Wierd feeling
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Wierd feeling

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Had a feeling that my butt was press up towards my brest. (Including all body parts without legs) My butt was just below my nipples. Then the pressing stop slowly and body parts including bubb went down. This happens 3 times/session. Still on butt buzz, its goes more and more plesaurable.

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I like it when this feeling occurs. 

For me it seems to start with a sensation that the inserted device is being drawn deep and deeper inside but I know it can't.  Its almost as if the natural intestine peristaltic movement goes in reverse causing an upward movement rather than downward.   

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Posted by: @buttin

Had a feeling that my butt was press up towards my brest. (Including all body parts without legs) My butt was just below my nipples. Then the pressing stop slowly and body parts including bubb went down. This happens 3 times/session. Still on butt buzz, its goes more and more plesaurable.

Yes, thats a good description of that particular event! 

Feeling that the Aneros is filling my whole torso.

Feelling of shrinking, like the distance between my hips and head is getting shorter and shorter. So, really close to what you are experiencing. It's part of the realization that the toy can't really do this, and your body can't really shrink, so it's all in your mind, and if you can do this in your mind, then what else can you do? Powerful stuff! 

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Sorry, this happened aless, I have felt it earlier with MGX trident, so it can be a memory.


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Hey man that's even better, you don't even need the toy! Sometimes I go Aless and still feel there's something inside me, so yeah this can easily be memory, your mind is powerful and will feel what it wants to feel. This is still a great thing to experience, nice job on your progress! 

Edit: That's an awesome experience, Aneros or not, don't know why I wrote it that way... one is not better than the other.
