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To those still waiting and WANT to get that Super O Here's how...

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To write this out the best I could, and to make it a simple guide, I have included the steps and basically made the guide into a chapter book. I suggest reading every "chapter" to gain knowledge from MY own personal experience, but at the same time have an OPEN mind when reading this. You have to, if you want to ascend. More on this "Open Mind" in later chapters. This is why the chapters are best read IN ORDER, so that you know information from chapters before that you can retain and take into the next chapter. This is NOT a step by step guide. Infact, that is NOT possible to achieve the Super O. But with this new knowledge AND wisdom you'll gain by reading this, you won't be disappointed (or you may! It may just not be your time, yet).

I. Prelude
II. What's Your Goal?
III. Changing Your Mindset
IV. You Can't Control Everything
V. Converting Feelings to Pleasure
VI. Don't Get Caught Up In the End Goal
VII. Why Am I Telling You This?

Prelude (You don't have to read, but it's suggested)
I have owned my 1st aneros shortly after I turned 18 and I am now almost 20. In these 2 years I've matured IMMENSELY. I moved to a different environment (surrounded by friends) that allowed my mindset to finally get back to full health, which allowed me to achieve the Super O. In those 2 years, I also hit rock bottom. I went from being homeless my senior year of high school, to hanging with a friend to get to school, but then being pulled out of my friend's house by my mother and put in an unhealthy place to be mentally (it's her friends place, but my mother has mental problems herself like addiction [gambling], and her friend's are pushovers and don't take care of themselves; so now I stay away from her but I still show her love, as a son should do). Moving on from that place to a much healthier environment I was able to finally mature more and grow to my full potential, and I'm not even there yet! Depression got a hold of me in that time that I was at rock bottom and I honestly wanted to end my life. But I held on and cannabis helped. Now that I'm MUCH better, I've started looking at things from outside the box and seeing what REALLY is happening. What do I mean? Oh it's simple! I take a step back from my thoughts, and I think logically and don't let emotions cloud my judgement. With this trait of mine, I've been able to achieve MANY different opportunities and TURN MY LIFE AROUND. I took a full 180 degrees and moved on. I stopped living in the past and ESPECIALLY the future (because I was worried what I'm going to do with my life) and I just focus on the NOW. THIS IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW FOR LATER. More on that in a later chapter.

What's your goal?
Let's start off by asking yourself, what is the REAL reason you want to experience the Aneros and why you want to achieve the Super O? Is it because masturbation is not enough for you? It's ok if you think that, that's just fine. Is it because sex isn't appealing, your partner doesn't appreciate you enough, you want to experience a better orgasm, or all of the above? It's ok to have those reasons. Be true to yourself, it's the only way we'll progress. Whatever your reason is, just make sure you know it. We'll use this reason to help you achieve the Super O later on, but for now just keep it in mind. And don't trick yourself either. Think deeply about why you truly want to experience the Super O and we'll use that to your advantage.

Changing Your Mindset
You're probably expecting a step by step guide on what YOU specifically need to do in order to achieve the Super O. I'm not wrong, right? That is not something anyone can teach you EXCEPT for yourself. Quit thinking for a moment and listen to this advice carefully. You and YOU only will be able to achieve ANYTHING, ONLY IF you truly believe in it yourself. You hear those words all the time, right? They have never been more true. Past experiences may have proved this wrong to you. But they haven't. Infact, they've only proven it. Every situation in your life, you had a CHOICE. ALWAYS. You could have chosen to do this, or that... and that would have caused a WHOLE DIFFERENT chain reaction to things around you. Probability in some situations are small and you can't control everything, BUT THAT'S OK. That's one thing you will learn later on in a chapter. It's ok to let go and not be able to control everything. That, THAT is the mindset you need with the Aneros experience. When you're finally ready to let go and just believe, your life will turn around. If you only notice the good in things, you will ONLY see the good in things. If you only notice the bad in things, you will ONLY see the bad in things. Most of the time you can see both, but don't dwell on it. Never dwell on things. Life goes on. Move on from certain moments in your life and think LOGICALLY. Do not let emotion cloud your judgement. At the same time, use emotions to your ADVANTAGE. Some people will never experience the emotion of love, and that's because they chose NOT TO. Everyone can, it's whether they want to or not is the difference. Do you really believe the Aneros can give you a Super O? You don't! You read stories of others and this and that, and yet to your own compromise YOU can't achieve them. It all starts in your mind. And that's why changing your mindset is important and one of the first chapters. Some people aren't ready to change their mindset, and all you can do is feel sorry for them because they get too caught up in their own mind that they put mental barriers there themselves. Only they can take them down. You can show them the door. They are the ones that have to walk through it. I showed you the door with changing your mindset, if you do not do that right now everything below will just make you roll your eyes. That's being ignorant. Who wants to be ignorant when they want to explore and experience ONE of the best feelings in the world?!?!

