Hello everybody !
To avoid a long message I will try to keep it concise
I no longer have powerful involuntary contractions.
last year I bought a Nexus revo2 with automatic massage, but it never gave me anything in terms of pleasure (at best: a "just" pleasant sensation)
I bought an Aneros Helix syn V: I hardly felt it inside but I decided to continue after reading a lot of messages on this forum.
After being very relaxed, kegel exercises, breathing etc. something happened which unfortunately should not have happened from the first use: suddenly I was surprised by very powerful involuntary contractions , obviously it was huge! an average of 3 to 4 pulsations per second, it's almost scary!!, it has lessened and started again with a vengeance.
I was on my stomach and got on my back, started small contractions again which very quickly increased into "involuntary" shaking of the shoulders, panting, I said to myself: but this thing is great!.
And the.... want to go to the toilet, I come back down 2 minutes later, replace the helix and... nothing more.....
The next day I tried again, but the problem was that I had the memory of these sensations and I made the stupid mistake of recreating the involuntary ones with voluntary contractions; obviously it doesn't work ^^.
__small detail: after 20 sessions and the vibrations at full blast, I reached a state where I felt waves of pleasure with spasms/tremors, very rapid breathing and moaning, it was really good but I realized that my Contractions were voluntary/involuntary, perhaps due to lack of feeling due to vibrations. but I don't feel much without it.
I bought an ICE progasm (I told myself that being 1.80m that the helix syn was just a little bit too "small" or "just right".
Him, this large and thick machine, ahh I feel it! super pleasant first session, I'll try it again this evening, because it takes time to get used to a new product.
__Question: will the fabulous involuntary contractions return????
Good morning !
after reading several topics diligently for a few hours, I saw an answer from @Rumel which explains how to cause involuntary contractions: you have to do kegel exercises to tire the muscles, which will cause involuntary contractions; or contract at 25% force and hold until muscle exhaustion which will cause them.
So, I have involuntary ones, but on the other hand they are not as coordinated and in perfect rhythm as my first time. it was as if a machine programmed with the same tempo was doing it.
__So my topic is a bit of a duplicate... unless you want to come and chat with someone new to this forum :-)!
Have a good day !