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Very important question about using the Helix and Eupho

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Guys, I have had great results with the MGX, and then went out and bought the Helix and Eupho and have been very disappointed. I haven't been able to get either to put much pressure on my perenium with the perenium tab. So here I am on vacation (don't have the devices with me) and I am looking at a picture of the helix online and wondering if I am doing something wrong...when inserted, should the device be all the way inside me, specifically should my anus be circling the very thin part of the stem right down where it perpendicularly meets the handle/perenium tab arm? When I insert it, it never goes down that far on its own, but instead settles in the thinnish part of the stem right below the bulb that is the midsection of the device. And the result is that I get a "floating" aneros that doesn't give me enough perenium stimulation, even with contractions, or at a minimum doesn't allow me to "lock" the perenium tab onto a good spot on my perenium. It also doesn't feel like it is far enough inside me. So I always end up going back to the MGX, which I never have this problem with, because the thinnest part of the stem is right near the handle and the MGX always slides in all the way to that point.

Any advice you could provide would be appreciated. Wondering if I might be missing something big here.

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You can read this thread for your answer, see Helix Question

B Mayfield
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This is the most FAQ with respect to Helix.... and it's easy to see why. One would assume that that the device would completely insert all the way to the base. The short of it is that it does not. The last notch or contour is there for purposes of balance only. The fact is that if you attempt to insert it all of the way, you will find that you're spring-loading the abutment arm the arm/tab will end up forcing the unit back out. If you can hold successfully hold on to the Helix by that last've got some muscle tone!

With respect to the Helix not seating correctly for you, if you say you've tried it in a multitude of positions (side-lying, kneeling, on all-fours, on your back, squatting, standing etc.) with no success...then maybe the Helix is not for you. While these products are designed to be one-size-fits-all to some extent, there is no question that some models work better for some people more than others. And yes by all means check out the thread referenced by Rumel regarding modifications. That said, there is one other factor to consider and that is muscle tone. This is of particular significance with respect to the Eupho. While just about anybody can use it, invariably it really shines when under the grip of a toned sphincter.

Rather than totally giving up on either of these models, my suggestion is to keep them and revisit them every so often. They may surprise you somewhere later down the line. For now, if you've had a good ride with the MGX thus far...stay with it for this part of your journey!

BF Mayfield

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I use the Helix and have luck "implanting" the perineum tab by lying on my side, knees directly out from the abdomen and then rotating my pelvis slightly forward toward my knees. This seems to cause the unit to contact the prostate a little more, as well. This pelvis movement is identical to thrusting during intercourse, only I hold it in the most forward position.

By no means am I an expert and my experiences have been unimpressive thus far, but this above technique combined with PC/anal contractions drives the abutment tab into my perineum and creates a strong pleasurable sensation.


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This is the most FAQ with respect to Helix.... and it's easy to see why. One would assume that that the device would completely insert all the way to the base. The short of it is that it does not. The last notch or contour is there for purposes of balance only. The fact is that if you attempt to insert it all of the way, you will find that you're spring-loading the abutment arm the arm/tab will end up forcing the unit back out. If you can hold successfully hold on to the Helix by that last've got some muscle tone!

Can I just get you to clarify what you're saying there?
I've always inserted my helix all the way in, so that only the T-junction of the handle and p-tab arm is sticking out. Is that not the way it should be?

Here's a diagram:

Should it be inserted only as far as the line marked 1?
Or all the way to the line marked 2?
Or to somewhere in between?

I've always inserted it all the way to 2, but I must admit that at the end of my most recent session (And best session so far I might add), it had ejected itself to position 1. I don't know when in the session that occured though.

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Here’s the image that shows the correct positioning of your Helix,if you insert to 2 (in your image) you’ve gone too far! 1 is the correct position in the anus.

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Thanks Rumel. I'll try it like that next time.

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Wow, just when I thought I was doing it right Rumel comes and destroys that thought!! 👿 😈 😆 Just kidding... 😀

Is it this way for each device? Now we need a post to show all the spots each toy should be inserted. 😉 I actually just learned something and had no idea there was a certain place. I always just inserted mine fully. Thanks so much Rumel!

