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Unwelcome post...but honest

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I know this won't be greeted with much enthusuiasm here, but I think its useful for some people to realise that the Aneros basically doesn't work for some people - possible many, who knows maybe half or even most. What research has anyone done?

I bought one last year, tried it at least a dozen times and frankly it did nothing for me at all. It was no more than a butt plug, and at time a lot more uncomfortable. It cost me in total over 100 dollars, and I recently chucked it in the bin and put this whole thing down to experience - the lesson being - don't believe everything you read on the internet. Yes I did receive advice from people here but none of it changed any basic physiological wiring or lack of it.

I don't think I have any hang ups about anal play, but this was for me just a waste of time and money. However other guys may find something mind blowing in it - I can only take that on trust.

I bought a Helix and won't be wasting my time or money on this sort of toy again.

Thank guys for those who gave advice and tried to help.

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Well I am very sorry that you had this frustrating experience. I remember from reading reviews of the Aneros before purchasing I found perhaps 1/15 completely unhappy with the device. Even for many who eventually find pleasure it can take weeks, months, or even years. I was very fortunate to have a Super-O on my third session and have since gone multiple per session. I don’t know what separates those who can’t enjoy from those who can but my guess is that it is mostly psychological. That is not to say it is an invalid concern or justification. The same can be said for the 15% of women who have never had orgasm, or the 75% who can't climax during intercourse. To allow ones’ self to completely let go and be allowed pleasure can be a difficult realization. I hope that someday you are able to overcome any difficulties you may have, or at least find pleasure somewhere else.

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You said that you bought ONE and tried it about a dozen times....
I wouldn't exactly call that giving it much of a shot.
There's many forum members here that have been in the same boat as you and some of them end up quiting and some continue on with the journey. For the most part the ones that continue on with the journey eventually post one of those "I can't believe it but I had my first super O!" threads. And this is after they've thought that maybe this device "just doesn't work for some people". The others continue to progress and achieve better and better sessions and it's just a matter of time before they cross over to the super O.

I feel what the problem often is when people claim this device doesn't work for them is that they're simply not ready for this kind of experience at this time. The truth is, is that the aneros is just a training wheel to teach you to do something that you already have inside you to do. It's not even a necessary device. Through energy work and meditation you can achieve similar results that the aneros can do. I feel the aneros is kind of like a cheat code to the super O bypassing the possible years it could take through energy work and meditation. Try reading these books "The Multi-orgasmic Man" and "Astral Dynamics". They will give ideas on how to work with your energy. Astral Dynamics is more a book on astral projecting, but there's a big section on learning to use "mobile body awareness" which I believe plays a big part in learning to feel the energies that create the super O. Plus look into Yoga Nidra. This will help also with body awareness.
If the aneros isn't doing it for you at this time in your life there's no reason to throw it away. That's like saying I've tried meditating but It just doesn't do anything for me. I don't think I'm going to give that a try again.

For me my aneros use really goes back and forth. I was one of the lucky ones.... that achieve multiple O's instantly from the device. Thought I found the holy grail. Then guess what. Nada! It got to the point I just couldn't figure out what went wrong. Eventually I had to just put it back in the shelf for a long while before giving it a go again. Even now I can still have great sessions or sessions in which after awhile it's doing absolutely nothing so I end the session. I realize the quality of my sessions often determine the state of my being. There's so many factors that can attribute to how well a session goes.

First- I suggest that you go dig that thing out of the garbage and put it back in your shelf. A dozen times is not enough times to call it quits. That's just silly.

Second- realize the device was made for prostate health... not sexual pleasure... just so happened that it brought on sexual pleasure. So use it for prostate health and I bet eventually you'll get a nice big surprise one of these days.

Third- Do energy work, meditate, work with mobile body awareness, learn to be able to feel and manipulate your energy throughout your body, record your dreams, learn to lucid dream etc... I feel all these kinds of activities will get you more in touch with yourself and will pave the way towards the beautiful world of MMO's.

