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Just bought my first Aneros

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So I started my exploration of prostate play about 2.5 months ago. I have tried many toys to get to any sort of orgasm from the prostate. 99% of them unsuccessful.  One thing I do know is prostate pleasure was quickly easy for me to find but difficult to figure out how to grow and maintain.

I had my first prostate O a week ago while using my Njoy pure wand. I would say it was mild for sure not the Super O just mild and lasted a little over a minute. So I would say I found the orgasm relatively quickly by reading other experiences. There is a issue the pure wand while great is very hard to maintain the sweet spot. It is heavy and easy to make a mistake and lose progress. For me the small end works well the big end feels great and full but is just too much I find no pleasure building.

With this in mind I discovered the Aneros. The hands free nature seems perfect and it sounds like it almost becomes self maintaining once you get the pleasure started and the muscles start to shutter. So I bought one to see if it can get me to the super o. I personally bought the Progasm Ice I believe.  The size seems to fall in the range I really like. Right around 1" feels perfect for me and I felt the smaller models might not feel right so I went with what I know. Currently waiting for it to arrive in the mail.

I am open to any tips or advice anyone wants to give. Yes I have been reading the wiki. Looking forward to partaking in the community.

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Welcome. The self-sustaining pleasure thing is a glorious head-fuck that will make you question everything if you have the patience to stick with it long term. I'd recommend searching the main forum, or leafing through the far-back pages for the really interesting threads. This whole place has been a bit slow for a while, so the most interesting threads are a few years back.

But I can personally guarantee the most crazy reports you've ever read about prostate orgasms are indeed real, they're just very elusive and require a lot of work within yourself. This forum has been going for a very long time, and there is a huge back-catalogue of discussion and information available.

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Just a quick update. Got my Progasm. The feeling of fullness was excellent but it just was not hitting the right spots. Tried it a few times got some minor pleasure but from my experiences with the Pure Wand something was wrong. Through some experimentation I have found that the Progasm is just too long for me it is not hitting the right spot.

So I went and bought a Helix Syn Trident. That arrived and Holy god is that thing amazing. First use 3 orgasms stopped there because I was just not sure I could handle another one. Took me a couple minutes to muster up the effort to get out of the bed to put it away for the night. Now I see why people love the Aneros products. Much less effort required compared to my pure wand I can just enjoy the ride.

Now I will say if it was not for my pure wand and the experience I gained with that I might have thought I was broken with the Progasm. Because I know I am not broken but actually rather sensitive to prostate play I was able to figure out the issue that the Progasm was too long to hit my personal P-Spot. The Helix Syn Trident on the other hand hits it perfect so perfect that just putting it in place gets my pleasure started before I even start to work with it.

Don't get me wrong my orgasms achieved with the Helix Syn Trident as far as I can tell were not the "BIG O" but they were really good "O's" and I will be damned 3 so close together is nothing like I have every experienced before in my life. Just amazing. Not to mention how when one starts it just goes and you are not sure if it will stop.

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The Helix is really good, it seems to consistently work for a lot of people. I'm glad it worked for you!

I had a similar experience to you with the Progasm initially, and I found the Progasm Jr to be really excellent, so that might be worth a try if, like me, you like the ICE material.

Also, you might want to try switching to the Progasm *after* having a few O's with the Helix. I found that after my prostate wakes up and I've already had a few orgasms, the Progasm is  a *lot* of fun, despite not being a perfect fit.

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Interesting, the Njoy Pure Wand is something I've been looking at for a while but have never pulled the trigger.  The Helix though, amazing device, not that it's been an explosive experience for me but certainly the best consistency of results so far! 

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The pure wand is a interesting beast I would recommend for anyone. For me it is a guaranteed HFWO "basically a slow hip grind with deep perineum  massage on my sweet spot and in about 10 mins I just explode and make a huge mess in a full body intense O.  The helix on the other hand is multiple dry O heaven.

Really interesting how the two devices differ for myself at least.

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@wljr how do you use your NJoy Pure Wand? You mentioned a deep perenium massage!

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Yea. So I personally use the small end. So what I do is I insert the small end and push it up into my prostate. Then I find the motion that builds pleasure. It is not always the same sometimes it is circles, sometimes side to side swiped or rocking. Sometimes all of the above which is possible if you let your hips help with the motion.

As for the perineum massage. I found there is a spot near the rectum where if you push deep enough and with just the right pressure you can massage in circles or whatever motion works for you build multi locational pleasure. You know you have the spot if you get increased prostate pleasure as well as feel pleasure in your penis. I believe this is pretty much right where the p-tab on the Aneros sits but you need to push in deeper. There is like a nerve junction that ties both locations together.

For me this combination with the pure wand is crazy. Be warned for me the HFWO this causes is very messy. First time it happened I had cum all over my chest up my neck and even under my chin. Took forever to clean up.

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@wljr sounds like a shower is needed afterwards!  I know that every body is different, but still, having HFWOs is not really an incentive for me, I want to just come and come and come.  But I'm still working on getting that from the Aneros so maybe the Pure Wand will help...

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The Helix sounds like it will have to be my next purchase!!  Thanks for sharing.

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@stvgautreau I can't recommend it enough!
