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What's really happening during Arenos use?

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I started thinking and was wondering if any of you had any answers?

My first question is what is taking place in the rewiring process and prostate awakening? When I think of rewiring, I think that new wires (nerve tracks to the brain and it's pleasure registers) are being created? Or is it just learning something new with your body, like dancing? Or is it a tolerance to having your prostate stimulated, like any touch over stimulated it and turned itself off from overload till it got use to it? Or something that I haven't thought of yet?

I'm also wondering what are the biological differences between body orgasms and regular orgasms? The reason I wonder this is when my body starts shaking, I get a metallic taste in my mouth. While I was sitting in the tub I remembered where I had that taste before, and it was when I was younger and experimenting with LSD. Since LSD alters the way that neurotransmitters are released and bind to neurons this made me think that there might be some kind of huge natural hormone release (like dopamine) during super-o's.

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chaos snake,

First, congratulations on crossing over into the realm of the Super-O.
Second, you’ve asked some good questions which only some good scientific studies may be able to answer.

My intuitive speculation is the “prostate awakening” establishes new neural connections in the brain. At that time we make our first value judgments about whether this is a pleasurable sensation or not. I think these early connections may go a long way to determining how effective and rapid subsequent learning proceeds. Once enough neural connections and the pleasure value judgment has been made, condition-response associations build, being reinforced by various hormonal chemical releases. At some point in this process enough chemicals are released to cause the body to enter the orgasmic state and begin an endorphin cascade. While a sufficient stimulus level is maintained it appears this endorphin cascade can be extended from the typical ejaculatory orgasm of 10-15 seconds to the Super-O period lasting many minutes.
It would be nice to have some definitive answers. It has been suggested on this Forum before that academic study of this phenomena be undertaken. I think it will be some day, with fMRI machines, blood chromatograph studies, endocrinology, kinesthetics, etc. Until then we can just tell ourselves “I may not know why but I sure do like it!”

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I think part of it might be also that the Aneros strengthens the PC muscles.

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Chaos Snake,

I have been wondering the same thing. If you read on the Aneros homepage under Learn and How It Works, they describe the nerve endings etc. that might be responsible for this response. If you search “research” or “study” on this forum you will find a few informative threads but the fact remains that no research has actually been done. Search Google for “male multiple orgasm studies” and you will get the lone Rutgers study about a guy who had no refractory period. Search prolactin, search dopamine - search them all!

It would seem that we are the frontier. This process, of which I haven’t even had so much as a p-wave yet, is fascinating. I bought this product on customer testimonials. Like I would buy a miracle grout cleaner from an infomercial. I’m an electrical engineer for crying out loud. I couldn’t sell a single a single customer my services if I said “I’m good, I just can’t prove I’m good”. In my line of work things either work or they don’t – it’s all zero’s and ones – I can prove everything I do and demonstrate how it will work for you before you buy it.

So what the heck is the brain actually doing here? If sticking a piece of plastic works good in your butt, why not stick a piece of plastic in that big plexus of nerves in your stomach lining? Would you start to be able to taste pizza without actually eating anything?

I am hooked on the process. I am willing to go forth without a “business plan” because I want to see what’s on the other side of rewiring. If this process works what do think we have a hold of here? Human evolution? Was this process, when discovered accidentally throughout history – as it apparently has been – by eastern cultures and mystics the world over, was this the actual seminal birth of religion?

I digress. Gotta go get me some more coffee!


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J4, this is on Wiki so it's nothing special but it is interesting to read:


Just something interesting to think about.

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Place the word string - timothy leary eight circuits - into google. I feel the Aneros is jump starting us into Circuit V .. hang onto your Aneros Chaos, it's going to be one hell of a ride .. and I'm not even on the road yet, just moving out of the garage 🙂

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I believe that the "re-wiring" process, in addition to the sensory changes, also involves thinking in new ways and letting go of cultural and personal beliefs that interfere with it. While I think the term re-wiring is meant to be inclusive to all these changes. It seems to me that it is not necessarily obvious. Of course technically speaking in the biological sense, the change in thinking and beliefs is still a physical change in the firing order of the neurons in our brain. (Hope I got that right. I'm not a biologist.)

When I think of rewiring, I think that new wires (nerve tracks to the brain and it's pleasure registers) are being created? Or is it just learning something new with your body, like dancing?

I suspect it is a little of both. In my own experience, I've been amazed with the subtle twists and turns of the learning involved with using Aneros devices. It seems with every session I'm figuring out something new about the process. And at the same time, although not every session, I experience different, and/or heightened sensations of pleasure.

Or is it a tolerance to having your prostate stimulated, like any touch over stimulated it and turned itself off from overload till it got use to it?

Perhaps it is also the act of having your prostrate massaged in a sensual manner and environment that never happened before. I had never had my prostrate touched/massaged in this manner until I bought a Helix. Until you get used to the sensations that go along with it, you may not feel much of anything. It reminds me of the first time a women touched and stroked my penis in a sensual/sexual manner when I was 12 or 13 years old.(Don't get the wrong idea. She was the same age also.) This was before I had started masturbating. I remember it felt good what she was doing, but not the most amazing thing in thing in the world. When I got home from the party and went to the bathroom to urinate, I discovered this sticky goo in my underwear and on my penis. I had no idea what it was. I had to talk to a friend the next day about it to learn that I had ejaculated. So basically, I had ejaculated and didn't even know it. Which to me strongly implies that the orgasm that usually goes along with ejaculation is a learned response. That was my awaking though. Shortly thereafter, I started masturbating(and orgasming from it) like there was no tomorrow! LOL

I'm also wondering what are the biological differences between body orgasms and regular orgasms?

