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Ok – I’ve been reading here for quite some time. I’m a dedicated owner of the MGX for a bit over a year now. Over this past year I’ve been walking the path often professed here as ‘The Journey’.

I’ll apologize for the length of this post – however as I typed and tried to summarize my recent experience and more than year long journey thus far, I found that I simply couldn’t abridge any further.

I’ve never been a skeptic. Even from day one I’ve found my MGX to provide pleasure that’s distinctly different from anything I’ve ever experienced before. While this is in and of itself a truly groundbreaking experience for me, I know that I have never come close to the super orgasm that is at the center of the desire behind the Aneros.

Demographics I believe are somewhat important when trying to evaluate one's progress, so I'll share a bit. I'm a male, mid 30's and about 6' 3" tall. I've been happily married for more than 10 years and over that time sexually active in what is most likely a 'traditional' marriage (sex about 6 or 8 times a month not including masturbation, aneros, etc.). I'm probably a few pounds over weight and suffer from normal levels of stress related to my daily work responsibilities (working Mon-Fri 9am-5pm - go ahead, sing it). We have no children (by choice) making our free time very flexible.

Tonight during a session where I had the house to myself (wife’s out of town and doesn't know about my journey) I discovered the edge of bliss. It confirmed an experience some 8 months ago where I had a similar sensation. As I understand the process I feel I have found the P-wave stage. I thought I had been here for some time but tonight I realized that I had been far away. The feelings I experienced tonight were far more intense than what I had thought was the P-wave.

But I digress… My purpose tonight is to share my experience in what I hope are terms that adequately describe my experience in words that maybe others can relate to in some way. I make the assumption that those reading this have spent some time (not days, but months unless you are one of the lucky ones) with the Aneros. I also assume that they have spent this time with one model (I believe that switching from one model to the other in search of a magic solution or shortcut is not the answer). That they have focused on how whatever model they chose to begin with and truly tried to enjoy the journey without any preconceived notions of what is ‘right’ or what ‘should’ happen. There truly is no wrong (short of manually manipulating the massager with your hands – you have to let your body do the work).

Basically one of the key things that seems to be a recurring theme here on the forum is how to define the feeling of the super-o and some of the other indicators of progress (such as the p-wave). This has been a frustration for me as well. How is someone supposed to know when they have reached some point in the journey?

Tonight I know that what many of the other experienced users here have already said over and over again. “Once you get there, you will know”.

It takes time and I’m seeing that I’m making progress. Now my main purpose:

The P-Wave: Tonight I felt a pleasure that I had experienced only once in my life. It was many months ago, probably about 2 months or so after getting my MGX. I was having a session in the bath (my personal favorite, using a non-water based lube). My wife was home watching TV in the living room. Often times over the few weeks leading up to this day I had discovered that while lying in the bath tub on my back that tucking my dick between my legs and closing my legs together softly produced a different feeling. It was a soft feeling that was different than the other sensations that I had been experiencing. This soft tingly feeling was wonderful and I wanted to make it grow stronger. That day I started gently squeezing my PC muscles (key word here, GENTLY) while I held my knees together just tight enough to keep them from coming apart. I used short contractions with little pressure. I’ll say that it was maybe 20% of a ‘full contraction’. I was holding them for maybe 5 or 6 seconds to get this wave of pleasure to build and then releasing to allow it to subside. After a few minutes it hit me. This sudden gush of euphoric tingling – rushing from my groin away toward my feet, and up toward my head. This wave would rush out as I released my contraction, then I would wait a few seconds to softly contract and build another. I felt myself about to lose control and was a bit surprised by the feelings. Knowing my wife was just down the hall threw my concentration off. I was afraid I would let out a moan or cry of pleasure that I couldn’t control. It was gone. . .

Since then I have ‘chased’ that feeling. Tonight I found that I had in fact been chasing and trying to force it. I was squeezing my legs (knees) together so hard to try and get that feeling again. Over the last months I had many many mind blowing traditional orgasms using this method. However they weren’t the same.

This time I used soft pressure and soft contractions. I held them for 10-15 seconds and over time began to feel that same pleasure build. Usually I would get excited at this point and start to push to hard with my knees “chasing” the feeling. Tonight I managed to relax and hold the pressure constant. My dick was very hard tucked between my legs (making sure to keep ‘behind’ my legs to prevent any rubbing between the legs). There it was – just running out to greet me. I relaxed and let it come. I had what seemed like several minutes of wave after wave of intense pleasure that rolled from the center of my groin up to the top of my head and down to my toes.

So my purpose of this story (that’s been told many times here)? Well I want to give an analogy that can maybe help others identify this P-wave feeling.

As I reflected this evening over a glass of wine it hit me. It wasn’t unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. It was rather just like something that I have experienced. It’s just like something that virtually everyone has experienced. Imagine yourself in a situation where you are living your life normally. Everything is just as it would normally be. You might be at work, home, school, or anywhere. You are comfortable just living your life, doing a normal daily mundane task. Then just as suddenly as you had blinked a few seconds ago you are now in the middle of a fight or flight situation. You are sitting on the couch watching TV and the wall across the room has blow apart. You struggle to wrap you mind around what is happening and realize that chaos has just broken loose. You don’t know what to do. There is no real sound, just the white noise of your body trying to decide how to react. Are you going to run toward the gaping hole in the wall to find out what has happened and fight the threat or will you run away to protect yourself? What will you do?