For some the aneros is the magical device that sends then on a fast track to the super O. For others it takes time and dedication to get there. And for others they just give up and quit not realizing what they're missing out on.

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I have seen so many posts like this it's weird how they always have the same running theme:

1. It doesn't work.
2. I wasted a bunch of money.
3. I'm throwing it in the trash.

But I've noticed there's occasionally a second post about a year later that goes something like this:

1. I was reflecting on my decision to quit and had second thoughts.
2. I really wish I hadn't thrown my first Aneros away.
3. Now I have to pay for a new one in order to try it again.

I can certainly understand feeling frustrated or disappointed with your Aneros experience. But the part I never understand is the rash decision to throw the device away and then make an announcement in the forum about doing so. Why not keep it in a box and just forget about it? Others have done this and found that after taking a few months or even years off, they feel an urge to try it again. For whatever reason, they often achieve success after first allowing themselves to give up for awhile. And then they are all too happy to come back and post about their success and how glad they were that they kept the device. You already spent the $100 but it wasn't necessarily a waste of money until you threw it away. From my point of view, a wiser lesson to be learned here is not to burn bridges without good cause.

Best of luck in finding the pleasures you're seeking.


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It is unfortunate you have not had a successful experience using your Aneros. I do agree with you that a certain percentage of men who earnestly try to use these massagers will not be successful in obtaining a Super-O or even lesser levels of pleasure. This is quite normal when evaluating almost any group experience from a statistical viewpoint. It would be foolish to think 100% of the men who try this product will experience a Super-O or multiple O's of any kind, it's just not going to happen.

Obviously, the posters to this Forum are biased in favor of these devices and individuals who read these posts may come to have high or unrealistic expectations about what they 'could'/'would'/'should' feel or experience from using these massagers. While the hyperbole of the posts may sound pretty unbelievable and warrants one's skepticism, having experienced some of these elevated states of orgasm, I can only say I believe the truthfulness of these other members related experiences.

For a lucky few of us the experience can have a life altering effect, for most it will be a significant enhancement to their life journey and for some it will have little or no significance in their lives. It is impossible to predict into which group any particular user will fall. It is regrettable you have chosen to throw away your Helix as you may have prematurely given up hope on a possible future success.

A few users who had given up practice for months, even years, have later returned to report mild successes after their recess. IMHO, we are in the vanguard of men who are attempting to merge scientific understanding with esoteric Tantric knowledge/practices to form a new level of knowledge about the nature and function of man's sexuality.

The primary function of this Forum is to help as many men as possible to achieve their highest levels of orgasmic experience but alas not all men will immediately enjoy the experience. Perhaps with this non-experience past you, in the future you may re-join the practice and next time have more success.

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WELL, I AM NOT ONE OF THE LUCKY ONES. I have had my small arsenal of Aneros devices for about 4 and a half years. I haven't had a super-O (though on a couple of occasions I think I had a glimpse into the promised land on the horizon) but what I have had, both in sheer pleasure short of a new orgasm and in a sense of possibilities to come, has been exciting, invigorating, and challenging. I would advise those who are disappointed to ask themselves--compared to what? I feel good (as does my spouse) about the new areas of enjoyment and of intrigue that these last few years have brought. (And, yes, I do think I've probably got a healthier prostate than I had before--which is where this whole technological innovation began.) As the politicians say, "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" Answer: yep.

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I'm curious if you've had your refuse pick up yet this week, if not I'd take Pan's advice and go a digging for that Aneros. In 6 or 8 months from now you might approach this anew with a begginer's mind. It is very often the case that when we put pressure on ourselves to perform some task that the mind and body fall out of sync . Sometimes even the simplest things are impossible to do. Have you ever heard tales about seemingly fertile couples having difficulty conceiving their first child? I know of several friends who spent years and tens of thousands of dollars on fertility treatments. Ironically when these folks gave up, went off the drugs and stopped trying.... they conceived a month later! This is quite common by the way. With the pressure and expectation lifted, body and mind were one again. Ironically their second child was conceived without any thought at all (unplanned).

