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Need advice after a year

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Hello there, thank you for reading me


I've been using the Helix Syn Trident for a year now, and while I've definitely made progress, I feel like I could use some advice.

Here's where I am right now:

My sessions last 1-2 hours. At the start of the session, I'm quite aroused, I can feel my prostate against the aneros quite well and I manage to generate involuntaries pretty easily. I feel nice, but I don't feel the pleasure waves mentionned in the wiki.

After a while, I don't manage to keep the arousal level up, and I can tell that it doesn't feel as nice as before. It comes and goes. I don't manage to involuntaries anymore. And the more the time passes, the more I'm only left with the "I want to cum sensation", without the pleasure/warmth of before.

One thing of note: at the end of the good sessions, if I slide my penis between my legs, it quickly triggers an ejaculatory orgasm that I can't really avoid, it comes even if I don't move. My read of this is that in this position, the aneros presses more my prostate, and it triggers the ejaculation. And I guess its due to my prostate being well prepared.


The thing is, cumming this way is really nice and feels different, but its still an ejaculatory orgasm. And I feel like I'm very far from the sensations described as leading to a dry one.

Do you think I'm just too impatient, that I should make the session last longer ? Or does it indicates that I should change position ? I tried doing my whole session with my penis between my legs, but it feels like its pressing hard on my prostate, like emptying it. And I didn't see this position recommended anywhere.


If you have any advice or a different read of what prevents me from climbing up the waves, I would really appreciate it !

Thank you and have a nice day !

Fred27 reacted
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Stay the course - it will happen as you continue your journey. Have been enjoying and learning for over six years and it just keeps getting better and more enjoyable! Sessions can be long or short but each one can produce results. Keep your focus on relaxing and feeling each twinge and wave coming from your body!

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Hate to mention this, but maybe get a different Aneros and try a toy with a different shape. I have been able to have hands-free Os from every toy I own, and I have every Aneros model ever made even ones they don't produce anymore. But at first, I was only able to have prostate Os from like one or two toys. I had others, they just didn't make me have Os. However, once I became orgasmic through my prostate, I'd start with the toys that made me have Os, then during my session, switch to the toys that did not, and eventually, those toys started working. I think this is because there is a whole lot more going on inside than just the prostate. There is the anus, which when stimulated in certain ways, can generate sphincter contractions that can drive toys in different ways; some toys stimulate my anus in better ways than others. There is the prostate, or course, we know a lot about that and you do too since you've done this for a while now. But maybe the back side of it, when properly stimulated, generates orgasmic energy more than the front of it? Or maybe even the sides of it need to be stimulated?! Then the rectum, which I think is also a major source of pleasure and stimulation of the rectal walls can also provoke muscular spasms and pair up with stimulation on the prostate to possibly provoke orgasms. 

Do you stimulate your nipples? Once I started doing that my orgasms came on more certainly and strongly, and the number of them increased dramatically. 

What is your environment? Do you watch porn or other things? Do  you listen to music or hypno/ASMR stuff? 

Do you get an erection during your sessions and if when does it happen? 

Do you feel any energy or spurts of spastic energy kind of flash or course through your body uncontrollably? Any spasms anywhere in your body at any time? 

This is a weird question, but do you keep your eyes closed or open, and for either, what do you feel when eyes are open or closed? Do you involuntarily close your eyes when you start to feel certain things? 

Just trying to gauge your environment as well as your status during your session. Oh, when you push your penis between your legs at the end like you described, are you erect or flaccid? When I have prostate Os my penis is usually always flaccid unless my wife is with me during a session, which is a completely different kind of event!

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Hello, and sorry for taking so much time to answer you guys, I've been busy lately

Posted by: @fred27

Stay the course - it will happen as you continue your journey. Have been enjoying and learning for over six years and it just keeps getting better and more enjoyable! Sessions can be long or short but each one can produce results. Keep your focus on relaxing and feeling each twinge and wave coming from your body!

Thank you for your encouragment, I think that's something I need to hear right now !


Posted by: @techpump

Hate to mention this, but maybe get a different Aneros and try a toy with a different shape.

Yes maybe I could do this. I wanted try new models after I would reach some milestone anyway, so I can get one now and see if it changes something. Would you advice a particular model ? Maybe one with more insertable length ? I was thinking about getting a more girthy one but I'm open to suggestions.


Posted by: @techpump

Do you stimulate your nipples? Once I started doing that my orgasms came on more certainly and strongly, and the number of them increased dramatically. 

I don't, I find it distracting, but I know I should just keep going to associate the pleasure to this kind of stimulation..


Posted by: @techpump

What is your environment? Do you watch porn or other things? Do  you listen to music or hypno/ASMR stuff? 

I watch soft porn, like erotic mangas. I've tried to lower my porn consumption, I read somewhere it could help. And also my sessions are way better when I don't watch anything and don't masturbate for a week or so.


Posted by: @techpump

Do you feel any energy or spurts of spastic energy kind of flash or course through your body uncontrollably? Any spasms anywhere in your body at any time? 

This is a weird question, but do you keep your eyes closed or open, and for either, what do you feel when eyes are open or closed? Do you involuntarily close your eyes when you start to feel certain things? 

This happened sometimes when I started, in the first months. But not anymore. That what scares me, I think it was "the way" but I feel like I lost it.

Posted by: @techpump

Oh, when you push your penis between your legs at the end like you described, are you erect or flaccid

Kind of in between, but more like erect, just not rock hard.


Thank you for your answers guys, it really matters to me !

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Posted by: @willowy

One thing of note: at the end of the good sessions, if I slide my penis between my legs, it quickly triggers an ejaculatory orgasm that I can't really avoid, it comes even if I don't move. My read of this is that in this position, the aneros presses more my prostate, and it triggers the ejaculation. And I guess its due to my prostate being well prepared.

I have been at this state many times. The orgasm associated with this type of ejaculation will make me groan out loudly with pleasure. My only problem is after I ejaculate, I’m ready to stop because I lose interest. I had to learn that ejaculating is not the super o. Any type of orgasms and pleasure during a session is what make this grow. Relax, enjoy and let your body do its thing. Laying on your side preferably with a body pillow works for me. Like @techpump, nipples stimulation was a game changer for me. I use that with Aneros and Aless. Reduce the pressure for something to happen or thinking how guys typically orgasm. This is totally different, it’s more of a state of bliss with amazing feelings than a specific event. Keep posting!