When the P-wave presents itself to you this is how it may come. As often said here, everyone is different. My technique may be different from yours. My feelings may be different from yours. However I believe that in the end everyone feels something similar.

For me it was like a freight train coming down the tracks but it didn’t have sound. It just vibrated the ground as it passed by, the rush of the wind, speed and energy making the earth quiver. Then it softly roared into the distance. The difference here is that with careful attention to how this freight train rushes toward you and passes into the distance; you can call another down the tracks. Using soft contractions of your muscles manipulating the Aneros to hit that spot again and softly holding it there. Maybe there will be two or three. Maybe dozens lasting for hours. Maybe you’ll elevate those rumblings of chaotic yet sublime and peaceful, blissful energy to a new level of pleasure that I can’t even imagine. Maybe? I believe EVENTUALLY…

Your body is the earth, the P-wave is the train and where the tracks lead I can only imagine. I’m enjoying my journey and have discovered a new level that will lead me to the next. Relax, enjoy and believe that you will ultimately arrive at a new place no matter where that is.

My apologies for this long post, but I hope that it will help at least one person as they travel down the path. It’s so difficult to adequately describe an experience like this in words.


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I'll add that I'm not fond of the term 'rewiring' or the marketing of other materials that supplement the aneros experience.

1) I don't believe that there's any rewiring happening. I think that users are simply learning to pay attention to what their bodies are telling them. Rewiring seems to me to profess that there is in fact something happening that changes you (physiologically). I don't think that's happening. I think that the Aneros is simply acting as a tool to provide a comfortable way for a man to come to terms with a part of sexual pleasure that has been shunned by society. The ass is dirty, so pleasure can't come from there (society applies this to men and women especially in American society).

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B Mayfield
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First, I want to thank you for your detailed description of this most wonderful session. I know well of the ineffable elements that seem to abound from this experience. By the way, I think you did a terrific job.

With respect to the term "rewiring", I have to correct you on one thing. The manufacturer did not coin this... I did, and they have only used it in their marketing as result of it becoming a part of our vernacular here in the forum. In essence, it's a case of the tail wagging the dog. I should tell you that I agree that men have this innate capacity...that we are basically "pre-wired" for the experience. I've written on it extensively. As I see it the process is one of growth through deeper self-awareness. This "journey" as I've called it involves opening oneself up to alternate forms of stimulation and developing an attentiveness to the subtle sensations that are produced as a result. Mental focus and the manipulation of arousal in new and different ways are key. Another way of looking at this is as an awakening of a dormant arousal pathway. I would argue however that developing a new awareness does produce palpable changes in the way that an individual experiences arousal and ultimately orgasmic release.

I for example, came to a point several years ago where I began to experience sexual arousal in my prostate first...and my penis secondarily. So if I was sitting and watching something visually stimulating...I would first become aware of my arousal through sensations in my prostate. Is this simply a greater awareness of sensations that were there at very subtle levels before? Yes and no. Yes, these sensations were likely there at very subtle levels prior to my advances down the MMO pathway. But in addition, they were no longer subtle anymore, they were in fact very strong and had become my key indicator of sexual arousal. This wasn't just a case of becoming more aware of something that was already there....the awareness had led my body to develop a different response to arousal!

So in this context "rewiring " really means two things, revivifying the dormant pathways that already exist AND generating new connections or responses to arousal as well. The process of learning often involves adaptive changes in neural networks. The "journey" is all about learning. This is really what "rewiring " is about.

BF Mayfield

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New neural pathways can be created from either end. If you are providing your body with an entirely new sensation it is very possible that whole new neural pathways are created in your brain.

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It seems that my follow up post has struck a few nerves. My apologies for that as it was not intended.

I did not mean to imply that Aneros was using the term 'rewiring' as marketing hype, nor that they coined it. My comments regarding rewiring and marketing were meant to be taken individually.

A) I certianly understand the diverse viewpoints of this community. My emphasis on the 'rewiring' term was meant to point to my feeling that the jpurney is more a process of listening to your body versus some mechanical (or neurological) process and that I feel this experience relies more on our ability to be in tune with our body than rewiring.

B) Marketing references were more focused on how many who post here feel the need to buy many (or at least multiple) models of the Aneros. This isn"t meant to say that Aneros is doing anything wrong but rather that many users get lost along the path and focus too much on which model etc..

Both points are simply general statements of my opinions and not meant to detract from anyone elses viewpoints but rather provide yet another for everyone's consideration.


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I would like to start by saying that I really appreciate your description of what you have experienced, for newbies like me it help hearing a different perspective.
One thing I must just add is maybe not to be so harsh on Mayfield and company, as they are just trying to explain the "re-wiring" process the best way they can. They do not get paid for it and they give up some of their precious time to help guys like me.

