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What have I learned in 12 years?

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12 years and no super o. I have 5 different aneros massagers and 1 non aneros handsfree massagers. I've had some great experiences but limited success. I've learned a lot and have some advice.

Most important thing I have learned is that if you don't know or understand what it feels like to have your prostate stimulated manually, you need to start with that. Few people can stick a hands free prostate massager in and have super o's without difficulty. I envy the ones that can.

Do your research. Theres tonnes of info on the internet on this subject and lots of advice in this forum. Read up on the prostate, how it works, how it feels when stimulated manually and various techniques for stimulating it manually.

I recommend you have someone massage your prostate manually (friend/spouse/professional) and if that isn't possible then you need to do it yourself (fingers, toys etc). Do it properly and safely. Find out what feels good. Like me, doing it yourself will likely take longer/more experimentation to learn from.

If you don't know where your prostate is or how it feels when its massaged aneros will likely never work and/or you will likely never be able to determine what, if anything, you are doing wrong. Everyone's body is different. Prostate size and location can vary slightly from person to person.
Toys for manual stimulation?

Its hard to reach your prostate with your own fingers. Many g-spot vibrators/wands will work. As an example of what to look for, I'm using a Sinclair Institute Select Onyx glass massager.

It needs to bend or curve. Ends need to be rounded. Needs to be rigid/solid. And it needs to be long enough to hold and manipulate with ease. Be gentle, always gentle, especially when increasing pressure. Last thing you want is to go to the hospital and try to explain how you tore/damaged your rectum or prostate.

Is a good sign you are massaging your prostate. If you drip (seminal fluid) or can feel the sensation of it going into your urethra, then you are in the right spot and should focus on that area. When your prostate swells, pressure on it will cause a gentle burning sensation like you have to piss. I found that constant pressure and kegels felt really good (i'm still learning/exploring).
What muscles do you contract?

Everyone is different but I think in general, PC muscles (kegels) are most important as they directly affect the prostate. You need to strengthen these. Other contractions come into play and I think those come naturally with kegels. Start with kegels then try contracting others (anus), glutes etc.

I think once you know where your prostate is, how it feels when its stimulated, how much pressure is needed you will have better be able to determine what you need to do.

This subject is highly debated. Some argue you need lots so the massager slips in an out freely. Others argue to use minimal lube so that the massager stays in position. My advice. Experiment and do what feels best. I find more lube is better but my best advice is: lube quality. You want something slick and doesn't dry out quickly. You also want something comfortable as some lubes have ingredients that irritate the rectum. Experimentation/research is the key. So far I have 2 favs, Liquid Silk and Slippery Stuff. Remember, some of what ever you put in there will get into your large intestine and get absorbed directly into your blood stream so where ever possible I try to stay away from anything I don't want to absorb (parabens, glycerine, silicones, hormones, petroleum and glycols).

Very important. If you aren't in the mood and aren't relaxed, it won't work. Up to you whether you use substances or medications to assist this. Remember, you want to relax so things like nicotine, caffine will be counter productive. Time factors in here. If you feel rushed, you won't relax. Make sure you have plenty of time to spend on YOU.

Very important. If you masturbate or have sex frequently your chance of success decreases. Just like sex/masturbation, the longer you abstain the greater your arousal will be. Your prostate needs breaks too so after playing with it (whether you orgasm or not), give it a rest for at least 48hrs.

What ever feels good. Experiment. Just like our body's are different, so will be the positions that work for each person. I find positions where my knees/legs are bent work best for me. Squatting, doggy style, on side with top leg to chest and bottom leg straight, and fetal position.
Clean rectum.

Morning is best for me. Often I will douche. Sometimes fasting works good. Fast for 24 hours, then eat just prior to playing (because playing when your hungry isn't relaxing).
Penis play.

No. Don't touch it. Playing with it leads to ejaculation which means you will break the abstinence/arousal build-up and will have to pack everything up and start over from the beginning another time.
Finally, health problems.

Various health problems can affect or even prevent success here. I suffer from ED which affects my arousal. Lack of arousal = difficulty having orgasm. Abstinence also affects ED. Other things such as weight, fitness, mental health can have an impact.

Most of this info is common knowledge and general in nature. Like I've said, everyone is different.

Anyways, for those having trouble or just starting out, I think you need to start at the beginning by exploring your prostate like I am doing now. Manually find and stimulate it. Find whats pleasurable and learn from it.

You could get lucky, but in 12 years I didn't. So now I'm out to see if I can manually give myself a super o. If I can, then maybe the aneros can give me one.

Personally, i've found that the hands free massagers don't reach the right spot or provide enough pressure/stimulation. So far I'm having more frequent/better results using a wand and am starting to believe I will succeed this way. When I do succeed, I will then try again with the hands free massagers. Till then, no hands-free for me anymore.

I'm no expert....just giving my 2 cents. Comments, corrections, questions welcome.

Good luck and have fun. If it ain't fun then WTF are you doing it for?

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