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Made a few posts over the past few days about what a great tool my Progasm Black Ice is, how it always works, is so much better than anything else I have.

Yesterday I had a session with my Helix Trident. ABSOLUTE BEST SESSION I'VE HAD IN MONTHS, yes MONTHS. Usually things taper off after an hour, this thing kept pushing me over the edge. I finally had other things to do and had to stop.

Changing things up is probably a good thing to do periodically.

SOwithoutAneros, Ggringo, SOwithoutAneros and 3 people reacted
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@newjoytoy , couldn't have said it better!  Same thing for me; each model has it's place in my collection.   My prostate whispering the right choice for the coming session is seldom wrong.

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Heck, I've thought that trying a bigger device or semen retention might help things, but I tried poking just my finger not that far in while masturbating in the shower, and the feeling of orgasm seemed to spread into where I was poking. Tried again the next day and afterwards had some nice sensations both in the pelvis and elsewhere. Sometimes I can get some hints of sensations in my tongue which is interesting.

Before was wondering if a larger device would help, but now I'm wondering if a smaller one might help more. Maybe I should find some way to make the Helix Syn hang out a bit further?

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@aneros_user88299 In my experience up to now, bigger toys aren't always better. Unless you like a full feeling. With that full feeling comes less mobility of your aneros device.  Mobility and movement work well for me. Even my Pgasm Jr doesn't hit the spot as well as my helix trident. 


Jason28, Jason28 and Jason28 reacted
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Don’t be deceived by the size myth! Some of my best sessions have been with Tempo and Peridise as well as EuphoSyn Trident and HelixSyn Trident! On a given day your prostate will dictate what feels good! Relax and enjoy the pleasure no matter what you have inserted at the time!

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Posted by: @fred27

Don’t be deceived by the size myth! Some of my best sessions have been with Tempo and Peridise as well as EuphoSyn Trident and HelixSyn Trident! On a given day your prostate will dictate what feels good! Relax and enjoy the pleasure no matter what you have inserted at the time!

This even makes me wonder more which one I should get next! I enjoy the Progasm Jr. a lot so far, but I'm curious about the Tridents.

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