Male Sexual Orienta...
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Male Sexual Orientation Here Poll is created on Aug 15, 2008

Poll results: Male Sexual Orientation Here
Voter(s): 33
Poll is created on Aug 15, 2008
Transgendered or Intersexed  -  votes: 1 / 3%
Gay - bi  -  votes: 3 / 9.1%
Straight  -  votes: 8 / 24.2%
Straight - curious  -  votes: 7 / 21.2%
Gay  -  votes: 6 / 18.2%
Bisexual  -  votes: 3 / 9.1%
Just figuring it out  -  votes: 3 / 9.1%
Straight - bi  -  votes: 3 / 9.1%

Male Sexual Orientation Here

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As I read the threads since joining last year, we are a community of straight, bi, gay and any other variation in between or other reflecting the whole rainbow of male sexual experience. For some heterosexual males, anal penetration by anything can be a serious barrier of socialized fears and beliefs.

The great thing about this community here is that we are discussing anal/prostate play/ecstasy for all males across the entire spectrum, with mutual respect, true scientific/aesthetic enquiry, and wildly joyous celebration, learning from each other across those artificial and damaging social category boundaries!

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I am in complete agreement with you here. You’ve said it well, the pleasure principle binds us all into a universal neighborhood of humans with unique life experiences we can all share during our individual journeys regardless of our sexual orientation.

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No matter what color skin or what language one speaks, we are all feeling and experiencing our sexual pleasures. Everyone is sexual. Each person needs to find there liking. How one arrives and explores their sexual pleasures is up to the individual. Experiment and explore! Nood

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Although im straight, i do like watching guys get off, so you could call me "Straight-Curious". Of course in a physical encounter it woulld have to be with a girl of course. But research, is research.

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Thanks rumel, nood1963, johntrevy and all who have voted here so far. Although the sample is small, I think the distribution is interesting and not out of line with other studies and larger samples. I hope more Anerosians will thoughtfully share their reflections and experience in posts here.

all the best to all


B Mayfield
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The manufacturer has stated to me in the past that they figure around 70 - 80% straight and 20-30% gay. If you combined all of the straight and straight-hybrid categories that you have it puts it right in 70%.

However, while the gay membership of the forum may be in this range, it is likely that the population of actual gay users is a great deal larger. Why?

HIH has been targeting this market for several years now. The development of the Progasm was in part due to requests by gay users for a larger device. (Hey, let the record show that I had asked for it too! LOL). It's possible that such users see themselves as "anally experienced" and not in need of the support of a community like ours or that they are uncomfortable with a predominately straight forum.

Whatever the case may be, all are welcome here, regardless of orientation.

BF Mayfield

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Hi artform,
I was one of the earlier voters, but did not post a message.

I have been married for 35 years, but believe myself to be "Straight-Bi".

Years ago, I had some major "fun" with some buddies "straight guys" that were just very horny! me included, I will admit, I did enjoy the fondling, and sucking, but I know that I cannot do this all the time, nor could I be gay full time, because I just like my wife, and looking at ladies way to much!! 😀

My wife and I have done a lot of what most couples would call very unusual, and taboo, but to whom... Just because I like to have more than 1 beautiful woman at a time to have fun, and I find it OK, oh well!

Johntrevy, With what you have said, I find you to be totally normal in the world of men, and "curious" is a healthy male indeed!
Look at XTube, they have a great deal of males doing things we males like to view and are curious about. 😀

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Hi BF and skeeter_g!

Thanks for your comments and stories. BF, I think it is interesting to see these results from several different methods of aggregating the group numbers as well. And it is great to see the current responses swelling the figures...

skeeter_g, I appreciate your story and candour. I too voted Straight - Bi and have told at least some key parts of my story in other posts, but will honour your telling by telling mine here too, in the hopes that many other will share these kinds of insights. My story is in no way a critique of any of yours or anyone else's. There is no judgement implied. These are all personal choices and my imagination and some practices can be as wild or wilder than anyone's.

I have been married almost 40 years, monogamous and happy. Before our children we had a wonderful sex life for several years, then found we needed to detour through fertility clinics for five years which ended successfully after I had surgery for a varicose vein on my left testicle and my wife had some hormone therapy. That five years with scheduled intercourse at key times and temperatures and producing semen samples in public washrooms for the various clinic tests was a very curious sex life, but one we made sport of with great humour most of the time. We have two fine children, now young men of accomplishments, and they have been our focus for the past twenty-five years.

I was a sickly child and a difficult birth, raised by my mother and nurses mostly for at least the first two years at times in quarantine. My father did not get to hold me until I was two or a little more. I was raised on doctor-prescribed phenobarbitol and atropine for my first six years and had abdominal surgery during that time. I suspect that those drugs over that time had probably pre-rewired me early in several ways!

