Finally a hands-fre...
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Finally a hands-free orgasm!

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After about 8 months of on and off usage with my Aneros, I finally had a full hands-free orgasm today. Here is how it went:

I had been out of town for the past 3 days, and hadn't gotten to do anything while I was gone. So I hadn't masterbated in about 4 or 5 days. I'm ususally lucky if I can go one. I drive my GF crazy at times, lol. I decided to put in the aneros as soon as I got back home today around 8pm. I left it in and even drove around a little bit with it in with hardly any contractions at all. I took it out for about 30 minutes at around 9 and jacked myself off a couple of times while sitting at the computer. I got myself close but I WOULD NOT let myself cum. Finallly at around 10 I put the aneros back in and laid down in the floor in a dark room on my right side, with my body leaning all the way over facing the ground. I bent my left leg under my right to make a "figure 4" shape. I started with gentle but full contractions. I each time I would suck it all the way in, it would give me the urge to pee, along with a wet mouth endulging my cock at the same time. I was hard so then I stuck my penis and sac back between my legs and squeezed them shut. I paced myself, and pretended that I was fucking my gf's pussy nice and good. I gradually got harder, and noticed that the feeling got more intense. I then picked up the pace and I started thrusting my hips pretty hard. I started going faster and faster and faster, and did it almost in kind of a "jerk" motion. I felt the feeling of ejaculating starting to slowly build as it does when I'm ready to bust a nut deep inside my gf's pussy. I felt as if I were ready to squirt cum at any second. I released my legs and turned over onto my back and as I did i started to cum. The feeling lasted for probably about 10 seconds then I shot a moster load all over my chest, stomach, and some in the floor. The feeling of when it started to when I finished cumming was a blur. It lasted maybe 20 seconds, idk.

I hope to god this is just the beginning to many more sessions with my Aneros!

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I have never heard of anyone implementing that method before with the aneros (penis between legs).
Did it cause friction on the penis?

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I didn't hold it between my legs, I kinda pushed it back and closed my legs to clamp it down behind me. As I trusted it put just enough stimulus on it to make it feel just right. The feeling got so intense when had my orgasm.

I believe I read that trick somewhere either online or on this site under the tutorial section.

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I have never heard of anyone implementing that method before with the aneros (penis between legs).
Did it cause friction on the penis?

I haven't heard of this either, but it really doesn't sound too terrible. I wouldn't mind giving it a try.

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Guys, The technique of stretching the scrotum to achieve a hands free ejaculatory orgasm has actually been contained within the Aneros instructions for years. An abridged description of the technique may be seen in the archived Aneros Learning Center Instructions, see the Penile Stimulation section. Good Vibes to You !
