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Would pot help a new user?

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["To blame cannabis for causing mental disease is just vilification or ignorance and best.']

cannabis NEVER causes mental disease - it may possibly exacerbate or heighten its manifestation

... however, it likely soothes and heals if an individual has an attitude of accepting it as a balm and facilitator

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Thanks Aksel!! 😀 😀

Very interesting discussion and one that has been needed, IMHO.

When I tried mj in the 1960s, it caused heart fibrillation, which is unusual and dangerous, so I haven't used it since. I am not being in any way critical of those who do and have been in rooms with friends smoking and found the second hand smoke hasn't bothered my atypical biochenistry.

Aksel, where I think your question is fundamentally about wanting a short-cut. I agree with darwin and rumel essentially.

However, there is a slight twist that merits reframing this perspective a bit. Regardless of how you and your body/mind might adapt well, or not, to mj use, the core question IMHO is: What supplementary or complementary practices will you always WANT to always have associated with your prostate-triggered/amplified orgasmic energetic ecstatics???

From reading the forums here, at KSMO, at The TaoBums, and at others, the key observation is that as we rewire in any discipline, the other things we are doing at the same time that also affect our ongoing neurological growth and development, and are regularly associated with discipline, become bound to it.

In my case, that involved mixing KSMO and Aneros from almost the beginning, and focusing equally, and at times primarily on sessions with my wife. Although that has given me a different profile in my solo practice of Aneros, and my solo practice of KSMO, I have no regrets whatever from having "short-cut", in a sense, my ability to achieve everything I am able to do/experience by Aneros only. I love my orgasmic ecology of complementary disciplines/practices.

So, for someone who has "...never, EVER tried [mj]..., do you really want to make the commitment now to that being an integrated partner in your life's orgasmic opportunities? I recognize and fully respect that many here have said an enthusiastic yes! Whatever works for each of us and we have fully taken in to be part of our core being.

Meditation, and there are many options for developing a mindfulness practice, seems to me to be another alternative that may be more appropriate for you. Forgive my presumption.

all the most mindful qualitative self-assessment as we choose our first-time experience complementary discipline partners all


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["To blame cannabis for causing mental disease is just vilification or ignorance and best.']

cannabis NEVER causes mental disease - it may possibly exacerbate or heighten its manifestation

... however, it likely soothes and heals if an individual has an attitude of accepting it as a balm and facilitator

- rip

See, the main point I'm making is there are drawbacks to Cannabis-use especially when smoked with tobacco. I stopped this way of life more than a decade ago and have been the better for it. I can see how this lifestyle could increase mental problems. Smoking all day, doing nothing, being frustrated etc.

The ONLY time I'm recommending mj use is IN COMBINATION WITH the Aneros. Because the heightened sensitivity is conducive to Aneros use. Since the Aneros is all about honing in to (especially in the beginning)vague sensations and thereby amplifying them, this is where mj comes in to aid the proces coz mj makes those vague sensations much easier to feel. Sensations you might have overlooked in a somewhat stressed normal frame of mind, become much easier to locate when relaxed, horny and stoned. Not only that but with mj you can amplify those 'vague'sensations to mindblowing proportions

MJ's has merit mainly for kino(kinesthetic rep-system) you get some amazing ideas as well but if you want to make the most of your Aneros experience get away from your thoughts and focus your awareness(at first at least) in the area where it's all happening, the inner- and outerprostate(perineum).
Using the techniques you learn when learning about the microcosmic orbit that Mantak Chia explained will definitely be helpful, not so much to do the orbit, BUT to use your awareness like a magnifying glass to pinpoint your energyawareness to a spot.
Energy awareness and sensation (chi) is by its kino nature another thing that gets greatly improved when stoned. So for example I focus my awareness at the root of my penis, feel it going thru the other side into the prostate. What happens after that is like chi shooting down my spine down to my prostate and then out thru the shaft of my penis.
Using this 'healing energy' is good for whole body orgasms and leaves you vibrating all over your body. How can this type of natural bliss lead to mental problems?

So I definitely wouldn't use mj without the Aneros, but with it's definitely (highly) recommended!

MJ has never killed anyone(compare that with farma and alcohol) and it has been used for thousands of years for its medicinal properties and most of all it's truely mindblowing in combination with Aneros.

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See, the main point I'm making is there are drawbacks to Cannabis-use especially when smoked with tobacco. I stopped this way of life more than a decade ago and have been the better for it. I can see how this lifestyle could increase mental problems. Smoking all day, doing nothing, being frustrated etc.

The ONLY time I'm recommending mj use is IN COMBINATION WITH the Aneros. Because the heightened sensitivity is conducive to Aneros use. Since the Aneros is all about honing in to (especially in the beginning)vague sensations and thereby amplifying them, this is where mj comes in to aid the proces coz mj makes those vague sensations much easier to feel. Sensations you might have overlooked in a somewhat stressed normal frame of mind, become much easier to locate when relaxed, horny and stoned. Not only that but with mj you can amplify those 'vague'sensations to mindblowing proportions

MJ's has merit mainly for kino(kinesthetic rep-system) you get some amazing ideas as well but if you want to make the most of your Aneros experience get away from your thoughts and focus your awareness(at first at least) in the area where it's all happening, the inner- and outerprostate(perineum).
Using the techniques you learn when learning about the microcosmic orbit that Mantak Chia explained will definitely be helpful, not so much to do the orbit, BUT to use your awareness like a magnifying glass to pinpoint your energyawareness to a spot.
Energy awareness and sensation (chi) is by its kino nature another thing that gets greatly improved when stoned. So for example I focus my awareness at the root of my penis, feel it going thru the other side into the prostate. What happens after that is like chi shooting down my spine down to my prostate and then out thru the shaft of my penis.
Using this 'healing energy' is good for whole body orgasms and leaves you vibrating all over your body. How can this type of natural bliss lead to mental problems?

So I definitely wouldn't use mj without the Aneros, but with it's definitely (highly) recommended!

MJ has never killed anyone(compare that with farma and alcohol) and it has been used for thousands of years for its medicinal properties and most of all it's truely mindblowing in combination with Aneros.

helixer - i agree with your comment about tobacco use although it is primarily the harmful effects of the latter that make it ill-advised

in my experience toking with friends someone who has an unpleasant experience with herb is [COLOR="blue"]almost always concurrently drinking [COLOR="blue"]alcohol

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Personally I can't think of one reason to smoke ANYTHING.(I'm a hardliner when it comes to my premis that cannabis should be ingested.)
Sure smoking tabacco causes cancer and is highly addictive and does NOTHING at all for you. But I'm one of those ppl who believe the act of smoking is addictive in its own right regardless of the substance.

Apart from the sexual intercourse I wholeheartedly agree with some of the stuff you said earlier about endorphines and this is why cannabis has to be eaten.
In fact cannabis can even help in 'bulking up', although it's not pumping iron it certainly helps pumping shit out of ones'asshole!
We're all familiar with the munchies one gets from cannabis. How about employing that to pack on the muscle?

And yes Arnie called it right, pumping iron gives a high of its own, but pumping iron and then pumping shit, THAT's heaven!

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