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what did I experience?

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Hi all. First post. Been experimenting with aneros toys for about a month and a half. Until last night, the only progress I made was some involutary contractions, an occasional pleasure wave, and maybe a brief erection

Last night, I put in the progasm ice and almost immediately started feeling involuntary contractions, but they were different. My first thought was the contractions were like a lawnmower where you have to pull the cord to start it. Like the contractions came in strong waves like that. As I was thinking about how different that was, all of a sudden my prostate got so hard it felt like a solid rock digging into the progasm. Before I knew what was happening, by hips were bucking, my stomach was convulsing, and soon my entire body was shaking uncontrollably. The strange thing was that I couldn't really stop it. Like I could relax my arms to pick up my phone (to note the time) and put it down, but the body shaking and jackhammering of the progasm kept going. I could do things while shaking and i had no control over stopping the shaking.

I realized after who knows how long that with all the body shaking (which extended to my hands and feet), I could no longer feel myself clenching, so I applied a little pressure to the aneros and it felt like I could take the full body shakes and kind of dial them in to a full body fine vibration, which then I could further dial in with more clenching to the point where my body actually felt frozen in time, so stiff that I couldn't possibly move, yet feeling like I was floating in the air.

This went on for 2 hours. After the floating/stiff part, I'd get myself to relax and then it would start again with the immediate jackhammering of the progasm (that actually never stopped) and full body shakes, etc, the cycle repeated. 

But, and here's why I'm posting, while it felt crazy and different and weird, I didn't once feel any "pleasure" i'd associate with orgasm. I was not hard for most of the time, if I even thought about my penis, it was like it wasn't even there (I couldn't feel it), and even when I tried to finish myself at the end, I couldn't get hard. 

So I have no idea what I actually experienced.  My brain was saying "everything I read tells me I'm in super o territory," but I never once felt orgasmic.




Regal13, Quench, Helghast and 9 people reacted
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Posted by: @nyc

So I have no idea what I actually experienced.  My brain was saying "everything I read tells me I'm in super o territory," but I never once felt orgasmic.

Welcome to the Forum ! 


This is clearly Super-O territory. Without a doubt. You just need more time in the saddle until your body can process all the new feelings and register them as pleasure. Keep doing what you do, a month and a half to get where you are is pretty fast, so it's normal that you are not completely acquainted with everything that is happening.  Practice makes perfect ! 

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Posted by: @nyc

So I have no idea what I actually experienced.  My brain was saying "everything I read tells me I'm in super o territory," but I never once felt orgasmic.

I also welcome you to the Aneros Forums. Congratulations on experiencing your first Super-O . Such a rapid onset of these new sensations can be very unnerving, confusing and even scary. Most users grow into the Super-O zone in a more gradual learning process so they are not so shocked when they finally cross over into the Super-O zone. As @Zentai mentioned your mind has not really caught up with what your body produced and associating pleasure with these new sensations does take a little time for adjustment, you'll get there, just keep practicing. As you get more experienced the intense body spasms will probably diminish but the perceived pleasure will increase, welcome to you brave new world.

Good Vibes to You!

MarvelousWeasel101, Helghast, Zentai and 4 people reacted
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Super-o machinery test phase and all systems go. Your kind of back to front,usually some rewiring tends so precede things like this. But that’s ok,your brain just doesn’t know what it has yet or how to process it. It learns fast though. You’ll need to shift your focus away from these things and let them happen in the background. That way you can have some sexy thoughts and concentrate on arousal. The pleasure will come. Keep grinding brother.

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Posted by: @rumel

As you get more experienced the intense body spasms will probably diminish but the perceived pleasure will increase

I second this. Like you @nyc, my first was all physical, little pleasure. It seems we started our journeys around the same time too. These days I can lie quietly and just feel, without much happening on the outside. If you, like me, begin to have lots of nothing-sessions between successes, don't worry, it doesn't mean you've lost the ability. It probably means something is too distracting or just doesn't feel right about that particular session, but it will come back eventually. Personally I need not to be sleepy and have lots of positive energy before getting started.

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