Upgraded to a Proga...
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Upgraded to a Progasm

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Have had so much fun with the MGX over the last few months that I thought I'd upgrade to a Progasm.

Initial thoughts:

1. the relatively small change in size is definitely a bit harder to accommodate - insert slowly is the key.
2. larger size also meant less movement overall once inserted
3. Because it was less movement, a bit harder for me to ramp up and took a longer time in general
4. The experience was less about the movement and concentrating on more "the spot"
5. Once i got ramped up, sensations were just as amazing.
6. Maybe it's me, but the bottom prong of the K tab seemed to do less for me.
7. Likewise, the front prong doesn't pull in as tight.
8. In general, I felt the Prograsm slip outwards a bit more and had to keep pulling it in manually by hand.
9. Standing up/ marching with Prograsm is magical. 🙂
10. Regarldess, multiple Super O's! Awesome.
11. After 1/2 hour with the Progasm, switched back to the tried the MGX. lot's of movement that I remember and still could super O quite easily, being aroused and all, I'm not surprised.
12. The super O's with the MGX sightly different in sensation, but still generally prostate driven. Less tingly on other part of my body.
13. Not surprisingly, after spending a 1/2 hour with the Progasm and being *ahem* stretched out a bit, the MGX wanted to fall out (did once!)
14. All in all a fabulous experience albeit slightly different.
15. Looks like i now have 2 toys to wear me out!!


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6. Maybe it's me, but the bottom prong of the K tab seemed to do less for me.
7. Likewise, the front prong doesn't pull in as tight.
8. In general, I felt the Prograsm slip outwards a bit more and had to keep pulling it in manually by hand.

@devorah My first experiences of the Progasm were similar to yours. I even felt the pressure from the K Tab was somewhat painful. Eventually, I ended up removing the K Tab.

Without the K Tab, the pressure from the P Tab increased and provided what was possibly the best stimulation of my perennial acupressure point that I have ever experienced from any of the Aneros models. Being shaped like a sphere, it distributes the pressure better than any of the other P Tabs.

I also experienced, strangely enough, considering gravity, that the modified Progasm was pulled in hardest when I was sitting on a chair, with a folded pillow under each leg and buttock, leaving a gap in between to give the Progasm space to move. The intense pressure from the P Tab in this position provided some really powerful orgasms.

Eventually I ended up buying a new Progasm to have an unmodified one as well. I enjoy alternating between the two, but I still don't get much sensation from the K Tab. Maybe it's yet to happen.

Enjoy your journey! 🙂

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@devorah I also have a simular experience to yours. Myfirst was a Helix Syn and after several months, I added a Progasm Ice. I get exactly the same feelings you do. Enjoying them both!

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