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What Causes Movement?

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I've thought a lot about this in my long journey with Aneros products.

At first I thought maybe it was the shape of each model, as I noticed the Eupho picks up a lot more movement than other models, but I noticed over time that what I think I perceive to be movement is just the manner it is hitting the anus insertion.

There are times I throw in the Eupho and get no movement.  There are other times I pop it in and it goes crazy.  I've learned the same is so for any of the models.

So, what exactly is causing it to move?

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Its the contraction of the pc, anal, and sphincter muscles that causes the movement.

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Your pelvic floor is packed with different muscles. The PC and the outer anal sphincter are just two amongst them. You can learn to identify them and control them individually. It takes time but it's worth the effort imho.


If you are interested, I can collect and paste some resources here to get you started.

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Posted by: @nat

... what exactly is causing it to move?

Please see the Aneros WIKI > Your Body > Pelvic Floor Muscles for an informative introduction.You may also learn something from these YouTube videos >Pelvic Floor Part 1 - The Pelvic Diaphragm, Pelvic Floor Part 2 - Perineal Membrane and Deep Perineal Pouch & Pelvic floor muscles.

Good Vibes to You!

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If you are looking for ways to control movement more, you can try downloading a kegel counter/trainer app on either the Apple or Google app stores. I have one on Android that just counts and gives short 1-minute long training exercises that will tell you when to squeeze, hold, and release. Other members have noted one on the Apple store called Stamena that will show you how to do both ordinary and reverse kegels.

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I obviously understand what it is doing.  My question (which was maybe unclear) has to do with the mechanics of movement in individual sessions.  A Eupho provides more movement than a Progasm.  Yet why is it that sometimes it is the opposite?  What exactly is making the muscles move in the manner they do? 

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Stamena is a great app. You exercise both Kegel’s and reverse Kegel’s and it has a progression or builds on more repetitions Increases time length. Or you can buy out the progression. Once you get to the top level or buy out the levels, you can set the number of reps and timing to whatever you want. 

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@nat I'm not sure that I can give a comprehensive answer except that the anal muscles, if not clenched, move on their own from the introduction of a foreign object, and they seem to move in different directions.  I suppose this is designed as an automatic response to help propel waste from the rectum, etc.  Since the Aneros is designed to not be expelled that easily, it only moves with a little outward force and pivots forward toward the penis and makes a tapping motion upon the prostate. 

This is coming from my own interpretation of words from the forum and wiki like "involuntaries" and "contractions," but if the anal muscles are relaxed enough, they are free to go into this automatic motion (involuntaries) which provides the initial movement of the Aneros.  With the proper application of force in the anus (contractions), this movement is magnified.  Too much force or at the wrong time, will stop all movement.  As far as why the Progasm can occasionally move more than then Eupho, you've got me there, except that if you're having a session with the Eupho and it's an off day, you might not be relaxed enough for the initial movement which might keep it from working properly. 

Also the Eupho is marketed as a model for advanced users and honestly has never done much for me until recently; it requires precise control that I'm still developing.  Speaking for myself I'm not nearly relaxed enough yet to make the Progasm work on a regular basis but I had better earlier success with it (in my first try) than I had with the Eupho which was rather anticlimactic.  It's strange that the Eupho and Progasm are the two models that seem to be bought by so many beginners, because they are the ones most often categorized as advanced models...

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Posted by: @faith-manages


This is coming from my own interpretation of words from the forum and wiki like "involuntaries" and "contractions," but if the anal muscles are relaxed enough, they are free to go into this automatic motion (involuntaries) which provides the initial movement of the Aneros.  With the proper application of force in the anus (contractions), this movement is magnified.  Too much force or at the wrong time, will stop all movement.  As far as why the Progasm can occasionally move more than then Eupho, you've got me there, except that if you're having a session with the Eupho and it's an off day, you might not be relaxed enough for the initial movement which might keep it from working properly. 

Sorry about my late reply.

Your response above I think gets at what I was talking about.  

So.. If it has to do with anal muscles being relaxed, wouldn't these sort of contractions be occurring to us all the time (even when not in session)?  I know users have found ways to have Aneros-like pleasures without ever inserting a device, but I'm coming from a place of average everyday walking to the store.  Or...  Is it we don't recognize these contractions because we don't feel them the same without a device inserted to signal to us that they are a happening?

