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Aneros toy recommendation for usage during sex

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I've (cis-male) been in a long-term relationship with my boyfriend for quite a few years now, we love each other a ton and I'm not really considering splitting up. While sex has been fantastic when it happens, I have two gripes with it: his sex drive is way less than mine, and he's not really into anal while I am and enjoy bottoming quite a lot.

So, the end result is that I have sex less often than I wish I had, and when we do have it, despite being very good still, it doesn't leave me fully satisfied, still wishing we had had anal.

So, we've been talking, and I think a good option to explore is: toys! I realized that I don't need to have his dick inside me (though I enjoy dick inside me lol), and a good prostate toy will likely leave me very happy & satisfied.

Having never really explored toys, I'm not sure what to go after, though. Can someone you please recommend things you've enjoyed and that would work

  1. with a partner using on me directly
  2. A toy that can go in and not necessarily need someone to be constantly moving it in and out (so, less a dildo, more like a prostate massager).

I'm happy to have recommendations for both! I'm mainly looking for something to use with him while we have sex, not alone. As far as Girth/Size/Shape, I don't need anything ultra-big, just enough for me to have anal stimulation while we do other things such as mutual handjobs, blowjobs, kissing, etc.

I'm willing to spend up to 200-300 USD and will be shopping in the USA. I've looked at Aneros and it seems to fit the second bill there, but I still would have no idea which one to get.

Thank you!

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I am a married man to a beautiful woman, and enjoy prostate massage for my health and pleasure.  I use this device seperately from my wife, but she knows that i use it because it helps me with urination frequency (I had a large prostate, 94 grams, which was surgically reduced to normal size) and it increases the intensity of my orgasms with her. She also loves to play with my perineum as as foreplay as I like to also satisfy her arousal with massage of feet, buttocks, and clitoral stimulation with my fingers while sucking her nipples.  

Why am I telling you, a gay man, all of this?  Because it is sexually satisfying no matter what your preferences for your mate are.  Regardless, the key her for the man no matter what is through the prostate.  I like the aspect of the Aneros products as hands free, and I plan sessions in our bathroom floor in front of the mirror after a shower to cleanse my anus and rectum.  I use a waterbased gel to lubricate my anus going inside to my 2nd knuckle, then lube the device and slowly insert as it drops right in, almost like it is sucked.  It immediately touches my prostate because of its designed length.  After it is in, I start to do deep belly breathing Kegels, pulling the muscles of the base of my penis in as I exhale, then relax - 5 seconds each for maybe ten times.  I will randomly continue these for the entire massage session, maybe 45 minutes worth.  After I whille I begin to ooze precum but I try not to touch my penis (which I learned from various helpful men on this forum), saving my further pleasure for my wife.

The deive that I use is my first from Aneros, the Helix Syn V.  I start out without vibration, then I turn it on for part of my session.  I like this device because it is anatomically designed for the rectum, and it fits me well, being tall and fit.  The tabs on the bottom are nice touches as well.

I hope this helps you get started in a slightly different direction with your pleasure in concert with your partner's awareness and even interest once he sees how much you enjoy it with him present.

