what is KSMO and ca...
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what is KSMO and can it help if stuck?

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Hi all, I’ve been doing this for about two years and have gotten stuck just past the shaking body stage. A year ago I was doing an hour and a half to two-hour sessions 3 or 4 times a week but had a very bad illness (completely unrelated to the Aneros) and had to stop for a while. After the break it seemed like my body had completely un-wired and it was like starting all over. (AAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!!) But the shaking came back fairly quickly; there is more pleasure outside of the shaking, perhaps once the shaking quiets down a little is a better way to say it, leading to one or two partial P-waves. I also feel the prostate much more clearly and pleasurably now, with the Eupho giving the best contact. I slowed down to one session a week but am going to make it two, because I feel that I am making progress but the single session makes it possible for me louse my place and only make baby steps forward.

I have seen a lot of posts about KSMO and wanted to find out what it is. In the forums people seem to love it, but no description or very little description. I am not asking for the book or audio, just a little description of what KSMO is and how it works. I have been feeling like I am close but have not been able to light up the tree and am wondering if KSMO may help. The short descriptions available at other sites seem sometimes seem silly and read like ad copy, but there seems to be a large contingent of people who like it so I wanted to find out more. If it failed for anybody I would like to know that as well.



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Hi Gabriel,

>I have seen a lot of posts about KSMO and wanted to find out what it is. In the forums people seem to love it, but no description or very little description.I am not asking for the book or audio, just a little description of what KSMO is and how it works.I have been feeling like I am close but have not been able to light up the tree and am wondering if KSMO may helpThe short descriptions available at other sites seem sometimes seem silly and read like ad copy, but there seems to be a large contingent of people who like it so I wanted to find out more.If it failed for anybody I would like to know that as well.<

For me the KSMO has given me the most amazing and unexpected orgasms I've had in a long life of sexual experimentation.

Any other questions...?

Mog (Aneros user) 🙂

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Thanks for responding Mog, your post gives me most of the info was looking for. It sounds similar to a number of other practices. The final part I am curious about is weather it is breathing, meditative, a combination, etc.

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Mog, I should add that I did similar things for a long time with varying success. I do some relaxation exercises now when the shaking is obscuring the sensations and it helps. Because it is moving forward, although not as fast as I want (I am sure that the forum has not heard that before,) I hesitate to add a third or fourth thing into the mix. What I worry about is needing to drill deep to hit the source, but end up drilling a number of pilot holes none of which are deep enough. If you could give a small amount of info on what the practice is, I can make an informed decision to switch for a few months to see what happens. javascript:emoticon(':mrgreen:')
PS I admit upfront that this is crabby and parsimonious but with the economy in the toilet and my last consulting gig done and none in the pipe for the foreseeable future I am holding off on most purchases. So I am being careful about what I buy and why, even if it does not seem expensive to me at the time. It all really adds up.
Again TIA for the info.

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all it is, is a sound you make over and over.


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Actually the sound is only part of it.
It's an excellent program eveyone should know about.
Check it out at Multiples.com
Jack Johnston is the MAN! This guy even hosts live chats and answers questions
from clients directly online. He made an extremely effective program and he's an excellent guide in these matters.
Between KSMO and Aneros you have a fast winning team.

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Hi again Gabrial, (and Hi Tiphereth!)

>.........weather it is breathing, meditative, a combination, etc.I hesitate to add a third or fourth thing into the mix..........with the economy in the toilet and my last consulting gig done and none in the pipe for the foreseeable future....<

I hope your business perks up for you soon.


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thanks everyone who replied. I got the kind and detail of info I needed.
gabrial 😀

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