Who tested the HSV?
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Who tested the HSV?

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The ad I got in the email mentioned testers, and I wondered if that didn't mean any of the regulars here. 

It also mentioned up front (well, hidden next to an asterisk) that the 3hr battery runtime was the time it ran at the highest setting on the "variable" mode, whatever that meant. So what I'd like to know from testers is, if the battery that small can run the motor for that long at the highest setting, it's gotta be a fairly subtle feeling, right? 

Aneros Team
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Our testing group is largely comprised of forum members.  As a matter of company policy, we keep their identities private, even to other members of the group.  Doing so help us maintain the integrity of the testing process.

The Helix Syn V has 8 vibrations patterns.  Pattern 1 provides continuous (static) vibration.  Patterns 2 - 7 provide variable/dynamic vibration - they vary in speed with highs and lows.  Pattern 8 is a special composite pattern, made up of 5 of the dynamic patterns strung together in a specific order to simulate randomness.  High speed mode operates at up to 100% of motor capacity.  The run time on high speed for pattern 1 is 2 hours. The dynamic patterns vary between 0 and 100% capacity, so they use less power.  On high speed most of their run times are > 2 hours long, with one that lasts up to 3 hours (it has fewer of the 100% peaks).  With respect to intensity of the vibration bear in mind that this is Aneros massager so it provides a far more robust experience than other prostate devices, even at medium speed (35% motor capacity).  Medium and Low speeds have longer run times (> 6 hours on low speed). 

Your Aneros Team


Fred27, Fred27 and Fred27 reacted
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@aneros-team all I want to know is where do I send my resume to be a tester?! I want to test the HSV! 

Seriously,  love you guys and this sounds like something exciting.  I previously did not have a lot of interest in vibrations, but the random pattern thing is turning my head and making me think differently. I have been playing with the Womanizer premium on their "auto pilot mode" lately and that thing makes you think it is wired to you subconscious mind and is always giving you just what you need...I'm betting this potential new Aneros device will deliver a similar experience. 


Fred27, Ggringo, Fred27 and 3 people reacted
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@regal13  you got my vote!  Good  luck. 


Regal13, Regal13 and Regal13 reacted
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I would volunteer as well - sounds like a great product!

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@fred27 not that it counts but you got my vote too!  Hope it works.


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Ha ha look at this volunteer posse wh have organized!  Nothing short of amazing! 

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