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Trying to learn about male multiple orgasms

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I haven't purchased the aneros yet, but I'm looking into it.

I'm looking for ways to enhance my own orgasms, as well as ways to just improve sex overall. My orgasms (ejaculatory) have been pretty weak for some time now, and can't figure out why. Hoping this brings some excitement back to that area.

I came across a post on the aneros when looking up info on the male multiple orgasm. Apparently, there are multiple definitions of the what the male multiple orgasm is.

One is just like what I found here - multiple prostate orgasms. Another, apparently, can be brought about by kegeling during orgasm, keeping you from ejaculating, but still allowing you to have an orgasm. I read about this technique here and in a few other places.

What I'm wondering is, has anyone tried this non-prostate method of having multiple orgasms, and is it pleasurable?

And for those who used the aneros, do you ejaculate when you have a prostate orgasm? Does it feel better than a regular orgasm?

Thanks for the feedback, just information gathering at this point in time.

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While I havnt had an orgasm from the aneros yet, I've tried the kegel before ejaculation method a handful of times.

let me just say that you will need very strong kegels for this. I practice about once a week of kegel training.

You have to contract your pc muscles as soon as you feel the blood rushing to your head feeling starts and keep contracting until you feel the pleasure die down. It feels like half an orgasm to me.

Like I said you need very strong kegels for this. I can only so this about once before my kegels go out and I ejaculate normally. Just be wary as I heard that trying this technique may backflow semen into your bladder. If this is true or not idk. But I've never had an issue, also I rarely try this technique so if some one with more experience comes by I'm sure they could give you a better answer

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What I'm wondering is, has anyone tried this non-prostate method of having multiple orgasms, and is it pleasurable?

Yes, I've tried the technique and it works but I find it takes a lot of effort to exert the type of muscular control to suppress the ejaculatory spasms, I found the pleasure experience of this type of orgasm less intense probably because of the effort to suppress the ejaculatory spasms.

And for those who used the aneros, do you ejaculate when you have a prostate orgasm? Does it feel better than a regular orgasm?

I don't ejaculate from my prostate orgasms although some men do. Every orgasm is different, so I guess "...better..." depends upon your definition of What's an Orgasm?. Prostate based orgasms are qualitatively different from penile, anal or nipple based orgasms and intensities within each type can vary widely but for me, on average, prostate orgasms (dry) are more intense and longer duration events than other forms of induced orgasms.

You might find this article -> MALE MULTIPLE ORGASMS: ONE MAN'S JOURNEY, written by a veteran Aneros user interesting. Additionally the article Continuous Male Orgasms may be helpful and if you want a little kinky technique try The "Ruined" Orgasm

Good Vibes to You !

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I haven't reached the super-O yet. But what I can say is that my Helix has already given me the best sexual pleasure of my life. So these orgasms are more intense than the traditional orgasm. I have already had what I think are prostate orgasms (dry-O) and as the name suggests, they are without ejaculation.
So I think that, no matter how much pleasure you feel during an ejaculatory orgasm, you will surely feel a pleasure that will probably be better.

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I have studied male multiple orgasms quite a bit and while the technique mentioned above was my starting point, like most things, with experience it gets easier to control. I no longer ejaculate if I don't want to and find sex to be so much better without the actual ejaculation part. I can have countless orgasms while having sex with my wife and the same if just masturbating. For me, it all hinges on slowing down or stopping just as you reach the point of no return and then coasting into the orgasm.
Perhaps someone who is young would have no interest is such a practice, but as you get older (I'm in my 60's) semen control becomes a big part of keeping your sexual energy. The two books that were critical in my journey was "The multi orgasmic man" and "Love Satisfies" by Keep it up Johnson. the last one is a book with much fluff in it but has a good message and the guy was active on this board although the board itself is not very active

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Good info guys, thank you.

So I’m seeing not everyone has an orgasm from the Aneros? I’ve tried anal play before, but never got off... was thinking this might be the solution.

As to the other method, good info guys. I too like to conserve my semen, ancient Tao idea that it powers us up as men.

Will begin training my PC muscle and give it a shot

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I have gotten very good at controlling my ejaculation while masturbating traditionally, without any prostate stimulation. Now I can have multiple orgasms that are very strong while masturbating and while having sex or rubbing against a partner. I don’t clench any muscles or press anything manually to stop ejaculation, nor do I slow down or stop my masturbation.


I came across this way of orgasming after my re-wiring, that is, after understanding how to have prostate orgasms, with the help of aneros toys (and the support of advice produced by this forum). I don’t think I would have figured out how to have non-ejaculatory masturbatory orgasms without having learned how to have prostate orgasms first. Because prostate orgasms required me to change my idea of what an orgasm is, and also helped me become much more aware of what is going on down there.

As @rumel says, there is a qualitative difference in prostate, ejaculatory, and “other” orgasms. So comparing them is like comparing apples and oranges. But the length and quantity can be compared. Personally I have prostate orgasms that are way longer than ejaculatory orgasms, and chains of them, so that sometimes I am in an orgasmic state for minutes at a time. In comparison, the longest possible ejaculatory orgasm lasts 20 seconds for me, and I can only have 3 maximum in a row (and by the third it is very strenuous). This doesn’t mean that my prostate orgasms are better. I can just have 10s of them in a session and then tag on an ejaculation at the end, and even then, often I continue to have prostate or other orgasms (if I don’t fall asleep). But it is all incredibly intertwined, because the more I experience prostate orgasms, the higher I am able to get my overall arousal, and the more intense all sexual acts are. Now when a partner caresses me, it is like electricity on my skin, and something as simple as having my hand touched can make me orgasm (in the right setting of course).

So @JvilleJay I recommend you buy an aneros, read the literature thoroughly, and give it a try. It made my sex life and those of countless other users infinitely better. I have become an even more compassionate lover, and I have unlocked another realm of pleasure that I never knew existed. There is only one way to know, though 🙂

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Thank you @divine_oblivion , good feedback on the Aneros. Multiple orgasms in a row sounds fantastic... wonder how my wife will take to the idea. We are pretty "traditional" when it comes to sex, but she's generally pretty open-minded and non-judgemental. Might drop the idea on her like a Christmas gift...

As to re-wiring of your ejaculatory abilities, you mean you've been able to train yourself to have multiple ejaculatory orgasms? How did you do that, and any pointers?

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I've tried this, and more often than not I just end up draining the prostate and vesicles. Like I won't ejaculate, but after letting go of the pelvic muscles, everything I clamped down and squeezed on just opens up and lets flow. And I do mean "flow", not spurting or anything. I keep an erection, and can get right back up to the edge again.

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Sorry if I wasn't clear, I meant multiple non-ejaculatory orgasms. I don't think anyone here or anywhere can have multiple ejaculatory orgasms (like, over 5, and most people dry up after 2 or 3). There just isn't enough semen in our bodies. I've always been able to have 2 in quick succession and 3 over the course of an hour, but I am still young (33 years old). The multiple orgasms was talking about in the first paragraph above are dry orgasms.

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Got you. I've heard of some folks claiming to be able to train themselves to have multiple ejaculations... I always felt the same way, for me, once I shoot, I'm done... at least for some time.

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