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What just happened?

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Hey all,

I was hoping some of you could help me identify what happened to me in a session last night.

About 2 hours into my session with my MGX, I was experiencing the usual good vibrations in my lower abdomen - relaxing, breathing and focusing on the buzzing, I was able to slowly build them up. For the first time, these sensations began to travel. My heart began beating faster and faster and I began to breath heavily, it really caught me off guard. My lower body began to shake and it felt amazing. The weird thing is that I couldn't seem to feel the Aneros as I normally do, all I could feel was this buzz throughout my body. I switched from lying on my side to my flat on my back and the feelings continued. I felt wired! I tried to maintain focus and build it up into something more, but after about 5 minutes, the sensations died down along with my heart rate. It left me feeling electrified, but I really don't really know what to call it, if anything. I tried to get the same powerful sensations back that session but just couldn't manage to. All I could get back was that lower abdominal buzz I started with. Running low on time & energy, I ended up settling with the most powerful & messy hands free T-orgasm I've ever had.

Has anyone else had this experience? Was it possibly a P-Wave? How do I take these feelings further next time? I've yet to experience a super O, or even a dry O as far as I am aware.

Any feedback is appreciated.

- ndg

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My heart began beating faster and faster and I began to breath heavily, it really caught me off guard. My lower body began to shake and it felt amazing. ... all I could feel was this buzz throughout my body. I felt wired! It left me feeling electrified, but I really don't really know what to call it, if anything.

🙂 I call such experiences Super-O's, congratulations, you're there! 🙂

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Is it true that I've finally arrived at the ultimate goal!? I think my expectations may have perhaps made me shorten the bliss that took over my body last time. I wanted to make the pleasure last longer, stronger, & push it over the edge; instead I feel like I may have lost my focus and relaxation by getting overly excited, and in turn, ending my session (possible super-O?) much earlier than desired!

I guess I have that much more to look forward to next session =D

- ndg

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If that's a Super-O I'd be disappointed. I've still never had one, but many experiences similar to ndg25's. From what I've read here, I always thought it would be a mind-blowing, toe-curling, goosebump-causing orgasm.

If a woman is unsure if she's ever had an orgasm, she's told "You'll KNOW if you have one." I expected the same thing. Not simply lower body shaking with an elevated heart rate. I get to that point all the time, but kept feeling like I was on the edge of something much, much bigger.

Someone please tell me there's more to it than that!

ndg25- have you had the sensation of ejaculating with nothing coming out? (Dry-O)

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i had a similar thing happen i woke up one morning took a hit of weed and put my helix in. After about an hour and ahalf i was layin on my side doing contractions and that same kind of thing happend to me my heart really started to race but it only lasted a few seconds for me because i too kind of got excited and lost concentration i was wonder what really happend to maybe just the start of a super o

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I've had this happen before too, heart-rate and breathing going way up, seems like something is building, but then it fizzles out (from broken concentration or trying to "grab on" to it maybe). It's hard to just go with it when it's a totally new experience.
The strange thing for me was that it didn't really feel that amazing. I get better sensations when my heart-rate and breathing are just normal and I'm relaxed and fluttering away down there.
It seems almost like another path or something.

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Pnoman: I think you have a point - if I had been hit by a real, full on super-O, I wouldn't be questioning the experience...
Although it felt electrifying, I don't recall any particularly strong feelings of ejaculating during the episode. Maybe if I had been able to hold onto it all just a little longer?

I still wonder what it is that we here have experienced...?

B Mayfield
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As I've said in the past, Super O's come in many different flavors. Intensity and duration are just two of the parameters that come into play. Given what you described I would concur with Rumel, that this was likely a Super O. It was a non-ejaculatory event with strong ("amazing") sensations that were experienced globally (as opposed to one area of your body). This is not a final destination but a departure on a wonderful sensory journey. The toe curling and the mind blowing....just wait.

In so far as knowing that you've had it if you've had it, I would respectfully submit that this is not always the case. The truth is that the first Super O I had was definitely a WTF ? kind of moment. It's completely natural for it to be this way since the experience is generally out of ones normal frame of reference to begin with. As a matter of fact it was part of the criteria that I used when I coined the term Super O in the first place.

I'd say you've been given a taste....hang in there for the ride!


BF Mayfield

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Thanks for your insight B Mayfield. Your post is encouraging, and I can't wait to see what feelings hit me next with future sessions!

- ndg

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