I was very tall and thin for my age as I grew and was quite shy early, growing quite intellectually adventurous and outspoken in the later pre-puberty years. At one point I declared my interest in yoga and planned "to develop the skill of lowering my large bowel through my anus inside-out as the East Indians do to clean it". I was not strong and still ill on and off during those years and at school was bullied and taunted: "four-eyes!, girl!, fag! etc.", partly because my family were prominent businessmen and community leaders. This, even as I was dating a girl and partying with others before high school...

About this time I was sent to a boys summer camp for three summers, which covered the last full year of pre-puberty, the year of puberty itself and the first year of emerging from the transition year. This was 1959 -1961 I think. Sacked out in our tents in separate wooded sections of the site based on age, we all yacked about sex, in our ignorance, in the first two years. We went from being shy to occasional group nudity without is being sexual. One of the louder campers expounded at length on how he was going to "screw his girlfriend's ass" when he got back home, and meant her anus. I'm not sure he knew about vaginas at that point! Through the second year and into the third I suffered from serious ulcers and was treated for months with a medication that again had atropine as a significant ingredient. More chemical rewiring during puberty?!

The final year we were in the senior section, the counsellors wore only jockstraps at times, and there was no sexual contact or abuse that I know of, but there was lots of friendly teasing back and forth and we were a little more knowledgeable, although this was well before any sex education! As lights went out in the tent at night, the sex talk explored more areas in detail with less bellicosity and more serious quiet attention. As the talk progressed, on occasion, erections appeared popping out of sleeping bags and flashlights follow-spotted them. At times one naked or semi-clad body or another would shadow from its bed to another's for some tentative mutual penis stroking, although never to anywhere close to ejaculation. During this year at times I did feel twitching and feelings in my rectum, explored with my finger and found my prostate! I kept this to myself, butt back home in the privacy of my own bedroom, my prostate massage adventures began and in a year or two the Intellectual Orgasms voyaging began! Here is that story from my blog:

At about 17, a male friend and I, highly frustrated even while dating girls seriously during the pre-Pill era, decided we would experiment together with shared fully sexual explorations. I described that in the Gay Guys thread awhile ago:

So I have explored it all with no regrets and remain friends with the male lover of my youth, with no sex, although we talk freely about our individual ongoing sexual development. I have encouraged him to try the aneros journey!

My late teens were spent (almost three years) in a rigid brace: back, chest, chin and back of head or step-down rigid collar-cuffs after two severe whiplashes in a row, about eighteen months apart. More lashings of antispasm and other medications!

Mrs. a refers to my time here on this Forum and KSMO as me "being back at summer camp" 😆

I think of it as being a mix of that and Plato's Symposium and I appreciate all of these conversations very very much. So does mrs. a for all our great adventures with our mutual prostate practices and others through this past year and a half, or when I introduce another variation that may have been triggered by discussions here! 😀

It seems to me that our journey's that brought us to Aneros also shape our Aneros journey's that we share so openly here, and that there may be real value to sharing those earlier life journeys and their possible influences. I can imagine a play, a fun parody and a serious parallel Aneros Symposium as another type of work of art emerging from this community. Hmmmm.....

I find most pornography of any type tedious in its staged heartless dryness. But I like occasional rounds of gay, lesbian, bi or hetero porn, particularly if there are real people actually caring for each other and genuinely enjoying each other as well as themselves, of which there are a few examples on xtube and other sites. That is really not pornography, but art or education like darwin and arcticwolves vids! I really don't think you can be offended by the human body doing what it is meant to do when it is presented with positive energy and dignity.

Thanks again skeeter_g for launching the pre-journey journey storytelling here. I look forward to others sharing their stories too.

all the best to all


all the best

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You guys are great!!! I just joined yesterday and I feel like one of the guys already! LOL

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I'm gay. I think I already participated in this poll a while ago. Here is some information about sexual orientation and bisexuality:

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There appears to be more straight than gay men that use the Aneros according to the evidence in this poll. I always thought it was about 50/50.

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At age 25, when my retiring physician tried his best to seduce me but did not succeed, I'd have reported "straight." I was very judgmental toward that physician.

At age 32 I would have reported myself as "Straight - Curious."

Since age 40 I would have reported myself as "Straight - Bi."

"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you."


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Welcome pif, equalityboy81 and AncientKid! 😀 😀 😀

Thanks for your enthusiasm, instant bonding, information link sharing and AK, that eloquent haiku of your orientation autobiography! AK, as the newest member of this trio, welcome to the Forum as one of the those with the deepest time depth of experience! It was wonderful to chat with you and meet you that way in the recent Open Chat here.

This thread is probably the best opportunity to reflect upon your own orientation revelation/evolution events and dynamics and share the experiences of value to you that could help others put their situation into deeper historical perspective.

