Do others know?
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Do others know? Poll is created on Jul 23, 2007

Poll results: Do others know?
Voter(s): 15
Poll is created on Jul 23, 2007
No one  -  votes: 7 / 46.7%
My spouse  -  votes: 4 / 26.7%
A friend  -  votes: 3 / 20%
A relative  -  votes: 0 / 0%
Other (explain)  -  votes: 0 / 0%
More than two people  -  votes: 0 / 0%
3 - 5 people  -  votes: 2 / 13.3%
5 - 10 people  -  votes: 0 / 0%
10+  -  votes: 0 / 0%

Do others know?

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I feel that way too.

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I'd direct them to the High Island health site for Pro-State massagers. It's the exact sam product as the aneros, but is presented in a far more medical than sexual context. I think people are more likely to take the product seriously in that way.

I agree. For me, if I mentioned to others, it would have to be via the medial aspect. I couldn't push the other aspect of it......"takes playing with yourself to a new level" sort of thing. who would take you seriously?

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Three to five category. Four others.

First it was just my wife. We were expanding our toybox and bought the Helix to compliment her new g-spot toys. Started out as a foreplay tool for me and she's been OK with that since first insertion. She is adverse to being penetrated anally and set that boundary before we were married--blamed an abusive event in her teens. (I've learned to not push that boundary-- immediate turn off).

She's not interested in pegging me but occasionally will jokingly play with the Aneros handle. Has also assisted in a couple of bondage games that involved the Helix.

Maintain a solid communication and loving+sensual support of our marriage to ensure her that, although I do experience bi-curious thoughts, I'm in an avowed monogamous relationship with her. Generally, she would prefer to be in denial about my shift from militant homo-phob to a bi-curious straight; however, she stands by my Aneros use.

When I got serious about my 'journey' I shared my use with my Urologist. He was familiar with the Aneros/HIH product line and noted it in my patient chart. This year we'll expand the conversation and find out how my bhp'd prostate feels to him after a year of TLC by dame Aneros. Will ask how common Aneros use is among his patient load.

When I had issues with glycerin I made individual approaches to two buddies, who are gay, for suggestions about anal lubes and anal health. (first asking permission to discuss the subject.) Both granted me permission to ask and were very open with their opinions. Surprise -- both denied knowledge of the Aneros.

One of these gents seemed interested in trying an MGX and he may now be active in this Forum. We both value our anonymous entities and have never shared handles even though we exchange thoughts on the mechanics of anal play. We seem to avoid addressing the emotions of male-male sexual interaction though and we are OK with that boundary. I think I get far more from these communications than does he.

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My wife knows and she is happy for me. She said, I have that many toys; nice that you found something that suits you!

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The more people who know about this, the better.

If you're married, you have GOT to use the Helix during sex. Getting oral with this thing inside is just amazing.

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My wife is the only one who knows now. She is very happy that I am enjoying it and exploring my sexuality.

After experiencing several Super Orgasms last week, I feel like telling all of my male friends. That may come later.

I did have time the day after my first Super-O experiences to tell my wife about the experience. It was the other night, while laying in bed with my wife. I began to have p-waves, mini-o's, and dry o's. While that was going on, I talked with my wife about the Super-O experience. She was very interested. The fun part was that while we were laying there chatting, I was having mini-o's and dry-o's. I would have to pause occasionally to let the orgasm to subside and then continue chatting. We finished the conversation, and my orgasms got stronger. The whole time I was holding my wife's hand. Then I had a really nice, medium strong Super-O. It was the first one she has seen me have. It was a very sensual and intimate moment. I did tell her that that Super-O was about one fourth as strong as the ones I had the days before. A short while later, she and I had a great session of sex. Ending in me having three traditional orgasms during intercourse. Incredible.

All of this is to say...tell your partner, guys. It takes the journey on a beautiful path!

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Three traditional orgasms? Is this the norm for you or do you attribute the three traditional orgasms to the benefits of your aneros experiences?

And, please give us your age. I had three tradtional orgasms per day (not all in one session) on my honeymoon almost forty years ago. But what you describe is super human. Tell us more.

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Three traditional penile orgasms, not ejaculations, during one session of intercourse after some non-Aneros Super O's. They came in pretty quick succession, within about a minute. I'm not superhuman, but I DO attribute this new skill to my prostate awakening with the Aneros. I'm 53.