I've personally found the rapidness of movement seems to be very inconsistent.  When I first started using various models, I found the Eupho to generate the most movement followed by the Helix, Peri, and then Progasm.  I don't use all the models as much as I did before, but I find sometimes the Progasm can give more movement then the Eupho.  So, would this mean we can conclude the movement has less to do with the device and more to do with the level of anal relaxation? 

The movement is honestly something I seem to enjoy more than anything.  Even after many years of playing with these things, I'm yet to experience much of what most users get, so I'm trying to make sure each session has movement.  

I guess it leads me to my next question.  Do you think movement is harder to make happen with a bigger model like the Progasm over the Eupho?  Meaning.. When it does occur it means anal muscles are more relaxed than usual?

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@nat First of all everyone has their own pace and don't be discouraged by comparing your progress to that of others.  Do you keep a journal?  Do you remember where you came from?  I hope so, because that will show you that you've made progress regardless of whether or not you remember it.  So if your original questions come from a place of frustration over lack of progress that's fine, but not necessarily clear!  I see you've posted a lot but much of it was over a decade ago, I'm glad you've stuck with it.  Rumel has a lot of great advice in the links he posts and I feel like a lot of your hangups have probably been answered before.  I know from experience that him answering with more links to read (reread) seems lazy and unhelpful but most of the time he's right. There are a lot of posts I've had to read several times before I could grasp specific concepts and I probably need to go back and read them again at some point! 

Something that I  know about myself is that I'm a tight-ass.  Literally and pun intended.  It's reflexive for me to clench down on my anal and PC muscles and sometimes I'm holding those for minutes at a time.  I don't even know when I'm doing it or for how long.  So when it comes to sliding a foreign object up my ass of course I'm gonna clamp down on that thing hard.  And since clenching is natural for me anyway, relaxing is a conscious effort to get away from my natural state and takes concentration.  I don't know if I'll even get to the Super-O until I'm not constantly reminding myself to unclench. 

I do remember a time when my Helix would move very rapidly in spurts, almost a fluttering of movement; eventually that quieted down to a steady rhythmic movement which happens almost on its own.  I don't try to make it happen, it just does.  So making a conscious effort to make the involuntary contractions happen is in my case counterproductive: I relax until they start on their own.  And this is true no matter which model I'm using, though it's true that I find relaxation more difficult starting with my Progasm Jr. (and I've only used my Progasm Red Ice once).  So yeah size is an issue there, but even though I get proper movement easier (notice I didn't quantify it in terms of quantity) with the Eupho than with the PJ, the results of that movement don't necessarily equate to greater pleasure.  Honestly so far the models that give me the best results and most progress are the ones that fit that Goldilocks area in size with the Helix far and above the rest. 

So building on that I'm not concerned with how much movement there is but in how that movement makes me feel.  It's not my goal to get movement and if that's where your concentration is then I think your attention would be better directed at the sensation in your prostate.  My goal is to feel good.  Not "Can I feel the movement?" but "Can I feel the movement giving me pleasure?"  I know it's in a thread somewhere and I'm just reinterpreting.  There are lots of thoughts that others have had that are probably deeper than anything I can pull out of my ass in the middle of the night. 


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Naturally moved by our own muscles internally. Much like a vagina it contracts and the device stimulates both ends of the prostate much like the female g-spot and clit. 

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@faith-manages The thread wasn't made out of frustration.  It was made out of a natural curiosity of the movement.  I've been at this a long time.  I've seen how the different models effect your body.  As time went on I started to see a shift.  Instead of specific models working a set way in regards to movement, they all started to have their own time and place.  I started to see less consistency.  While I found it to be a good thing, I was wondering what exactly was causing if the device decides to move or not.

 As for my progress over time - there has been many peaks and valleys.  I've had periods of time where it seems I am making progress, and others where I feel I went backwards.  So, after over 10 years of using Aneros products, I've just left it up to "it is what it is".  I always wanted the mini Os, the Super Os, and so on.  Now I'm more so focused on consistently getting something out of each session.  

I've never kept a journal.  I would really have no clue what to write in an Aneros journal (maybe that is a good thread idea).  I don't think I'm doing anything wrong.  My reason for not hitting the milestones most users are hitting I believe is because I'm not doing these long hour or two sessions.  I just don't have the time.  Then again... I'm always interested in those users who seem to pop an Aneros product in for the first time, and within minutes get to the Super O.  I guess everyone is just wired differently.


And yeah... I would agree that Rumel has some great responses over the years.