Thanks again and look forward to everyone taking a crack at the more detailed autobio!

we live in our language
and sometimes cannot know what we think and know without speaking it aloud to others
or even better writing it and sharing it


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Before the Aneros Id consider myself completely straight with no weird thoughts whatsoever. Combining the Aneros with marijuana however I'm not so sure anymore...Weird fantasies come into my head. Last night for example I was experiencing another great orgasm while using my Peridise. I was cumming all over the place when I decided to insert the Progasm....I was so turned on that I just sucked it in without any bother. I was actually cumming standing up with my Progasm in...when I thought to myself :"I feel so horny now if there was a man with a big hot dick standing behind me and fucking me in my arse I wouldn't even mind." And the tabooness of this thought actually turned me on even more. While normally this would revolt me and I never get horny thinking of men. But in this particular circumstance.....
Also, in the same vein, I've had fantasies about raping young girls.At least acting out both parts.
It seems with the Aneros, the more the taboo, the heavier is the turn on

Maybe orientation can be molded and isn't a static. For example in Greece homosexuality and pedophily was common.
Same goes for psychopaths, at least the way I see that it has a sexual element to it....probably for warriors in the past they actually lusted for blood...went berserk .

Sexual energy it's obvious has many modes of expression.

How much is indoctrination?

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Married, in a Mixed Orientated Marriage. I am celebate now concerning my gay side. That is why I am very interested in the Aneros and my need for anal penetration. I have a wonderful wife who needs me and I do not want divorce.

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I just put in my "vote" I guess... I was thinking though, there should be a gay-curious on this as well... Because just like there are straight curious guys there are some gay people who are curious to be or experiment with the opposite sex... p.s I put gay-bi since I can be really turned on by women, to the point where I occasionally sleep with them lol 😛 but I swear I'm gay! haha

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Straight as an arrow.


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I just put in my "vote" I guess... I was thinking though, there should be a gay-curious on this as well... Because just like there are straight curious guys there are some gay people who are curious to be or experiment with the opposite sex... p.s I put gay-bi since I can be really turned on by women, to the point where I occasionally sleep with them lol 😛 but I swear I'm gay! haha

Same with me! LOL

As a teenager I fantasized about guys, but was ironically too repressed to be open to girls, the product of a Protestant anti-sex upbringing and the feminist girls-are-not-for-sex message, I think. As I passed my early 20's I believed I was asexual, until I philosophically discussed my ambiguity with friends (still before ever having sex). After about a year of mulling over my attraction to men with friends, I gave it a try and eventually identified as gay for a year or so after that. To date, I only sleep with men, but my fantasies have turned full circle towards women! Sometimes I need that female fantasy to get off in the end... A bi group is my biggest turn on now.

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I voted Straight - Curious. I just way too into girls to be interested in any sort of relation with another man. However, I occasionally been curious about anal sex.

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Voted as straight, which I definatly am, but as I was contemplating ordering my MGX, I wondered if my growing interest in anal pleasure was the begining of a shift in my sexuality? Wonder if other straight users have felt that? As thing go at the moment, the only things going up my bum are man-made... no, rephrase that.....artifical!!!!!!!

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I attended English boarding schools (single-sex) for five years, and we experimented with each other during and after puberty, but never advanced to anal intercourse.

Since I left school (in 1956), I have never had any interest in sexual activity with males and count myself as strongly heterosexual and have voted accordingly.

The Aneros experience for me has nothing to do with ones sexuality.

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Voted as straight, which I definatly am, but as I was contemplating ordering my MGX, I wondered if my growing interest in anal pleasure was the begining of a shift in my sexuality? Wonder if other straight users have felt that? As thing go at the moment, the only things going up my bum are man-made... no, rephrase that.....artifical!!!!!!!

Yes Artisan, I am feeling the same thing. Since I have ordered and used my MGX I have become more and more aware of my interest in anal pleasure. I voted as straight, but I am curious about bi-curious.

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I am gay, and is product has made my sex life with my partner of 14 years even more incredible than it was before. When we have sex, he can make me cum like a woman just by slowly penetrating me. I have never had orgasms like this in my life. I didn't think that it was possible for a man, to not only have an orgasm by being penetrated, but for that orgasm to be more intense and pleasurable than any orgasm I've ever had be jerking off. So, yes, I am gay...and this product has brought me closer sexually to my partner than we have ever been before.

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I consider myself straight, I mean there's some curiosity there, and I wouldn't mind experimenting just once. But it's nothing I really think about, and you can't replace a girls smile.

