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Never knew this was possible

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At 63 years old I want to use every resource available to be able to have sex with my wife of 30+ years. I'd read about prostate massage as a health benefit as well as being a pleasurable experience. I had a cheap vibrating device in the past but never found it to be enjoyable. After listening to Forrest on several podcasts discussing the Aneros I decided I would give it a try. Purchased a Trident Eupho. It appealed to me as it was hard plastic and looked to be the thinnest of the lot. I thought it best to use it alone as I wanted to be able to focus. I travel for work so hotel stays are frequent and offer the time without distractions I thought I would need. First time I had some relaxing music on and tried first on my side as suggested in the instructions. Didn't get much from that so I moved to on my back and did very light contractions front and rear. About 15 minutes in I could feel very strong and euphoric sensations. Did not get an erection but I did leak precum quite a bit. I did a few more sessions over the next 2 weeks and have now had spasms, fluttering, pumping or whatever you may call it and the sensation was something I have never experienced. I am sold on this device as a solo pleasure experience as I think i have only scratched the surface of what will come. I can indeed see how this will strengthen my pelvic floor which I believe I will benefit from. Well done Aneros. Thank you for the gift of this experience.

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My goal was to reduce urination frequency, and I had symptoms of BPH.  I was trained how to do pelvic floor exercises by a physical therapist, PhD, employed by a urology practice.  She also trained me how to do the prostate massage with an Intimate Rose wand (meant for females, but it worked).  It is worthy to note:  my urination frequency did not change after repeated exercise and prostate massages 2 or 3 times a week.  This urology practice then wanted to try an implanted device, to which I said "no" and I will seek a 2nd opinion.


But I was also starting to get feelings from the massages, as a side effect.  Those feelings were relaxing, drippage of seminal fluid/precum, improved erections, and ejaculations from my sessions ending in masturbation (I was trying to restrict these!).


The 2nd opinion led to prostate surgery (HoLEP, laser) to reduce its size from huge 94 gram to normal (<30 gram), thereby reducing the restriction in the urethra which was causing overactive bladder.  I had to suspend prostate massage for about three months, and all sex too, to allow the prostate to heal completely and safely. I was doing other normal activities in about 3 or 4 days.


So I picked up prostate massage again, and sexual activities with my lovely and buxom wife. She would say that I gradually increased my libido with her, and prostate massage had a hand in that. My feelings now are a little quicker to realize.  Insertion of the toy takes a while to produce feelings but is slowly improving.  My wife does not do the prostate massage on me, but is supportive of me doing it solo.  But she has figured out that massage my perineum strongly produces an orgasm that is more intense than before all of this, and it is very quick. I must try to slow her down, LOL!


Sometimes in the mornings I will do a prostate massage in the shower with my Aneros Helix Syn V, 1st without vibration, do some kegels (10 or so), then turn on light vibration.   I will touch the device in my ass after a bit and wiggle it backwards and forwards and I can feel it deep inside of me, touching the prostate no doubt because of its anatomical design and fit in me (I am 6'3" tall, 205 lbs., age 73 and very fit). This gets me aroused and hard, at which time I do my kegels.  This kegel with an erect penis is expectantly more sensual than when soft in the beginning of the session.  The visual also causes the increase in mental activity, thereby pressure to resist in touching.  I counteract that urge by shaving my scrotum and penis shaft - a good time to do that and settle down.


Does your wife know that you are doing prostate massages and does she participate?   Mine does not care to perform the prostate massage on me, but approves of my use of the devices, and the massage because of the benefits.


@old-texan, where in Texas do you live?  We are in Austin.

This post was modified 1 year ago by Golfing1

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I have not discussed it with my wife but having been around me as long as she has I'm sure she will be supportive. I'm hoping to get her attention with harder erections. My way of testing how things work.

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I would be interested in hearing your results, Old Texan.  I bought a Helix Syn V unbeknownst to my wife, but I'm really curious to hear others real life experiences with improved sexual performance with the ladies. Thanks!

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Me either and I'm the same age as you. Only learned about it a few weeks ago. And like you I'm trying to add as much excitement to wife and I's sex life as possible. She's been a little hesitant about kinky stuff, but she agreed to this as almost as soon as I mentioned it. She has a lot of different sex toys, but nothing like this and I've never even had anything inserted back there, lol. Cannot wait to try this. 

This post was modified 11 months ago by RickHyperion

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