As Billy11 said, perhaps you are not ready for this experience at this time. Being ready is not simply about wanting something, as my illustration above demonstrates. Consider revisiting this in the future.

BF Mayfield

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I'd get that outta the trash, you'll never forget her, errr him, it...............transcends most all sexual experiences, the potential is too much to ignore.

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I have started a user group, “Grinder Alliance”, to help answer this question. The purpose of the group is to track the progress of long term regular users. It is for people who have not given up and still enjoy the journey so that we can share strategies and encouragement on the path.

We want to find out the answer to this question ourselves. People who have been using regularly for over a year have long ago answered the question “is it worth it”. But I will be curious how many of us long term users actually reach Super O ability.

We have had, recently, a long term user, Valliant, who found success after a long time on the road. It can happen.

We are a limited population of users scattered over of a wide background. For the foreseeable future, the only statistical analysis will be performed for us on us and by us. Only time will tell. Stay tuned.


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I agree with this, I don't buy this "everyone can train themself into it."

Like the guys having nipple orgasm, I doubt everyone can get that.

And the Aneros wasn't made for this purpose from the beginning, it was supposed to release pressure from the prostate and some people found it enjoyable and it got noticed as a sex toy, right?

That don't mean everyone will really like it.

Anyway I will keep on using mine every now and then, I think the feelings is rather nice even though I haven't done much real practise or such. But I like the focus and awakening of the body the insertion introduce and the relaxation one gets from trying to relax.

Sure one can just aswell relax without the toy, but people don't do that as much I guess.

Just relaxing and spending some time just doing that is quite enjoyable, even if there is nothing sexual going on.

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I agree with this, I don't buy this "everyone can train themself into it."

Like the guys having nipple orgasm, I doubt everyone can get that.

And the Aneros wasn't made for this purpose from the beginning, it was supposed to release pressure from the prostate and some people found it enjoyable and it got noticed as a sex toy, right?

That don't mean everyone will really like it.

Anyway I will keep on using mine every now and then, I think the feelings is rather nice even though I haven't done much real practise or such. But I like the focus and awakening of the body the insertion introduce and the relaxation one gets from trying to relax.

Sure one can just aswell relax without the toy, but people don't do that as much I guess.

Just relaxing and spending some time just doing that is quite enjoyable, even if there is nothing sexual going on.

Sounds like you're trying to stay positive even though you're not getting the results you expected which is good.
You say that you don't agree that everyone can train themselves but then you state that you "HAVEN'T DONE MUCH REAL PRACTICE OR SUCH".
It just seems to me like you've put up a pretty big mental block to even be able to have a sexual experience with this device. You seem to be coming from a disappointed view because you're not getting the results that are raved about on this site.
You've got to find a way to let go of this frustrated view towards the aneros. Your posts make me feel like you really want to constantly enforce the idea that the aneros doesn't work for everyone and that you're one of the ones it doesn't work for. With that kind of mind set you might just be right.
I personally believe that it can work for nearly 100% of people. Plus what do we mean by WORK from a sexual view? As in what parameters are we setting up? Does one of to have a super O to say that it worked for them. Or a mini-o? or p-waves? or a single p-wave or involuntary contraction? Or how bout just a overall good feeling while it's inserted? What exactly has to happened for one to be able to say that the aneros 'worked' for them?
But like I stated previously, some times one is just not ready for the experience at this time in your life... even if you've already had success with the aneros and MMO's!

Here's an example from my life since I've had great sessions and dud sessions. A few months ago my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me. I was torn apart by this. I'm still not exactly doing that hot. Well a couple of weeks after she broke up with me, mentally I acted like everything was just fine and that I was in acceptance of her breaking up with me. Then I proceeded to have wonderful aneros sessions for about two weeks. Just great sessions. Then... not sure what happened but the acceptance I had turned into anger and depression which lead to aneros sessions that gave me zero pleasure whatsoever. Got to the point that when I tried to have a session I would just think of her and would pretty much terminate my session realizing that I just don't have the proper mind set at that time. I tried to have other sessions and the same thing would happen. So I put it in the shelf for however long I need to heal and take it out now and then but lately still haven't been having that great of sessions with it.