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The referenced illustration would also apply to the Eupho model. The other models (Maximus, MGX, Progasm & SGX), pretty much naturally seat themselves correctly with the narrow part of the body being maneuvered to the narrow opening of the anus. The Peridise will act similarly, with the narrowest portion of the anus constricting between the two round nodules of the shaft.

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I think important basic information, like that picture showing the correct positioning of the Helix or Eupho, should be included in a sticky. I certainly didn't know how far it should be inserted before inadvertently coming across this topic. A picture conveys a thousand words.

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Rumel would it be possible for you to make a separate post showing all the models and sections that should be inserted to. Truly I had no idea and Iridian is right... I think we would all benefit from seeing a picture of just what the heck we're talking about. 🙄 😳 😆

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The illustration I used is taken from the Aneros HOME site. I am not a skilled anatomical artist so modifying their image to show the other models would probably be cartoonish, but it is an interesting idea.

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Here’s the image that shows the correct positioning of your Helix,if you insert to 2 (in your image) you’ve gone too far! 1 is the correct position in the anus.

A: How is it possible to go "too far"? I mean, it should always go "too far" INTO the prostate, right? or do you mean, it goes too far in DIRECTLY VERTICAL in a 12 o'clock direction (in the image, the ANeros is pointing to 10/11 o'clock).

B: How can you ensure 11 o'clock positioning?

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If you go back and re-read ‘B Mayfield’s post you’ll see he said “This is the most FAQ with respect to Helix.... and it's easy to see why. One would assume that that the device would completely insert all the way to the base. The short of it is that it does not. The last notch or contour is there for purposes of balance only. The fact is that if you attempt to insert it all of the way, you will find that you're spring-loading the abutment arm the arm/tab will end up forcing the unit back out.”
Trying to insert to the last notch is going “too far”. The positioning is mostly automatic once insertion is complete. You can affect the angle of engagement of the head of the Helix toward the prostate a little bit by the location of the P-tab along the perineum between the scrotum and the anus. You should understand that trying to maintain a fixed angle of engagement is foolishness. Your internal organs are essentially suspended in a liquid environment, they have a great deal of flexibility and a small range of movement within the abdominal cavity. So trying to have a rigid object stay precisely located on such a moving target is pretty difficult. Fortunately, you only need to be close to achieve levels of stimulation sufficient to induce orgasmic sensations. Don’t worry about trying to “… ensure 11 o’clock positioning?”

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thanks. I tried insertion up to what felt like the last ridge of the Helix, and it felt like it was sliding out again. I either am acheiving some unlucky 12 o'clock vertical positioning that is overshooting and mis-aiming at the prostate, or my prostate doesn't respond to contact - but I should at least get the "want to pee" sensation. Last night I had the "want to shit" sensation, which is not the one I was after (want to pee = progress = hit the prostate).

I guess what I am misunderstanding in the Aneros diagram is where the actual outer anus ring is. Can you imagine the same diagram, but with the Aneros pointing straight up to 12 o'clock? Hmm, but then the Ptab should help positioning, I'm seeing in my mind's eye. I guess I'll keep on trying.

I know I have penile sensitivity/pleasure issues, but since I can enjoy orgasming (which involves the prostate), I should be able to enjoy this too. One would hope.

Should I slide it in slowly and analyse...but I do tend to slide it in slowly...I just don't get what Im doing wrong. 🙁

