Dear Community,
1st of all thanks a lot for great posts. It helps a lot during my journey.
I have a question regarding the rewiring process.
In the last weeks I have made good progress. Actually after inserting aneros I got immediately good feelings. Contractions and unvoluntaries are starting after 5 Minutes. I was able to get a strong O with squirting prostate fluid after 30 Minutes. And in one session I touched a small super O.
I prefer the do nothing approach and sure every progress in a session depends on the state of arousal.
I am on track with rewiring? Do I have pay attention on something special? Do you have any advice for me to get to next level?
Thanks a lot for your help in advance!
Good to see your making such great advance congrats. sI find concentrating on the feelings I'm having withuot analyzing them helps to enhance them and keeps you in the moment. It also helps to keep you from trying to steer things. I also find exaggerating my enjoyment a little helps, like low moaning, helps to amp me up.
Thanks for reply Tbob!
Is there any recommendation regarding frequency / limitations of sessions? Or only listen to your body and your arousal? To have a break of several days in sessions hard for my. I am actually avoid TOs since 10days.
@rjohann Wow 10 days, you must be able to hammer in nails by now, I'd like to be your penis when that thing Advice is all over the board on frequency and limitations. I think listening to your body is a good strategy. You'll know if your over doing it if your sessions are coming up duds.
I to find it hard to take several days off. Sometimes I barely get the thing out, and arousal is already starting for the next session. It differs so much from person to person. I admit I have little self control, I like you are growing in leaps and bounds right now, which makes it hard to take days off. Some times my body just makes me take a day off. One thing especially while your still in the honeymoon stage, even when your not really feeling it your mind and your prostate are working things out, so you are advancing, you just can't feel it. So long and as your enjoying it, carry on.
Thank´s for the comment Tbob.
Actually i am more focused on prostate orgasm instead penile orgasm. Is there any advice to achieve a HFWO? This should be a target for me after a long session. Or HFWO will happen by itself if the body is ready for it?
I am on track with rewiring?
It sounds to me like you are already there. Repetition helps reinforce the lessons so just keep on doing what is working.
I Do I have pay attention on something special?
I think you will need to guard against expecting your Anerosessions to be consistently productive, they will vary over time, no two sessions will be identical.
I Do you have any advice for me to get to next level?
Just keep practicing, your body will lead you forward.
I Is there any advice to achieve a HFWO?
You might find some ideas for that in these threads -> Just can't achieve a "hands free" orgasm, Finally a hands-free orgasm! & Achieving hands-free ejaculation...continued
Good Vibes to You!
I agree with rumel, you're pretty much there, just keep having sessions and see how things progress. HFWO are their own thing, some guys get them and try to find ways to avoid them, others are trying for the opposite. It's hard to say what triggers them or even if you can train for them. You might try some HFWO erotic hypnosis and see if this can work with your sessions.
thanks a lot for the valuable advices. Great community!
Is there any recommendations regarding position? I tried on the back and get good results but it seems for me best is lie on the side.
I have several aneros toys. Eupho, Maximus, MGX, progasm and progasm jr. The best results on the beginning i had with maximus and now eupho syn is my favorite because he moves more freely. It seems every different aneros creates other kind of session. Is there any description what are the differences of the types during a session? More anal focus, more prostate focus? Do i have only play around and see what's happen? What is about to change the aneros type during a session?
A lot of questions but i am so curious what is possible to extend the pleasure
@rjohann - I just finished my 3rd session ever and read your posting about your current success. I'm wondering about what length of time after beginning your Aneros journey did you start experiencing some noticeable feelings? I see you joined on about 4 months ago. I know, of course, that each person is different, but I'm hoping to gauge some type of possible future positive outcome.
Hi John Boy,
the first noticeable feelings occurs in the very first session. A small movement. But you have to be very patient and take your time. For me was the do nothing approach with some small initiated contractions the best way at the beginning. The breakthrough comes with deep breathing and a kind of self hypnosis. The key for me was extrem deep relaxing. It seems that my rewiring gets a kind of burst by this. If you get the first intense feelings at the beginning you will be scared what is happen but with more experience you enjoy the pleasure.
Take your time and reduce expectations and let your body work!
@rjohann - Thank you for your rapid response and for your advice. Much appreciated!