All I'm trying to convey in my example is that how your mindset is, can have a huge impact on you sessions. If you go into a session with the thoughts "well nothing pleasurable/sexual ever happens during my sessions but I'll just enjoy it for the relaxation of it" then you're half way setting yourself up for exactly that kind of session. It can all be a very tricky mind game.

I have to watch this type of thinking even during good sessions. Problem I had awhile back was that p-waves would start to build fast but then fade away just short of having an orgasm. After this happened a few times my thought process would go like this. The p-waves would start to build and I would mentally think "feels good but they're just going to die down right before I cross over into orgasms" and guess what. That's exactly what would happen every time.

Learning to stop this counterproductive thinking will eventually have a tremendous effect on you results. And that goes with everything in life, not just aneros use.

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Sounds like you're trying to stay positive even though you're not getting the results you expected which is good.

tl;dr but I will at a later time.

Anyway, well, that depends. I don't know if I have used it like five times or whatever it is.

At first insertion as soon as the head was in I felt like I might had needed to pee, worrying about what would happen if I released the pressure I tried it and I ejaculated.

Second time I tried doing the breathing patherns without having read the whole wiki entry but rather reading as I went on. Lay on my side as you're supposed to to open up the air waves and breathed and after 1.5 hour or so I was probably very relaxed and almost sleeping and I may have had a dry orgasm but or just "pretending" / tricking myself into beliving I had, dunno. Was quite ok even earlier but felt like there was something missing. Like somewhat close but never enough to bring one over the edge. Kinda like masturbating even though the cock don't really seem to respond much. Some stimuli but not enough.

And then comes the other times where I haven't tried much because well, guess I just haven't felt for it.

Like the third try I think it just hurted so I skipped it.

The fourth I never cared about doing it correctly but rather laid flat on my stomach and turned on some porn, and while I wasn't stroking my penis it had some connection with the towel I had underneath and after a while I came with ejaculation but I guess penis touching + porn had some to do with it to.

The fifth time I just had it in, breath a little but not much happened / I didn't cared much and after a while felt asleep for like three hours, but it was nice relaxation anyway.

I think I've inserted it 1-2 times more than that to but not had any real sessions with it just getting it in to get used to it or something such.

I wanted to write down all my sessions but I was too lazy for the first two and well.. Now it don't seem like I'm doing it =P

Anyway I think that would count as quite succesful even though I haven't tried much, and I don't know if it was for real or not since I was almost sleeping...

Oh well.

In all cases I feel like one get more focused, alert and awake on insertion, but of course one gets relaxed if resting and trying to feel something and breathing calmly.

So far haven't tried my vibrating toy, mostly because I wanted to mail the company producing it because I had missed that there existed cheaper versions.

But anyway, I can understand that it may not work for everyone but mostly I think maybe it's not the explosive reaction people expect from descriptions and maybe movies like road trip or wherever it is where the nurse give the guys a prostate massage and he immediatly cum.

Edit: Read a little more:
I have no mental block with using the device or getting pleasure out of it. I just think it's a rather big setup to spend the time, be in the mood, keep the mode if using an anal douche before, and well, honestly a lot of work for what may not be much considering very little happen compared to a regular jack off.
As said I think it's rather enjoyable/ok and interesting even without focusing on trying to get an orgasm or doing everything right. I just won't force myself into spending hours with it daily just trying to work myself up. Either I feel like using it or I don't. No need to force it onto myself.

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tl;dr but I will at a later time.

Anyway, well, that depends. I don't know if I have used it like five times or whatever it is.

Edit: Read a little more:
I have no mental block with using the device or getting pleasure out of it. I just think it's a rather big setup to spend the time, be in the mood, keep the mode if using an anal douche before, and well, honestly a lot of work for what may not be much considering very little happen compared to a regular jack off.
As said I think it's rather enjoyable/ok and interesting even without focusing on trying to get an orgasm or doing everything right. I just won't force myself into spending hours with it daily just trying to work myself up. Either I feel like using it or I don't. No need to force it onto myself.