Without actually knowing, I'd guess not much. Besides that you are separating the ejaculation process from the orgasm. I'm sure orgasm has to have an effect on brain chemistry. Particularly if you can learn to orgasm more frequently, for longer periods of time, and more intensely such as using the Aneros can provide. I know that often times, the day after a session, I feel an incredible positive sense of well being and peaceful bliss that I wouldn't necessarily have otherwise. To me, that's proof of brain chemistry changes. But I guess if you looked at it from the Tantric, or spirituality viewpoint, people involved with that would say you are probably connecting with your higher power, or something to that extent.

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Thanks for posting that. I read Circuit V and skimmed I through IV. I'm gonna save the rest for later.

From Circuit V:

A hedonic turn-on occurs, a rapturous amusement, a detachment from the previously compulsive mechanism of the first four circuits.

I find this interesting, because in Circuit IV he talks about drugs that stimulate Circuits 1 through IV being highly addictive. Yet when you get to Circuit V, attachments to those compulsive mechanisms are let go. Kind of the idea that when you get spiritually evolved enough, things tend to fall away from your life that don't support, nurture and allow your state of being to grow. Makes me wonder if the strong interests I've had in my life in altered states of realities through drugs, alcohol, music, and sex, is really just my body/mind/spirit trying to find the next step, or Circuit in my spiritual evolution. I would love it if the Aneros could jump start me into Circuit V. 😀



So what the heck is the brain actually doing here? If sticking a piece of plastic works good in your butt, why not stick a piece of plastic in that big plexus of nerves in your stomach lining? Would you start to be able to taste pizza without actually eating anything?

Technically the mouth and eye lids, in addition to the anus, are considered to be sphincters. Perhaps there is an opportunity for Aneros to come out with new product lines! LMAO 😆

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Taco King,

Interesting link. I've got to go do some "homework", if you know what I'm saying. I've never seen those gland openings before - Mrs. J4 might even ask me why I'm wearing my glasses!


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Since no one knows the limits of the brains capabilities, why an not Aneros inspired piece of plastic that excites the stomachs nerves into thinking that it is full. Weight loss based on a drug free craving control.

I lay claim to the name "Gastreros".

Better buy all the Aneros models you can before the FDA tries to control its use based on the drug free release of dopamine!


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Thank you for the link on the eight circuits. I had never run across this during all my google searches for "theory of consciousness". I am inclined to believe that after "Why do we (or anything) exist?" that "What is consciousness and why do we have it?" is the next biggest question.

Ever wonder why we as a species can think of questions that have no answer?


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J4 and Love_Is glad it made a connection with you - Timothy Leary expounds theory in "Info-Psychology: A Revision of Exo-Psychology" and Robert Anton Wilson does his best explanation in "Prometheus Rising" - they are good maps for the territory, but of course they are just that, maps and not the territory itself.

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Let's not forget what the wise ole' wiki says too, some good points in here as well:

The prostate, perineum, and anal sphincter hold important roles in sexual orgasms and may have further roles not yet fully known. The Aneros stimulates all three of these erogenous zones. The important nerves that control the sexual organs, including those controlling erection, orgasm, and ejaculation, converge at the prostate and the perineum area. For this reason, prostate and perineum massage have been effective means for healthier and enhanced sexual functions since ancient times. Classic sexual tomes such as the Kama Sutra expound upon the sexual potential hidden within this area. For most men, this area has never before been directly stimulated in a way to trigger orgasms. The nerves located here are deep within the body - an untapped source of sexual pleasure.

The Aneros simultaneously massages the prostate, the juncture point of the left and right ampulla of vases and seminal vesicles, and the acupressure point of the perineum. The nerves at the seminal vesicle and the ampulla of vas lead to and through the testicles, and the perineum region is an innervation bridge to the nerves distributed to penis and the scrotum. Thus, the Aneros enables stimulation of all internal and external organs at the same time both directly and indirectly.

Ordinarily when the brain is stimulated either physically (external sexual organ stimulation) or spiritually (emotionally or mentally) it sends trigger signals to the nerves responsible for orgasm. It is believed that the Aneros releases those nerves from control by the brain and directly stimulates them, eliminating the secondary pathway through the brain. Furthermore, when this new method is combined with spiritual stimulation, the orgasm is intensified.

The anal sphincter also plays an important role in sexual orgasm. The anal sphincter contracts and relaxes repeatedly during orgasm. Without these anal contractions, orgasms would be diluted and less climactic. With stronger anal contractions, more intense orgasms can be achieved. This is because the nerves that branch out to the anal and the rectal area are also distributed throughout the external sex organs. Voluntary contraction and relaxation of the anal sphincter during use of the Aneros strengthens and tones the PC muscles. This is the basis of Kegel Exercises, established in aiding problems of the lower tracts such as urinary incontinence, impotence and premature ejaculation. Toning that results from use of the Aneros not only sensitizes and activates the nerves within this area, but also strengthens the muscles to increase the massage pressure applied to the prostate and perineum.

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