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This thread is so interesting admitidly I have a funny story for the first person who knew lol was actually my mum I live at uni and didnt want her to know tbh , I got a phone call when I was at uni and she was like do you know about this package someone must have sent it as a joke as i sent it to the wrong address lol had the syringe and lube and everything must have been a major shock tho she is a nurse, she then thought i was gay I admitted it was me that brought it tho as i dont like keeping stuff to myself I just mentioned th health benifits. she then called me up about 30 mins later and said it was cool that I owned one. I have told a few people at uni just a few guys I get on with i couldnt help tell them the funny story and I told a close guy m8 and a close girl m8 who where cool with it 🙂 guys shouldnt be too scared to share with woman they can be pritty cool with this stuff i mean one of my ova girl m8s even knows about my fleshlight, I voted 3-5

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just gf but i would like to tell the whole world like every toy we buy, but with the way i scream maybe the whole world knows so many men are so homophobic or afraid of anal play and so taboo if they only knew what they are missing out on.

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o well we cant point n laugh at those peeps and be like we get more pleasure than you 🙂

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Well i have just ordered my first Aneros (Helix) and ill be telling my step dad as he's a GP and he has had some major prostate problems (an operation to help him) I think ill be showing him the HIH site and when he is comfortable with the concept ill go in for the kill with the sexual benefits (aneros website). What a fabulous product where the initial aim can be health and oh what wonderful extras that comes with it.

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I told a female friend and she was rather incredulous so I emphasized the medical benefits and left it at that.
We are long time friends so I felt as if I could rely on her discretion but it is not that vital to me. I do plan to keep my participation in aneros private from now on.

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The, "10+" group is now one rather than zero. Butt I'm locked out from making a change.

Perhaps this post is more about "spreading the word" rather than "who knows."

A week ago, I left the vibe capsule from my Vice lying on my nightstand as a reminder to change the battery. Since it's rather innocuous and was lying alongside a stainless steel pen and pencil, I figured that no one would recognize what it was.

Youngest son dropped by last weekend and he asked to use the phone in our bedroom for quiet during a conference call.

Last night he and I were in a Skype chat regarding a mundane business matter when he asked, "was that steel cylinder on your nightstand what I think it was ? I own one just like it."

Looks like 'itchy-prostate' is an inherited quality. 😀

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All I can say, is I've told 20 odd thousand people now.
But in all honesty, 0.
My new g/f is from Texas & she's a bit of a God botherer.
So no way am I gonna upset the applecart at
this minute.
In fact one of my bro's came over my joint a few days ago and he saw my Aneros on the shower curtain rail.
He asked 'What's this thing here our kid ?'
Oh my god I struggled with that.
All of a sudden, a bolt from the blue hit me.
My girl friends new toy l've just bought her, came my reply.'
Luckily he'd just seen her the night before, so he did'nt think I was making her up to impress him.
Then he hit me with a 'BOMBSHELL'
'If she's having a dilldo that size, that does'nt look too good on you.'
Shit, I thought.
Quick as a flash I said 'it's one of her butt plugs.
By the way, my new gf is very religous, so I'm not expecting any 'hows ya father? ' till we've been wed for about 70 yrs.
If he had got to know, my name address, everything would have been doing about 30 tours of the internet after about 10 seconds.
Brotherly love, hey?

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HI rook!! 😀 😀

The, "10+" group is now one rather than zero. Butt I'm locked out from making a change.

Perhaps this post is more about "spreading the word" rather than "who knows."

A week ago, I left the vibe capsule from my Vice lying on my nightstand as a reminder to change the battery. Since it's rather innocuous and was lying alongside a stainless steel pen and pencil, I figured that no one would recognize what it was.

Youngest son dropped by last weekend and he asked to use the phone in our bedroom for quiet during a conference call.

Last night he and I were in a Skype chat regarding a mundane business matter when he asked, "was that steel cylinder on your nightstand what I think it was ? I own one just like it."

Looks like 'itchy-prostate' is an inherited quality. 😀

Great family tale rook!! Make that 2 in "10+"! As some ancient post above asserts, "I'm the blabbermouth in the "5-10' category." And I am well past that now too. More communicating this great story soon! 😀


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Hello, ohmy.

Good poll. I answered "Spouse" plus 3 - 5, who are my brothers and brother-in-law. If a friend were to mention he has a prostate problem, I'd clue him in, too.



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My ex girlfriend found out early on and was quite open to it, although not actively participant in my Aneros use.

I told a close friend and actually left the massager with him for a period of months, but he didn't use it. He has a pretty modern approach to sexuality but he also has a girlfriend so he never felt a need to try it.