Damn I did it again typed a 'reply with quote' then accidently hit the red 'reply to thread' button instead of the 'post quick reply' button meaning I lost the entire message. Not the first time this has happened. Very frustrating. Anyways.

Well looks like like you're doing pretty well only 5 sessions in.

I agree that sometimes it can be a bit of a hassle having an aneros session for the reasons you stated. That's one of the reasons I often opt of the aneroless session over the aneros session. I'm one of the ones that doesn't douche before hand though so this saves time. I've just never found it necessary. So to just have to lube up, insert and lie back really isn't that much of a hassle. But I do have to be in the right mood and mind set though or often the session won't go anywhere.
You don't have to use the aneros everyday and have hours long sessions. I don't. I use the aneros once a month, couple times a month, once a week, 5 times a week... just depends on how I'm feeling and what's going on in my life. Plus my session are normally 30-40 minutes long. Mainly because I've had troubles sustaining the pleasure beyond this. I could see that if I could stay in super O heaven beyond this then I could definitely see having much longer sessions.
But ya that's a good Idea to not force your sessions or feel like you have to have them everyday for hours. Just have sessions when you feel and can relax and not feel like your forcing it.

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I have to watch this type of thinking even during good sessions. Problem I had awhile back was that p-waves would start to build fast but then fade away just short of having an orgasm. After this happened a few times my thought process would go like this. The p-waves would start to build and I would mentally think "feels good but they're just going to die down right before I cross over into orgasms" and guess what. That's exactly what would happen every time.

Learning to stop this counterproductive thinking will eventually have a tremendous effect on you results. And that goes with everything in life, not just aneros use.

Brilliant insight here. I think that there are an extraordinarily small percentage of people who can't physically have a Super O with an Aneros. As was said above, these posts seems to fit a template. When you read them, you think, well obviously you didn't get anywhere, your attitude would never allow it.

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I hope your'e still following this thread.

I would like urgently to advise, unless it is already too late, that you go to the bin and retrieve your sad, unloved Helix. It would be an awful waste to have lost it irretrievably.

As others have said above, this may not be the time for you to embark on the journey. Possibly there never will be a correct time for you, but you will never know if you don't have the device available when you want to give it another try.

This you surely will when, for no apparent reason, you feel as horny as hell, and there is no-one around with whom you can share that feeling. That will be the very time it would be smart to take your Helix out of its hiding place, prepare yourself carefully and allow the Helix to do its thing. It might not even work for you on that occasion, but you never know, it just might.

I would venture to suggest that many readers of this forum would have commenced their journeys in just such a manner as this.

Give it another go when you are ready and Good Luck!

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I too feel like DJ but have not thrown out my new Helix yet. I have only had two sessions both of which were over an hour. I used several positions including my left side and right side, on my back with feet flat on bed, on my stomach and kneeling with upper body bent over the bed. I suffered from no pain or discomfort. The feeling the second time was better than the first in that I could feel it inside of me and could move it with contractions. To say it felt good or bad would both be incorrect. My problem is that I couldn't get much feeling at all. I could tell it was there and that didn't bother me. I couldn't tell if it was making contact with prostate or not. My penis had gone completely limp and after removing the device I could not even force an erection. This was somewhat disappointing because I wanted to have an orgasm to end the session.

I came back here to get some more positive feedback, so that I would not give up yet and it has helped.

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Two sessions........Hell, it took me 3 months just to get comfortable with it in me, then I started to have nice feelings. I get the feeling many of the new users think they are gonna SUPER - O in the first 5 minutes they use it??? This takes time. Im in my forties and just letting it work its magic has made me feel young again. Since using the Aneros I can't tell you how many time I have woke up with a raging erection that I use to get when I was 18-21. That alone is reason enough to use it.

I was very skeptical before buying the aneros and read the forum for a year or more before taking the plunge. Im glad I did. You need to relax and have a lot of patience for the results to occur. If you can use it when you are alone in the house, even better!

