
It prevents slipping off the abutment from the spot, and the pressure is not weaken but soften somehow.

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Member Adventurer
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Posts: 93

I have cut the tail of my Helix to allow use while sitting or if I feel like running some errands. It's enjoyable in combination with the vibrations of a moving car.