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I'm bisexual.
I've always preferred females to males, but I've found both body shapes attractive since I was a teen. Since I could go either way, I chose female in this culture simply because, 50 years ago, that was the easiest way to go. I feel fortunate that I could go with either sex depending on circumstances, and I have had very interesting loving relationships with both sexes. I've only given and received oral willingly, and have given anal mainly to please the other person because they requested it. A vagina feels much better to me. It fits my penis much more comfortably (like a glove).
I've traveled around the world, and most cultures are more tolerant of sexual orientation, and are more open-minded in general about sex than here.
You straight guys should know that not all gays want anal sex . Some guys only want to give oral pleasure to other guys, some only want to receive oral from other guys but not be f**ked in the ass ever, others want to give oral and be assf**ked, and others will only be the giver of anal. Not all gay or bisexual men want to kiss and cuddle other men. Many gay guys only exchange oral with each other their entire relationship together, and never have anal in either direction.
I hope this gives some of you a new perspective. I have no idea why people's sexual orientation is the way it is, it's just is what it is. I'm big and strong so nobody ever gave me much lip about it. I look and act 100% straight arrow. On those few occasions when someone has pushed me on my orientaion, I've decked and punched the s**t of out alot of them. One time I was working on an oil service rig in Nebraska and was harrassed by one guy constantly. I finally just decked him and everyone quit working to see what would happen. He lost. I only lost a fight if I'd had too much to drink. I learned to be careful how much I drank. It's an incorrect stereotype that all gays and bisexuals are effeminate. You'd never know that I wasn't 100% straight if you met me on the street.

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As a Bisexual man, let me "second" what you have just posted. Not all gay-bi men are the same and not all desire the same kind kind of sexual relations. Thank you for clarifying this for our straight brothers.

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Welcome macjim, rickg, RobNewm, and Pommie!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀

First let me second rickg's "second" of your post/contribution macjim! There's macjim cubed!

This kind of open male development life story sketch is very helpful to all in the Forum. Others of us have discussed having Polls here to bring forth these kinds of distinctions in gay life and practice. Would you consider starting such polls macjim?This information is very important in a forum such as this, for all members enlightenment.

Thanks too to Pommie for your frank male development experience summary at one end of the shared male experience range, [COLOR="red"]now enjoying Aneros prostate awakening, and RobNewm for your enthusiasm for the great orgasmic enhancement possible for a man who is a gay bottom, [COLOR="red"]through Aneros prostate awakening, in a committed relationship!! Thanks very much to you both too.

all the best to all wherever you are on this adventurous Anerosian spectrum


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Welcome Normandy, badgerino, artisan, heydude!!!! 😀 😀 AND atm853 and rainstomp!! 😀 Smilies All, site limitations don't allow more than four...

Thank you all for your posts of your personal perspectives and orientation varied points of view. What I find very interesting about your recent joining/posting is the great common ground expressed. It has been interesting to see the shifting patterns in this poll even as the basic proportional relationships have been remarkably consistent. You guys reflect these subtler shifts.

Originally Straight-Bi outnumbered Straight-Curious, and significantly outnumbered Bisexual.
Bisexual has come from behind (who could resist!) virtually tying Straight-Bi.
Straight-Curious has moved out in front of Straight-Bi prominently, almost challenging Gay.
Just-Figuring-It-Out is young and growing.
Gay-Bi is showing growth now too.
Straight is maintaining its lead, butt the rest of the field is never far behind.
The odds are greater still!
Gentlemen, place your butts, and prepare for the trill of a lifetime!
What a hose race!

Sorry, I get carried away. Now we need to do a thorough-bed Anerosian update of the great old American musical, Guys and Dolls!! 😀

What I meant to say is that your varied degrees of "curiosity" to positive pirouettes of possibilities (eh rainstomp?; lovely, whew!...) reflect beautifully Plato's great model of male/female being.

Plato posited that we are each four sexual beings in one:
we males are the current living half of our male full potential,
always searching for our missing maleness;
and often missing our two female natures,
longing consciously or otherwise for the other half of our wholeness of being in the world.

Your ability to tickle your possibilities is a great advantage, IMHO, in really enjoying the full range of benefits from this Aneros journey.

all the best orgasmic explorations and ecstatic experiences here all


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I chose straight.

I'm unsure what brought me to be interested in prostate stimulation.
I think it was just from random browsing of sexual material online that I came upon the idea.
While I'd be interested in anal penetration by another, it would have to be a woman doing it, I think.

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Welcome JacobWins! 😀

Thanks for your prose haiku of a meaningful personal introduction! Very enlightening and challenging in posing the resolution of this astounding potential of orgasmic ecstasies and far beyond for someone who is straight. The great thing is that Aneros devices, practices, and this wonderful community make all that exploration possible in a mutually respectful sharing of this core of male being.

If you enjoy writing and having a record that is shared, perhaps you want to consider starting a blog of your journey here in the Blogs section.

all the best as your journey, your mapping of it and your development along the way unfold all


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