Good luck Vinny P and others in the same boat. Dont be afraid to put it away and start again a month later!

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I've definitely had my problems while trying to get re-wired. It's been about 14 months now, and since starting I've gotten two models (Helix and Progasm), three different kinds of lube, an applicator to internally lube, and the hypnaerosession cd. I've tried different times of day, different methods of breathing, different positions, different mindsets, different strategies with contractions (or lack there of), as well as abstaining from ejaculating for several days (I'm young so this is quite difficult for me). The best I've gotten are some p-waves. I didn't use to have those so I know I've made progress, but it's frustrating. The p-waves come and I get really excited, but they go away after a minute or so. I don't force anything, I just try to let them build up, but they abate.

However, I'm determined not to give up because the potential sounds truly remarkable. Plus I've already spent the time and money--at least $150 (?)--to unlock these sexual secrets.

The only problems I can think of are the fact that I usually have to relieve myself after a session. I take the aneros out but my prostate begs me for release, so I blow a load. And I'm aware this return to traditional stimiulation may hamper progress. There's also the fact, as much as I don't like to admit it, that I'm a virgin. I know that having an erotic fantasy in mind helps make your body sexually responsive, but I feel disadvantaged in conjuring one up because I have no practical experience.

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Dear Struggler,

I have had a look through your previous posts and would dearly like to help if I can.

First up, I think if I were you, I'd put the Progasm away for the time being. Your body is probably getting confused signals about what to expect. Just stick with the Helix - its pretty damn good and is most likely to advance your progress.

You may have seen advice given elsewhere in this forum that you shouldn't put expectations on your progress. I was lucky in that I received some responses more or less from the word 'Go'. Others, like you, are less fortunate, and just have to wait for the magic to happen. My advice would be to insert the Helix, (albeit well lubed) for two to three hours on two or three nights each week. Just don't expect anything at all to happen, and when you tire of it being inside you, remove it and get a good night's sleep.

One night, for no apparent reason, you will begin to feel sensations that you have never felt before. Accept them with joy, but don't expect a repetition the very next night. A few nights later, you will get those feelings again and soon they will become the rule rather than the exception. Then you will know you are on the road to Super-O territory!

In your last post, you raised a few points worth comment. In your first paragraph, the word 'different' appears six times! Try using a lube that isn't water based, (and stick with it unless it just doesn't work), try one consistent position (so that your body can learn what to expect), breathe normally, try to be "sexy" in your thoughts and just relax.

The fact that you have received p-waves is great. That means that you have the necessary physical and mental equipment to go all the way with this. If the p-waves go away as you say they do, it is probably because you are expecting that they will lead to something more. The paradox here is that they will, but not if you try to make them do so. Just accept for the moment that the p-waves are pleasant in themselves and enjoy them.

You mention that you have to relieve yourself after a session. By that, I assume you mean you have to have an ejaculation. I don't know your age, but assume you are still in the prime of life. If that is the case, don't worry. Go ahead and do it. It certainly won't do you any harm and I doubt it will detract from your Aneros endeavours. Apart from introducing a refractory period after ejaculating, there is no reason why you should not continue to feel the need for an Aneros session. (BTW, I had a wonderful ejaculatory orgasm just this morning, but still felt I could enjoy an Aneros session immediately afterwards)! Remember though, that an Aneros session should only occur if you genuinely want it to.

For what it's worth, I am 71 years old and am having a ball with this. Just think of the future you have ahead of you.

Good Luck and just have fun!!


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Thanks for that reply to struggler. That's very helpful. I'm closer to your age than his at 68. I'm only finishing my 4th week with the helix, and waiting. Your advice sounds practical, and is encouraging.

I'm not going to throw the thing out!

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Good for you! I am only sorry these things weren't around when we were kids. What fun we would have had. Still, it is wonderful that we can enjoy this adventure even in the Autumn of our lives.

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Pommie, I think you may be onto something with the Helix. I was trying the Progasm for a while because my assumption was that "bigger was better." I switched back to the Helix a couple days ago, and although I like the aggression of the Progasm, the Helix yielded better results this time. First p-waves I've had in a while.

