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Too much ejaculating hindering progress

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I am becoming more convinced that ejaculating excessively thought sex or masturbation is getting in the way of having dry o's. I have had the sgx for a year now and there is a real pattern here of when I masturbation to ejaculation or have sex to ejaculation too frequently, it has a negative effect on my aneros sessions. If I hold off on ejaculating for a week or two at a time my libido goes way up and my aneros sessions seem much better. My prostate seems much more receptive to pleasure if I hold off. I am going to try to lay off on ejaculating for a month to see what happens. Is it just me or is there anyone else who has noticed this as well?

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i agree. I don't think that it effects the prostate by ejaculating too much but it DOES effect libido which is, IMO, way more important a factor.

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If I hold off on ejaculating for a week or two at a time my libido goes way up and my aneros sessions seem much better. My prostate seems much more receptive to pleasure if I hold off. Is it just me or is there anyone else who has noticed this as well?This topic has been brought up repeatedly on the forum over the years. What you are describing has to do with your arousal levels. For many men, frequent ejaculations do suppress their general arousal level. This has to do with your hormonal cycles with regards to sexual stimulation. You may find the thread Aneros, Arousal & Abstinence helpful, I discussed the reasoning behind using temporal abstinence as an arousal enhancement technique. You probably don't need to go a whole month avoiding ejaculation to see a significant change of mood. Why don't you read the 21 day challenge post thread for further information about this approach to your Aneros practice.
Good Vibes to You !

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So from reading the thread aneros, arousal & abstinence, it seems like I can edge as long as I don't take it to completion. Edging is definantly an arousal amplifier for sure. After a few weeks of edging with ejaculation, I will be dying to

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This has been discussed before.

Everyone is different. Personally I have had some of my best A-less orgasms after ejaculating. I think ejaculating too often can make it more difficult to achieve an orgasm, sometimes, but it can actually make you more relaxed and therefore able to enjoy a better non ejaculatory orgasm after.

Abstinence is just torturing yourself.

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I think it depends.

I've experimented with going as long as 30 days without ejaculation. What I found was my arousal levels had peaks and valleys. When I ejaculated after a period of self denial I had varying results. Sometimes my penis was super sensitive and the orgasm was very strong. Other times, it took me longer than usual to get fully hard and/or ejaculate and then the orgasm was sort of vague. In the latter case orgasm 2,3, and 4 were usually better and then went back to normal.

I also experimented with using the Aneros during these times and didn't feel there was a correlation and didn't see any additional progress or breakthroughs. For me I've found that my arousal for an Aneros session is somewhat random and not directly linked with ejaculation abstinence. I think stress and other general life factors play a bigger role. However I do think ejaculating too often can affect your arousal as well as Aneros sessions.

One thing I've tried to do is alternate between Aneros and ejaculation. Like Aneros one day masturbation or sex the next. I find this to be a nice balance. Also if I am tempted to masturbate after an Aneros session knowing that I will allow myself to ejaculate the next morning can help get past the urge.

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I'm 66 yrs old and it takes me at least 3-4 days after ejaculation to regain the sexual energy that fuels my arousal mechanisms. Saying that...abstaining for a week or more has not produced anything especially noteworthy. For me Anersos session 3-10 days after ejaculation is my arousal sweet spot.

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