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what is your preference: a/less sessions or aneros sessions

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having been inspired many years ago by this fantastic forum i started my journey and immediately enjoyed anal play with my aneros devices.

over the years i started involving a/less and nipple stimulation in my routine with great satisfaction.

i didn't  '' think '' too much of what i was doing; i just went along with the ride using audio, porn , mental imagery and contractions to get aroused.

over the recent past i have been reading of the spiritual/meditative aspect of the journey  we are on and found myself drifting more towards  a/less sessions that incorporate a more ''thoughtful'' approach.

i find now i do not need any external form of arousal as i am constantly wired, highly sensitive and tuned in to my body.....complete relaxation and deep abdominal  breathing can start the delicious tingling sensations that gradually build as i focus my mind on the spot at  the base of my penis and pubic bone [ not sure if this is called the 'vegus nerve' or 'secret muscle' or ' sweet spot ' ].


with very light flexing of the sphincter,prostate and penis base i am quickly into the orgasmic zone.

 a/less sessions every day now seem to be taking over from using my aneros devices.

has anyone had this change of direction ?




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@smaster, I believe my Aneros journey is very similar to yours. I began my Aneros journey on Sunday evening, June 3, 2012 with Helix Syn and shortly afterward added other Aneros devices to my Aneros sessions. Three weeks into my journey I began to experience P-waves which soon turned into continuous Aless.

In mid September 2016, I achieved major breakthroughs with Super-O's and MMO's.

The Aneros enabled to experience my body in wonderful ways as a man who had entered retirement.

I still have Aneros sessions now maybe once a week or every couple weeks which I thoroughly enjoy.  However most nights in bed I enjoy interacting with my Aless by diddling my nipples. Such activity enable to pass through cold winter nights which are having now.

I'll add that many a night in bed I can induce Super-O's on demand just by diddling my nipples! 🙂




This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by BigGlansDC

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Welcome to the Aless faction, @smaster!

As my username already reveals, it happened even before joining this forum that I had more sessions without than with Aneros. Meanwhile I‘m joining the frequency @BigGlansDC already described.

From time to time my prostate tells me in some kind of inner dialogue it wants some real stuff to play with and it even suggests the preferred Aneros tool for that session. Such sessions often are extremely satisfying and seem to fuel my Aless like charging a battery.

It already happened back in 2017 that I wrote a blog post about two awesome weeks of continuous Aless experiences.

Congrats to your achievement of this fulfilling variant of blissful joy you can tickle out of your prostate. 

Good vibes, Mart

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I think my Aneros and Aless sessions fuel each other in a back-and-forth way, bouncing/building off of each other.  I wouldn't call myself an Aless master but most nights/mornings I can ramp up the sensations by thinking back to my previous session and how it felt.  Also Aless is definitely more convenient as there is zero prep time comparatively, great for a quickie.  But comparing them...Aneros is where I make my progress forward, so far. 

SOwithoutAneros, Ggringo, BigGlansDC and 6 people reacted
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At the moment I prefer sessions with Aneros because my orgasms are better that way.
Since I discovered these fantastic instruments in August 2019, I regularly do about 2 Aneros sessions per week. I have noticed that my progress in Aless sessions follows a similar slope to my progress with Aneros, but with a lower intensity of pleasure.
Lately I have reached a new level in my sessions with Aneros by experiencing wonderful orgasms that are spreading more and more throughout my entire body. The orgasms that I manage to have in Aless are also becoming more and more intense but remain confined to my perineal area.
So, for the moment, I still prefer sessions with Aneros. But I love to see this parallel progression and there will most likely come a day when I won't need the massager's physical presence anymore.

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@Morexp, I like your avatar. Is that a photo of your cat?


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No, I have no cat at the moment. This is the cat of friends. She was on the top of a car when I took the picture. Her name is Candy, a very sweet cat indeed!


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