@rjohann Rjohann, I meant to ask: how important was it for you in the very beginning to be in some form of arousal during your sessions? You are a great success story (congrats!) so I'm just curious about that. Based on what you said to me, it seems deep relaxation was the most important part to your success...even more than doing the recommended contractions being that you said you took the "do nothing" approach outside of some initiated contractions. That's very interesting! As mentioned, I'm wondering if being in some state of arousal had any part of your initial success. I would tend to think not since you mentioned how important deep relaxation is.
Dear John Boy,
i have never had started a session without arousal. This is a basic requirement to get any feelings. Arousal is the starting point. Breathing and relaxing is one method at the beginning to increase the arousal to the state of ultimate pleasure.
@rjohann Thanks Rjohann! I'm so glad that I asked you about whether "arousal" was a part of your successful experience as I surely thought it wasn't being that deep relaxation seemed to be the key factor for you. I appreciate all that you have told me. Now I know arousal AND deep relaxation are both very important to have a positive outcome. Again, much appreciated!
One of the best ways to get relaxed is mentioned in CrimsonWolf, I learned it in high school psychology. Takes a little time but it works. Not sure it has a name. Starting at your toes , you say uot loud or in your mind, " toes relax" and go all the way up body, to the top of your head. Toes,feet,ankles,shins,calfs,knees. You can add or take away any body part. I like to count down from 5 after each body part. Lastly I tell my pelvic floor to wake up,you can break it down to the parts if you want. Flex them as you tell them to wake up, or flex the entire floor and wake it all at once, I count up to ten in my mind after each wake up part.
When you get to the top of your head you should be fairly relaxed. Last thing you tell to sleep is your brain.I can do this in less than a minute, how ever I also like to drag it out to 10 min.
In order to help kick start your aless, before you tell the body part to go to sleep, you move or flex it, then you imagine what you just did in your mind, as in, think of your toe, wiggle it, thenrepeat it in your mind. The theory is your body or mind doesn't know the difference. It does work as I can now imagine I have a progasm in me during aless and my ass feels like I just inserted it. Awesome
Hope this helps Happy riding
@tbob This is what I do often, but sometimes forgets it really helps to relax and go deeper by telling each body part to relax and telling yourself your no longer able to move it. It also helps to think that I’m sinking deeper into the mattress.
I also like to set the mood by dimming lights, turning off any unnecessary sounds, and avoiding other distractions.
If anyone has any other proven methods of relaxation, please share.
After several years I’m not sure I’m fully rewired yet, but Aneros sessions are always something I look forward to.
Hello all. A little background about my Aneros use: I received my Helix Syn Trident on 01-10-23 and gave it a try that day as a newbie. I continued using it for about 5-6 days in a row. I didn't experience any orgasmic feelings or any noticeable sensations which I assumed I wouldn't as a newbie. After that, I tried it a few more days the following week. Nothing too interesting. At that point, I stopped using it for about 2 weeks. I thought I would try having another session with it yesterday. About 30 minutes into the session, I was extremely surprised to have a buzzing feeling in my perineum! The buzzing continued throughout the remainder of the session which was about an hour in total. Throughout the day yesterday, the buzzing feeling continued pretty much without ceasing although it may have stopped briefly without my being aware. The buzzing feeling is mainly in the anterior/front part of my perineum. In other words, it feels like the buzzing is directly behind my testicles and not much towards the anal area. The buzzing has pretty much been continuous from that time until now without ceasing. I take this to be a part of the rewiring process. I describe the buzzing to be somewhat of a fluttering an electrical impulse. Is this what is also called p-waves or are p-waves something different? How many days can I likely expect the buzzing to be with me 24-hours a day? In other words, will it finally reach a point where the buzzing isn't a constant presence? It's not an unpleasant feeling but just odd to have the buzzing continuously. And, with continued sessions, will dry orgasms likely be around the corner in the near future? Thanks for any input!
The buzzing has pretty much been continuous from that time until now without ceasing. I take this to be a part of the rewiring process.
butt buzz is persistent, even insistent, energy in your anus, rectum, prostate, perineum, scrotum/testicles area, sometimes experienced spontaneously apart from an Aneros session. Faint to mild muscle spasms leading up to an orgasm may also occur.
Yes, this phenomenon occurs frequently with new users.
Is this what is also called p-waves or are p-waves something different? How many days can I likely expect the buzzing to be with me 24-hours a day? In other words, will it finally reach a point where the buzzing isn't a constant presence?
