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Who has achieved Super-Os unassisted—meaning sober only?

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A few recent posts make the question 'Who has achieved Super-Os unassisted—meaning sober only?' unavoidable to ask.

From the post Must buy book of 2022!! Dunning's book implies that THC allows Super-Os to happen and perhaps that it's nearly impossible to do without.

In Reverse Engineering Psychedelic Experiences - How deep does the ribbit hole go?, a few of us revealed that our first Super-Os were attained sober, or unassisted. 

Where do you fit in, assisted or unassisted?

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I’d like to preface with what a Super-O is to me, even though all non-ejaculatory orgasms are pretty damn super (to me).  A seldom occurrence is a Super-O: a handful of times in the past year, yes, sober.  Rarity is part of the specialness, but other criteria are: swearing at the pleasure as it stands within me yet cussed at as if outside of me* too, a profound feeling of lucky to be alive, experiencing visions erotic or not.  Most of the time I have what the wiki calls “dry orgasms” via Aneros or Alessly

*ecstasy: existanai (Greek) “drive out of one’s mind”

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I’ve never had anything but unassisted super-o. 

Fred27, Pablito1963, Trigger and 9 people reacted
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Unassisted for a great long while, but they got harder to achieve as life "got in the way". 

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Posted by: @zaqpol

Where do you fit in, assisted or unassisted?

No Super-O yet per se yet but all pleasures are achieved au-natural .  I'm very pleased with whatever I get and it's more than I could ever imagine.

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Once unassisted plus several pretty damn close.

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Posted by: @zaqpol

Where do you fit in, assisted or unassisted?

All but one of my Super-O's over the years have been unassisted, however, I've had many normal prostate orgasms both assisted and unassisted.

Good Vibes to You!

zaqpol, zaqpol and zaqpol reacted
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My most sublime sessions are done assisted, but my sober sessions have been, and continue to evolve to something pretty damn amazing.


zaqpol, zaqpol and zaqpol reacted
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All my super Os are not assisted and very pleasurable! After five years with and without Aneros I pretty much achieve them on a regular basis. Once the pleasure starts, I just relax and go with the flow wherever it leads and soon it happens! Have found that using my anal thruster/vibrator has helped and enhanced the Os as well as nipple play!

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Sober orgasms for maybe 4 months in the beginning. Way more often unassisted than not, as I only take drugs 1-2 times a month, and only play with my prostate during half of those experiences.

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Only assisted.

When I'm sober, I only experience limited pleasure, much less intense than the traditional orgasm. When I vaporize a little weed, I am able to have the most amazing session, the best Super-O's of my life almost every time.

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Posted by: @morexp

Only assisted.

When I'm sober, I only experience limited pleasure, much less intense than the traditional orgasm. When I vaporize a little weed, I am able to have the most amazing session, the best Super-O's of my life almost every time.

This is my current situation but I feel that I am progressing towards the ability to have them sober as well. 

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Mostly assisted, but I can have them without influences of chemical kinds. I just prefer assisted because they come so easily and plentifully and sessions are just simply more fun and happy 🙂

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Posted by: @zaqpol

Where do you fit in, assisted or unassisted?

Great question @zaqpol!


I started out unassisted and kept it this way for years. I became a somewhat regular weed user later by chance respectively proximity & access. Now it's 50/50 I'd say. When I have a lot of time on my hands and want to spoil myself, I go for assisted long sessions. Smaller sessions are simply not worth the 4 hrs trip (I'm doing edibles only). When I consume recreationally w/o any intend to have a session, I usually still end up with some involuntary aless super-o's. I can surpress them and often have to, because I'm usually around other people in these cases. But sometimes I  silently ride the wave for a few mins, when I'm feeling sneaky.

Everday spontaneous aless is still a thing and unaffected. I (think I) did not lose anything due to the weed, sober Super-O's are still very accessible. It's worth mentioning though, that doing a session high is a whole different animal and an experience in it's own right. It hits faster, it hits harder and it's a more stable experience in general. It's sometimes hard to tell where the sex begins and the trip ends though.


Super_Fungi_O, zaqpol, Super_Fungi_O and 3 people reacted
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All my Super-O's and non super have been uassisted. I have never done THC and i never had alcohol nor have i ever smoke. I do drink coffee so if that counts as THC then maybe lol. But in all honesty patients of the rewiring process which took me years of non-supers before the big ones was the key. 

Reminds me of few woman i knew who said they could not squirt and i proved them wrong. It is knowledge and patience but also you must relax. I think thats why THC works for some but is not required nor the only way my friend.

Regal13, Regal13 and Regal13 reacted
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I have never had a session any way other than totally sober, but when my state legalizes left handed smoke and candy, there will be some new experiences in my super-o log book. I am happy I didn't consume any substances to get learn the anerosian way...might have taken less than 10 or 12 years but hey, I see it now as adding color, not a necessity. 

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@regal13 I love that term: left handed smoke! 

that is my rule about drugs: i only use them to enhance an already good situation, add color as you say.

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Many long years ago I was able to do what I would consider a super O without any assistance, but I simply lack the 9 hours or so of time to do this.

In the past I experimented with using Gravol [200 mg 4 tablets] [in the USA its called Dramamine], Benadryl [4 to 6 tablets 100 to 150 mg] and psuedoehederine 120 mg 12hr, 240 mg 24hr, 60 mg 6 hr.  Not together, separately.  

With psuedo, the recommended package dose was quite effective and worked well, and I was fully sober and able to drive etc. after my "session".  Other than being perky, I was able to carry on with my day.  As someone with sinus issues from time to time, I have occasion to take psuedo for its intended medical purpose.  

Benadryl and Gravol are somewhat similar to each other and give similar effects.  In both cases the dose I took was above recommended but below the abuse doseage - a grey area.  Avoid like the plague if you have an addictive personality or past addiction issues on anything.  Even If you don't, limit yourself to these amounts - even if that means throwing away the extra in the package.  With these two meds after your session is over you will need to sleep it off after, so its more an at night thing.  Another downside is you may loose track of your erotic journey, lose focus.  

These three meds stimulate the prostate - and allow you just to lay back, relax while the prostate and the aneros spin away, climbing the stairs, pulsing away, trying not cresting over into an ejaculatory climax.

Now you need a prescription for this, but trying for a Super -O on Rapaflo is awesome.  Within 2 hours of taking an 8mg Rapaflo, your ability to ejaculate is turned off for the next 3 days.  You can orgasm, but it will be dry.   When you do, you can go back at it again and again.

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