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Hi gents.

I bought a helix at the start of my journey,but nothing much happened. But it was the start so not abnormal really.

zentai suggested maybe I give the toys a try again after working A-Less to success. I’ve tried the helix again and it’s the same lacklustre experience. I wonder is it just poor fit for some people.

I’m considering buying progasm,pro jr and pro ice. 
what’s the difference? I’ve never felt direct contact that people talk about from helix. Any recommendations?

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Posted by: @helghast

Hi gents.

I bought a helix at the start of my journey,but nothing much happened. But it was the start so not abnormal really.

zentai suggested maybe I give the toys a try again after working A-Less to success. I’ve tried the helix again and it’s the same lacklustre experience. I wonder is it just poor fit for some people.

I’m considering buying progasm,pro jr and pro ice. 
what’s the difference? I’ve never felt direct contact that people talk about from helix. Any recommendations?

Can’t advise any particular toys because I think they are all good, but I do recommend that you try out the dildo that you were pegged with. I have a flanged silicone dildo that I use, holding it in place for minutes at a time by fixing the flanged base between my closed thighs. That way throughout the session I can choose different lengths and then keep it in place while I explore sensations by flexing pelvic floor muscles, just as one would do with a standard hands free prostate toy.

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Seconding this! Maybe you'll find a specific motion or pace or depth that's really out of this world, then you can recreate this with your wife later on. Practice makes perfect!

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@divine_o You think of everything ha ha. We’ve considering toy mounts as the dildos we have are suction cup so there’s that to play with too.Gonna end up spending a fortune ha ha.

@zentai She’s all about moving up the power. Woman has goals! Fucked to handsfree ejaculation is high on the list he he


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Posted by: @helghast

I’ve tried the helix again and it’s the same lacklustre experience. I wonder is it just poor fit for some people.

That was my experience exactly. Helix never did the trick for me - too pointy, too aggressive. Instead of going bigger, you man consider going smaller. After my 4 fruitless Helix years it was the Peridise and EuphoSyn that lead to my breakthrough.

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@unfug you could be right,maybe I’ll buy one of each. A lot of people like the eupho.


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I don't think this is unusual. I started with the mgx, didn't get too much, bought the helix, didn't get any more, bought a progasm, felt good sometimes but it was very uncomfortable it insert, and I threw it out. Years later, something clicked in my mind and with a lot of reading, kegels, and breathing exercises,  i experienced an amazing super O with the mgx. I still did not get get much out of the helix! Fast forward a year and a half and I have had some very nice experiences with the helix, but nothing spectacular. 

Last year, I was fortunate to have won one of the monthly giveaways and was gifted a eupho syn trident.  That thing was spectacular from the start!  It was fun to experience the new shape now that I had experienced the pleasure these devices are designed to deliver, and I had heard discussion here about the benefits of the larger size toys, so I bought a maximus. My first experience with it was awesome...the added girth made it pretty much automatic, but results dwindled some, and I was back to square one.

So, last month, Aneros had a crazy sale on progasm red ice, and for $25, how could I not give it another go? I am happy that I did and wish I had know a few things way back when I threw the first one out! First of all, I am not sure why they don't offer an "ice" version of all models because that smooth, slick surface gets it done. But second, I have finally figured out a lube tactic that works best for me. Straight silicone would be best as far as slickness goes, but I don't have any idea how healthy that is, and it is inconvenient the next morning, to say the least. I have really been loving about 5ml of Sessions inside, and slather the progasm ice with silicone(astroglide x is what I use, it's easily available to me here). This, the scoop method(I think), and patience eliminated all prior problems with insertion. 

Someone here made the statement that progasm play was all about getting loosened up and then just enjoy the ride. I don't remember who you were, but THANK YOU brother! It is so slippery, at first I think I have to hold on to it, but the I think it has a hold on me. That thing will not let up on the pleasure until I make a concious mental effort to stop or my muscles just give out. Hours. I have been amazed.  Hours. 