By the way, 71 and still ejaculating away? That's inspiring! :rolleyes:

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Great stuff! I actually seldom use the Progasm these days because I found it too aggressive. I felt I was being bullied by it.

I sincerely hope and trust that you too will still be ejaculating when you are 71, although I must admit it is nice to be able to have more control over whether to or not. I like to participate in edging from time to time, although opportunities for that activity are pretty rare these days!

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Pommie, I think you may be onto something with the Helix. I was trying the Progasm for a while because my assumption was that "bigger was better." I switched back to the Helix a couple days ago, and although I like the aggression of the Progasm, the Helix yielded better results this time. First p-waves I've had in a while.

By the way, 71 and still ejaculating away? That's inspiring! :rolleyes:

Seriously struggler, I had to reread the last sentence in this post a few times. I really thought that you were saying the YOU WERE 71 and still ejaculating away. Then I remembered your previous post about still being a virgin and put the two together. I was like woah, now that's got to be the oldest virgin I've ever known. What you waiting for lol.
Anyways, then I realized you weren't talking about yourself. ha.

You said "I know that having an erotic fantasy in mind helps make your body sexually responsive, but I feel disadvantaged in conjuring one up because I have no practical experience."

I really don't know if this matters much if you haven't had any "practical experience". Hell I normally fantasize about stuff that I can't have or haven't done before. Once you've done it, it seems to take away from the fantasy anyways. Just try to fantasize about something that gets you going. Whatever it is that gets you horny. That should do.

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.. its too late. The thing has gone and it wasn't worth keeping. I can't express how much this did nothing for me....in fact it was just uncomfortable. Maybe we are not all wired to have these "super orgasms." So good luck to you all who do. Enjoy...

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.. its too late. The thing has gone and it wasn't worth keeping. I can't express how much this did nothing for me....in fact it was just uncomfortable. Maybe we are not all wired to have these "super orgasms." So good luck to you all who do. Enjoy...

Again half a dozen attempts of using the aneros over a year time period is nothing. A lot of new aneros users log half a dozen times in there first month or less. Truth is some people just give up on things quicker than others writing it off as "I'm one of the ones that just can't do it". And this goes for many things in life. When in fact the case is you just haven't really given it much of a shot. I remember for me it was very uncomfortable using the aneros. I was new to anal play and my anus didn't relax very easily. That having to urinate feeling drove me crazy but at the same time when I realized that I was actually going to urinate and then was able to relax things got much better. I remember the ptab digging into me a feeling that I don't like much (one reason I enjoy the peridise and helix model) And then there was the unpleasantness of having the 'urge to purge' brought on my using a glycerin based lube. Hell I wished I read up on lube's earlier on during my aneros beginning and I could had avoided so many uncomfortable aneros sessions due to that. It took a bit to get used to this kind of experience for me.

This may be kinda of relevant. I remember as a kid when I first began 'playing with myself'. I didn't really know what I was doing and who knows how many thousands of times I 'played with myself' before... what's the feeling that's beginning to get stronger and stronger... ahh what's happening... then wabam! My first orgasm.
Point being is, is that I didn't have an expectation of what was supposed to come about by playing with myself. I just did it and eventually an orgasm happened. I masterbated for years before having my first orgasm enjoying all the sensations along the way. Learning to orgasm was just another awesome step along the way. Then I learned edging and techniques to have more explosive orgasms.
Then a decade or more later I found out about MMO's and realized that the ejaculation of which I thought was the highest level of playing with myself, really was just another step along the way. So I bought the aneros and starting tinkering around again and once again not really knowing at all what to expect. So whatever came (and still comes to me) is just another step along the infinite levels of sexual pleasure. And then I learned to have MMO's without the aneros! Wow the possibilities just go on and on.

Don't cut yourself short. There's much more to be had than one and done ejaculations. The road does continue on. For some it may be a bit more winding and bumpy than others. But hey even the winding bumpy roads are pretty damn fun to travel down.

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