Hey everyone!
I feel a bit bad having so many new topics and monopolizing the board... I think this is maybe my 4th in just 25 days or so, but also a lot has happened in a short time, partially from talking to all of you here, partially from using the Hypnaerosession CD's, and partially from my side practice with the new Sex machine I think.
As much has happened in a month as the last 8 months combined!
I've had this experience now maybe 5 times over the course of just a week.
I will wake up after 3-6 hours of sleep. Maybe I will have had a session the night before, maybe not.
I wake up in something of a haze... a lot like when a person wakes up directly from either the Delta or Theta state of sleep and is in a state of utter confusion for a couple minutes. I have no idea what is going on, or what context I am in.
I will have this powerful, strange sensation that I am "full". Now I don't ever sleep with anything inside, other than a smaller Aneros and purely by accident. Haven't done that in a while. It will feel like there is a void inside me that is being filled up, more so than it feels duing an aneros session.
There will also be a strange sensation that I am receiving sex... which is kind of spooky outside any context for it.
I will be in sort of a hot sweat as well, and feel a warmth throughout my body.
I feel quite turned on, but also with sort of a stomach tightness (that might be from working out though, lol).
Usually it passes after 2-3 minutes. If I get up and get out of bed, it moves on faster.
It doesn't really feel like the sensations I have had during Aneros sessions. Up to this point, I have had very intense sensations with Aneros, but they have been basically by conscious direction and control. Only a few things have happened that I would label involuntary yet. I don't think I've crossed the "Super O" line yet, but increasingly flirting with it.
I guess this feels strange because I wake already in a very advanced state, but not having caused it or chosen it for this moment myself, and not feeling totally in control of it.
Maybe if I had more context of the full Super O experience I'd have a better sense for how to do something with it if I wanted.
It is pretty novel and new to me, but also not sure what to do with it. I feel like I am in a confused / waking state of mind where I probably can't use it to transition into anything. If I wanted to pop in an Aneros, it would take too long to get everything ready that the moment would already have passed.
It kind of feels like an unlisted middle-time Aneros milestone not on the wiki... "Deep waking arousal with hints of receiving sex", lol
Does it sound like something you guys experience? Are you able to do anything with it?
Does it happen frequently to you?
Why don’t you keep the toy ready by your bed with lube, maybe enema before going to sleep if that is an issue in preparation time. Then next time it happens you can pop it in? My best sessions are when my prostate calls to me.
I sort of feel like, by the time I am roused enough to think to do that, the state is already passing. As this is transpiring, my waking consciousness is just coming fully online. I have a strange dissociative / passive quality about how I experience it. I would probably have to just sieze the moment without any external aids, I am thinking...
I am already turned on enough (turned on, but also shocked?) that I probably wouldn't even need the Aneros to amplify things.
I guess picture waking up (and you are a single guy, for those with wives where that would change this scenario a fair bit), and a strange woman you have never seen before is having sex with you while you slept. It might turn you on, but also you would have some questions that make you uncomfortable in that moment, and you are shocked to find yourself in that moment without any recollection of what came before. It is kind of like that?
Sounds, nice... I dunno, probably from excessive exploration and arousal without ejaculatory release? That's a good time to practice aless, it sounds like. Or relish the moment. Or build on the sensation of a mysterious other, talk to them, and see if that continues arousal?
I have this thing when I am with a partner I really like or love, especially in the beginning of a relationship, where I say incredibly nice things, borderline strange things, while still asleep or half asleep. Like I will wake her up, say something along the lines of "you are the sweetest thing in the universe" and fall asleep. They tell me in the morning about it. I also have woken up mid-sex with a partner several times. Apparently in my sleep I started kissing her and rubbing up against her. Then we started having sex, with her being awake but not realizing I was semi-aware of what was going on. Upon waking up, a couple of the times I was excited and we continued, and a couple of the times I was confused and we stopped...
That doesn't add to your situation, except to say that sleep+arousal creates strange states of being.
Not to bump an old post, but I had this exact thing happen last night. Super weird experience... I fell asleep during a good session, and woke up about 15 minutes later in a completely altered mental state while feeling mildly pleasurable full-body sensations. It was simultaneously nice and very uncomfortable. My brain was functioning in a near total fog the way a lot of dreams are hazy and there was real disassociation between what I was experiencing and how my brain was processing it. I barely had enough awareness to realize that it would all probably end the moment I got up, but I lied still to observe what was happening. Eventually the pleasurable sensations faded away almost at the same rate my brain started to "wake up." I don't know if I'd classify it the same way you did as "receiving sex" but it did feel almost... like something was being forced on me. I cannot say if I did or did not enjoy the experience because I felt more like an empty vessel. Eventually I got up and felt a little too weirded out to sleep and poured myself a bowl of cereal.
Are you still having this happen? Did the experience ever become something more tangible that your brain can better appreciate and enjoy?