Strictly speaking, I wouldn't call them P-waves although P-waves may accompany these sensations. I think generally newbies will only experience these for a day or two after their first few Anerosessions and will probably cease altogether as you start experiencing more profound sensations from your sessions.
Good Vibes to You!
Thank you, rumel, for your two replies!!! I'm very pleased to know that my Aneros Helix is showing a positive result so early on with the "butt buzz" effect and going in the right direction as I had hoped. It's quite amazing how the Aneros affects the prostate as it does.
Also, thanks to Tbob for his posting about relaxation from the other day.
@john-boy Looks to me that your one of the lucky ones. Stick with it this buzz will expand. If it gets to bothersome maybe try jerking off may help it stop.
@tbob Thanks Tbob! As I'm posting, it seems the buzzing has subsided some. I trust that it will in a day or two as rumel has mentioned to me, but thank you for your advice as well! Regarding being one of the lucky ones, I sure hope I am. I'm rarely lucky so it would be a big surprise. Yeah, when the butt buzz started, I was really shocked but very pleasantly so especially after reading so many of the past blogs and a number of Aneros users ride for years with minimal success or it has taken them quite a number of years.
@john-boy Looks to me that your one of the lucky ones. Stick with it this buzz will expand. If it gets to bothersome maybe try jerking off may help it stop.
Tbob, I should have asked you after you made the above comment, "Looks to me that your one of the lucky ones", but I didn't as I figured you meant I was lucky in that I was able to experience a "butt buzz". We all know what they say about making assumptions; therefore, my questions for you that I should have asked are:
1) Is your "lucky" comment because of my having experienced a butt buzz, and it's indicative of very likely expanded future sensations, and/or
2) because I was able to experience a butt buzz less than a month after starting my prostate orgasm quest and in approximately less than 8-10 sessions? Would greatly appreciate your expanded reply!
Anyone else's comment/opinion is welcome as well especially rumel's since he had posted a reply to me regarding my butt buzz experience. The buzz did go away pretty much the next day without me having to do anything as rumel indicated it likely would. I actually miss experiencing further buzzing after it left although I initially indicated it was an odd feeling. I now describe it as odd but pleasant after all! I have since read here some past postings by other members who have also experienced a butt buzz which is a common thing among new Aneros users as rumel had said. I'm very curious to know from other members who first experienced a buzz how long afterwards in time did they experience expanded sensations such as p-waves or a dry orgasm. I do realize, of course, that each member's subsequent experience(s) may be widely different from other members. Thanks in advance!
My superficial take on this is that some guys, sadly, struggle for a long time before they feel anything at all. The fact that you experienced the buzz can help to smooth the road ahead because you have actual proof that this is real and that some kind of rewiring is taking place. So, you can say that you are lucky in that way, as you can be reassured that you are going in the right direction.
@zentai Thank you, zentai, for your opinion! I appreciate it very much! My personal reaction and thought to myself regarding the buzz that I experienced was, "My gosh, Aneros really does work!!!"
@john-boy I think the words butt buzz, are very misleading. I beleive they are more lingering sensations from incomplete p-waves or orgasm. In the beginning especially, we are unfamiliar as to what to expect. As opposed to to them leaving , your body may well have got use to them. Thats why its so hard for ppl to recreate them. I beleive it is an indication, that your body has accepted the new sensations, and the buzz is your filing system at work. With many ppl there isn't much pleasure that accompanies this feeling, just awareness. When I say lucky by what you describe in the first post, involuntaries, o's,squirting. Your practiclly geting the full pkg. all at once. Which I bet is very confusing. So you are well on your wayto some incredible things. This may level out soon where it feels like your not making any more progress, but thats not true. Its your body getting ready for another huge file. Where as the majority of us get littlte ones, that are easy for us to catagorize. My best advice is try not to look back. I beleave thats why know 2 sessions are ever the same.
@john-boy When I say lucky by what you describe in the first post, involuntaries, o's,squirting. Your practiclly geting the full pkg. all at once.
Thanks for the reply and explanation, Tbob! Just for clarification, I didn't experience any involuntaries, o's and squirting (unless the buzzing is considered as an involuntary). I believe that was Rjohann who had posted his experience and mentioned those three things. I posted after him if I remember correctly, so perhaps, that's why the slight confusion (unless I'm confused, LOL). Nonetheless, thank you for your answers to my questions!