I drifted to sleep with it one night and woke up back at full throttle orgasm. And, I have experienced different kinds of orgasm with it as well...I never had it hit from the sphincter like that before, but I hope I can make that one happen again.

The ice has been consistently delivering these results and I know it's real because it can get triggered a-less just by a thought, or hitting a bump in the road, then, for the next forty miles, I'm gazzin' and trying to watch the road.

I don't understand,  I have had several models now, and my favorites and the big progasm and the little eupho trident! It could have as much to do with my relationship with my wife improving by leaps and bounds, but I never had this consistently good results with any other model. The only bad session I have had was when I didn't have the silicone lube...water based sessions just seems to sheet off the ice surface like rain off your car's rain-x coated windshield. I am now anxious to try the new progasm, I believe it will be awesome. 

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@regal13 There’s plenty of aneros on my local toy site. I’ve looked at maybe getting a eupho sun trident or a regular plastic eupho. 

They have progasm ice,progasm and pro jr.However,they don’t have the new program.@tech pump has the new one with thinner stem and no tab on the bottom,wonder then they’ll get that in.Maybe I should get one of each be dammed ha ha


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I had to struggle and assume uncomfortable positions for Helix Classic to make any contact at all. I much prefer Progasm Ice in doggy position. 203cm tall, fit body.

People say Progasm (Black)Ice is slicker than regular Progasm.


Trident Eupho (non-silicone) and the new Progasm (with lessons learned from the Trident line) are next on my purchase list. I think I'll take the Black Ice for the color variety.

This post was modified 4 years ago by airbag

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@helghast there isn't a lot of difference in feel between the EST and the regular white plastic Eupho Trident. They're both capable of wonderful things. The only thing that seems different to me with the Syn model is the the tabs feel more flexible and springy. Consequently also a little more fragile, maybe? I don't know, I am careful with both when cleaning not to get overzealous with my scrubbing pressure.

I like the white plastic version just because I can use silicone lube. 

I guess they don't have a red ice version anymore, but as far as I know the ice or black ice programs would have the same surface finish. It is difficult to remember how much difference this ice versions make compared to the standard white plastic...I had no idea about lube options or the sensations I was looking for back then. 

I would say if you never tried the pro, go very slow. Getting over the second hump is not something to do quickly until you are good at it and used to it. It is worth the trouble  though, because  the extra material and shape give it your muscles something to grab an it does hit the right places. 

As wir all things Aneros, your mileage may vary, but I haven't found a bad position, but I prefer on my side, knees bent, then when it gets really crazy, I flip to flat on my back and just let it happen. 

Forrest Andrews counted well over a hundred orgasms one time, but I have no idea how that man had the where-with-all to do that! It's hard to tell where on ends and another begins, and it is so constant for so long! I tried to count with the pro, but I pretty quickly just gave up to the pleasure and let my mind process that! Counting is too complex for me under that kind of pleasure!


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@regal13 I didn’t see a red one,black,clear and white are the choices. 

I wonder what the point of the flimsy tabs on the syn models is? 

I’ll just buy a bunch of em,can’t go wrong if you through enough money at a problem hahahaha


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@helghast I am glad I have tried the ones I have, I wish I had figured out the progasm first go around, but I'm impressed now anyway. I am at the point where I want to try them all just for fun. They run good sales here from time to time! I want to try three more...trident variety if helix and MGX and the new progasm. 

I don't think there is anything wrong with the tabs on Eupho models, they are just thinner like the device itself,  and I never had a problem,  but others here have said they accidentally broke tabs on various models. I do know I love the springy feel of the eupho's tabs, your body tries to draw it in and as you try to relax, the tabs just pull it right back across that sweet spot that triggers your body to pull again...I'm sorry...i think I'm going to have to step out and go have a session! Thinking about that gets things rumbling.  


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