I do however understand where your coming from and am looking forward to trying out your techniques. 8)



B Mayfield
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It seems that my follow up post has struck a few nerves. My apologies for that as it was not intended.

I did not mean to imply that Aneros was using the term 'rewiring' as marketing hype, nor that they coined it. My comments regarding rewiring and marketing were meant to be taken individually.

A) I certianly understand the diverse viewpoints of this community. My emphasis on the 'rewiring' term was meant to point to my feeling that the jpurney is more a process of listening to your body versus some mechanical (or neurological) process and that I feel this experience relies more on our ability to be in tune with our body than rewiring.

B) Marketing references were more focused on how many who post here feel the need to buy many (or at least multiple) models of the Aneros. This isn"t meant to say that Aneros is doing anything wrong but rather that many users get lost along the path and focus too much on which model etc..

Both points are simply general statements of my opinions and not meant to detract from anyone elses viewpoints but rather provide yet another for everyone's consideration.



Struck a few nerves, lol I assume that was tongue and cheek. Absolutely no offense taken whatsoever. First, you have a right to your own opinion as does everyone else in here. Secondly, I understand where you are coming from and quite frankly I agree with much of what you've said. So when it comes to "rewiring" I agree that the need to tune into our bodies is essential...really that's what it's all about. But in my opinion this does not negate the concept that certain changes takes place, with neural networks being reestablished and created.

Regarding the focus on new models and all. I agree that there is very often excitement about new products and the ever evolving product line. But the truth is that much of the reason for the development of new product lies in the needs of certain users. Products like the Helix, the Maximus, and the Progasm were created as a direct result of user input. As much as I would like there to be a one size fits all Aneros, this simply isn't case. The fact is that some models seem to work better for one person vs. another. Presumably this is due to anatomical variations that persist in the population. That said, I would agree that there is very often an inclination for new users to want to jump ship before they've really explored and given time to "tuning in" with a particular device. This is understandable as it plays to our need for instant gratification. Personally, I'm very cautious about recommending that a user move to a different model. I always take these on a case by case basis and carefully consider the amount of time spent and the kind of response that a user has had. In general, I think that most of the advanced users are of a similar mind about make such recommendations.

I would have to add that in my own case, I've been orgasmic with all of the models in the Aneros product line. So at least personally, I could say, that it is less about the product than it is about the process of "rewiring" or awakening if you will. But that's me. I know that some users feel differently and they are entitled to their own opinions too!

May your way be as pleasant.

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What a great post! I love it when guys like you come in from “out of the cold” and give a progress report to the forum after a year. It’s like you’ve been gone on a long black ops mission and now you’re debriefing.

No wonder you have a different perspective.

It makes we wonder this question for the experts: For those of us that have been regular Aneros practitioners for over 9 months with our incremental progress to show for it, should we A)keep trying new things – techniques, products, positions in hopes that some as yet untried combination of things will trigger the snowball effect, or B)It doesn’t matter, just keep doing what your doing. One day, the snowball will just start rolling.

I am curious for those who patiently worked for a year to achieve a big breakthrough – did it come from practicing the same old same old, or was it the result of a new technique or product?


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I agree with you, to a certain extent, we are biologically already “pre-wired” to experience these heightened orgasmic states. However, it has also been demonstrated, learning new skills does in fact lead to the creation of new synaptic connections in the brain, thus we really are “rewiring” ourselves all the time. The way I understand the term “rewiring” as used on this Forum is more as a metaphorical reference than a literal reference. When I use the term “rewiring” I am speaking about learning this new paradigm of thought about just how and what constitutes an orgasmic experience. I agree with ‘B Mayfield’s description, this is more like an “awakening” of an existing pathway than creation of new circuitry.
I also agree with you, to a certain extent, which model you choose to learn with has less to do with your success (or lack thereof) than the attitude you carry with you on the journey. We are also in agreement that the peripherals (music, vitamins, type of lube, etc.) are not the critical elements to the puzzle, but they are influencing factors, just as having adequate time and a comfortable environment are factors. All of these minor factors are part of the combination to unlocking an individuals Super-O capability.


You asked a couple of questions “…should we A) keep trying new things – techniques, products, positions in hopes that some as yet untried combination of things will trigger the snowball effect, or B) It doesn’t matter, just keep doing what your doing.” IMHO, it is a bit of both. As stated in the WIKI and many other places on this Forum, there is NO FORMULA to having a Super-O land upon you. You do need to keep an open mind, without expectations, and try a myriad of combinations to optimize your chances for the experience, this includes trying new things – techniques, products, positions, etc. However, understand that it doesn’t really matter because you can’t force the Super-O to visit you just because you did try all those things. It is in the process of keeping yourself open, adventuresome, curious and interested while exploring your own mind and body that you make the experience possible. So it is not a specific technique or product, nor simple repetition that will tip the scale, it is your state of mind. When you change your mind, you change your reality.

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Great post! I love the detailed description and introspection.

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