Once when I was pretty tired, I brought up the subject of prostate massage/sticking things up your butt to my close friend group of 3 or 4 people. They were all uncomfortable with it and have poked fun at me for it afterwards, but I've never broached the subject with any of them personally.

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"Blabbermouth" reporting in again!!

As an incentive, maybe we need to add a 50+ category in this poll! 😀

I am at 70+ now and spreading fast!! 😀 😀

Here is my post today in the "Ideas for Spreading the Word" thread in the General Discussion Forum:

artform said:

So, I'm just doing it!!

Attended a public science event focused on de-pathologizing LGBTTQ (lesbian–gay–bisexual–transgendered–two-spirited–queer) sexuality and orientations, wearing my first Aneros t-shirt with the Helix in white on the front and "Have Courage" with "" on the back. There were about 60 people there, men and women about equally.

Had great conversations with quite a few. Gave the "" address to many verbally, with the brief explanation of what's it's all about. Good humour about it and a good reception. Was amazed that no one said: "Oh yah! I know about that!" Not one. Sitting next to me was a friendly psychotherapist from another city and we had quite a detailed conversation. He made notes, including the links. May then advise clients...

...just doing it...


It feels SO GOOD to be able to just talk and share with people in appropriate settings!! 😀


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It's great that you've had opportunities to tell people about Aneros. Most of us who work in commerce, services or industry don't have any appropriate venue to discuss a topic like this. Too many men carry too much baggage about sex, which makes broaching the subject very risky, especially among colleagues, co-workers and casual acquaintances. Consequently, the burden of spreading the word has to be taken up by the manufacturer. Advertising and public relations efforts to put the subject and the products into the mainstream will pay off in sales and in public awareness. At some point, the general exposure levels of the subjects, prostate massage and anal sexual pleasure will become high enough to make it easier for users to discuss these matters more openly.

Best Regards,


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Hi ten_s_nut!! 😀 😀

Sorry if I seemed to be pushing people hard with the post above. Not my intention. I understand that chances to "share in appropriate settings", as I said above, can be rare for all of us. Yet I think our sharing whenever possible is what will build the phenomenon and this community along with the growing membership from interested internet browsing. All the best all!!!

trusting our intuition as with this practice we quietly share this possibility wherever appropriate all


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I'm at 6 people now I believe. The newest happened maybe a week ago. Some months ago I was traveling to a concert with a couple friends and sex talk came about. I was drinking and talked about being able to MMO but never mentioned the Aneros. That's actually how I've brought it up each time. Talk about how men have the ability to MMO and then tell them of the different ways that help bring it about or teach you how. Anyways about a week ago the same friend brought the subject of prostate massage up and sort of opened the conversation up so I went ahead to told him about the Aneros because It was obviously the person was open to talk about these kinds of things.
Problem is that a lot of people aren't down to discuss these types of things. So it can be hard to just bring up the Aneros. If anything like mentioned before I feel more comfortable about talking to people about the fact that men are capable of MMO's and that I personally have plenty experience with this. I've talked to lots of people about that especially girls because they're often just as clueless about this fact as many men are.

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I have told one person and used the wrong term to describe the exercises. Otherwise, I have not told a soul, not even my wife. She and I differ about sexuality in ways too numerous to count. I am not sure in this part of the country (Bible belt) that many people would grasp what I was saying so I just keep my mouth shut.

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I put the last one, probably 100's now.
If you must know more,
go to the general discussion part under I think 'Shameful or Shameless.'
I've just shoved it on a few minutes ago.
Can't be tip tapping allday.
Without going into Aneros shopping part,
are there any Aneros T.Shirts or such things like key rings, lighters with the Aneros livery on them?
And if so, how much can I expect to be paid for wearing and using them? 🙂

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Hi madmick!! 😀 😀

I put the last one, probably 100's now.
If you must know more,
go to the general discussion part under I think 'Shameful or Shameless.'
I've just shoved it on a few minutes ago.
Can't be tip tapping allday.
Without going into Aneros shopping part,
are there any Aneros T.Shirts or such things like key rings, lighters with the Aneros livery on them?
And if so, how much can I expect to be paid for wearing and using them? 🙂

See my Page 1 post #49 (second last) about Aneros T-shirts and wearing in public, and reactions/rewards!! The enthusiasm/curiosity of the ones you talk with is a great human reward. If you are serious about a business deal with Aneros on your own website, check out the corporate link on the Aneros home page.

I was originally the only one in the 5-10 category in this poll, and am now over 100 too.

all the energetic joys of spreading the word all


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