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IMHO, you are over thinking your entire approach to Aneros usage, putting pressure on yourself to find a precise formula for success and making unjustified conclusions in the process.
e.g. “I either am achieving some unlucky 12 o'clock vertical positioning…” – How and why do you judge if it is lucky or unlucky? What is the significance of 12 o’clock positioning?
“…that is overshooting and mis-aiming at the prostate, or my prostate doesn't respond to contact –” How do you know this? Just because you are not yet perceiving the subtle signals being generated doesn’t mean they are not there.
“…but I should at least get the "want to pee" sensation.” I don’t always get that sensation, so why should you? If you get that sensation fine, if you don’t get that sensation that is also fine., The urge to urinate sensation is common but is not required to enjoy your sessions.
“I guess what I am misunderstanding in the Aneros diagram is where the actual outer anus ring is.” It doesn’t really matter where exactly the outer or inner rings of muscle are located, it just matters that the Helix is properly seated between them.
“I just don't get what I’m doing wrong.” It is not a question of technique or understanding that is thwarting your progress. It is a problem of perception and listening to your body speak to you in the only language it possesses, subtle sensory feelings. If your mind is constantly occupied with the internal dialogue (Mind Noise) you will never be able to hear those subtle messages your body is sending you. Calm down, relax and listen to your body it will be an enlightening experience.

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IMHO, you are over thinking your entire approach to Aneros usage, putting pressure on yourself to find a precise formula for success and making unjustified conclusions in the process.
e.g. “I either am achieving some unlucky 12 o'clock vertical positioning…” – How and why do you judge if it is lucky or unlucky? What is the significance of 12 o’clock positioning?

Its significance is, if I am aiming for something at an 11 oclock position but the Aneros is headed directly upward in a 12 oclock direction, then, that's what I'm referring to. Some of this has been answered by the guy who replied to my last post. Sorry, forgot his name. By "unlucky", I mean "not getting close to any results.

“…that is overshooting and mis-aiming at the prostate, or my prostate doesn't respond to contact –” How do you know this? Just because you are not yet perceiving the subtle signals being generated doesn’t mean they are not there.
“…but I should at least get the "want to pee" sensation.” I don’t always get that sensation, so why should you? If you get that sensation fine, if you don’t get that sensation that is also fine., The urge to urinate sensation is common but is not required to enjoy your sessions.
“I guess what I am misunderstanding in the Aneros diagram is where the actual outer anus ring is.” It doesn’t really matter where exactly the outer or inner rings of muscle are located, it just matters that the Helix is properly seated between them.

OK Thanks.

“I just don't get what I’m doing wrong.” It is not a question of technique or understanding that is thwarting your progress. It is a problem of perception and listening to your body speak to you in the only language it possesses, subtle sensory feelings. If your mind is constantly occupied with the internal dialogue (Mind Noise) you will never be able to hear those subtle messages your body is sending you. Calm down, relax and listen to your body it will be an enlightening experience.

I would love a calm day on which to try this, rather than trying to wake up early before work. I haven't had a session for some weeks now.

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I found this thread very helpful, especially the picture posted by Fuzzy on Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:34 am, but now the picture is gone! It showed different "depths" of insertion. Was this picture deleted? Can someone repost it? Thanks.

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IMHO, you are over thinking your entire approach to Aneros usage, putting pressure on yourself to find a precise formula for success and making unjustified conclusions in the process. ...
....... extended snip ......
... Calm down, relax and listen to your body it will be an enlightening experience.

The above says it nicely. Just ignore rumel's "IMHO" ❗ .. need not be humble -- a simple IMO will suffice! )

With reasonable lube and assuming that the size (SGX versus MGX sizing) is in the ballpark, the Aneros is going to find it's proper place as you gain experience and muscle tone. Your bod will move it where it wants it. Aside from P-tab positioning and alignment any change one makes in insertion is just going to confuse things and extend the process. The "correct" position of the tool is exactly where your brain and prostate want it. Once they gain a sense of what this is about, they will get it in the right place.

On my third session with the Helix I was getting a faint hint of prostate contact and the anal sensations far exceeded anything else. By about the 10th serious session, what I had thought was good prostate contact had changed. Good 'seating' really started to occur when I started having butt-buzz and a horny mental craving for sessions.

P-tab contact will change as your musculature develops. I started out with lots of 'dig' from the Helix and little from the SGX. After three months of muscle development and rectal canal toning, they are near equal. My only mod is using a medicine dropper bulb (per Wiki) on the Helix and Eupho.

I think heavy& intense play, early on in Aneros use, was helpful to awaken the whole back door and let the prostate know, "where it's at." Once you have your prostate's and brain's attention they will team to fine tune positioning.

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