You Can't Control Everything
It's ok to let go. You have to. This common concept is called 'The Edge' around here. It is a mental barrier that I went through myself and had to overcome. Will everyone have this mental barrier? No. That's why some can achieve the Super O on their first try and others after a couple tries and others a year later and others 5 years later, etc. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. Whether we choose to share our advice to help others achieve that same success faster is on us. I want to bring research in to back my claims, so I will provide some knowledge I've learned and list the resource(s) below. The mind is a WONDERFUL, and powerful thing. If you set your mind to it, you can literally accomplish anything. You may think, "Pfft, that's impossible. ANYTHING is a very broad term, and we can't even grasp the concept of anything." Stop. Stop right there. That is a mental barrier you are putting in place YOURSELF and that's not helping you achieve the Super O. You have to LET GO of that mentality and change your mindset. We can accomplish anything. You know our oceans are getting polluted and "there's nothing we can do about it!" Actually... an engineer thought of an idea and basically he came up with a solution to clean our Ocean and IT WILL WORK. It's self sustainable and all it takes is a boat to go out to those "points" and take the trash out (since it collects at those 'points'). We as humans bring each other down instead of lift each other up, and if we all started lifting each other up then we can accomplish more together. Like free food, free water for everyone world wide, free energy, etc. We just have to think, and then we have to act. Acting is the hard part, but trust me that when people say "It gets easier", it does. Especially as you go on. Relating back to the Aneros, over time you start feeling more and more feelings that pleasure yourself. More on this in a later chapter. You have to learn to let go and "unlearn" all your previous knowledge of orgasm (through ejaculation), and instead focus on the NOW (current feelings you're getting) and build on them. Do not force anything. Use your body to your advantage and LISTEN to it. Let go. You control your body every day. Don't anymore. Just let go and let your feelings overcome you. Things will come naturally if you fully let go, and it's WAY easier said than do. You can not be tensing a single muscle in your body, but that's not TRULY letting go. That's just an illusion of letting go. The real place of letting go takes place IN YOUR MIND. Don't get caught up with certain things, you have to think abstractly. This includes if the kundalini tab (if you have a progasm) isn't in a specific place. That just means your mind isn't used to generating turning those feelings into pleasure because it's a new place OR it's not as sensitive. And that's OK. You can build sensitivity there. You just have to use your mind as a muscle instead of your muscles as a mind. Keep this in mind during Aneros sessions: Don't get caught up in everything. LET your mind wander. Don't control it. Think of it like this (since evidence has proven people learn better with metaphors): Flow, like a river. Don't fight it. Just let go and go with the flow. The same with the Aneros. When you put the device in, focus on the feelings it's giving you, and while it may not be giving anything PLEASURABLE, you should be able to feel a thing stuck up your ass. Focus on this feeling and just let go. Don't control it.

Converting Feelings to Pleasure
This is where it gets tricky. Not everyone is the same, as I've said before. So this process is different for everyone. But people are only different because they don't have the right mindset. And even IF they have the right mindset, there's no guarantee that it'll work! One can preach, but another may experience different. For me, I had to go through the process of noticing every single little feeling, and then ASSOCIATING that feeling with a moment/situation that gets me horny. This has little effect when you first try it. It doesn't give you instant success. Infact, there's a reason for this. And I'll use research and evidence to help prove it and shed some light: We have 2 different ways of thinking. We call them Diffuse Mode and Active Mode. In diffuse mode, you're letting your mind wander (some call this daydreaming) and your mind is jumping from neural connection to neural connection. Look at it like a Venn Diagram, you know, the 2 circles that overlap each other and you list similarities in the middle, contrasts on the side? Focus on those circles. Imagine those circles are neural connections. When those circles overlap, it's because they have something in common or a similar concept. In diffuse mode, your mind is basically "jumping" (in reality just firing neurons at axis's) from one neural connection to another. This allows you to grasp abstract thoughts easier. In active mode, your mind is ACTIVELY receiving information (either from your senses like sight, touch, smell, etc. or from your memory) and putting them in 4 "chunks". Scientists believed there used to be 7 active chunks, but have narrowed it down to only 4. In these 4 chunks (located in our prefrontal cortex), your mind is processing information that you receive or retrieve (as said before). The purpose of these chunks helps you process information and learn, and either store the information for later or recall upon information learned earlier. The problem is new information is taken in daily but will be lost if that new information is not "tapped" upon often. Here's what I mean and why "Practice makes perfect": Picture those 4 chunks in the front of your brain. Now picture an octopus sitting above those 4 chunks. Those chunks can use tentacles from that octopus to reach for information stored in the brain (neural connections) and put it in 1 chunk. But if a neural connection is not reached for often, it gets "stored" away and is HARDER to reach the next time. I forgot to mention, chunks are basically "chunks of information" that your brain stores temporarily in the Prefrontal cortex (as people call it, 'short term memory'). Moving on with this information that you just digested and going back to the Aneros, you must convert the feelings that the device is giving you into pleasure. This isn't something that you can just say in a step by step guide. It's something that's different for everyone and something they have to learn for themselves. Don't get caught up in the moment just because the current sensations don't feel like pleasure. IT TAKES TIME. After every session, you should be happy that you didn't achieve a Super O. You should think, "Man, did I just learn a thing or two! I can't wait to know what next time will feel like, probably even better! If not, that's ok! I'm still learning!"

Don't Get Caught Up In the End Goal
We all want the Super O. But don't think of that as the main goal. Infact, you shouldn't even really be thinking about it. You should be thinking about the pleasure that the device is giving you currently, and if it's not too pleasurable GIVE IT TIME. IT TAKES TIME to convert those feelings to pleasure. Some do it faster than others, but for those who persevere through it until the end are the true warriors and ones who should be given a round of applause. It took you longer to get here, but once you make it you have all the more reason to be even more happy. You went through struggles and yet you still overcame them. That is what allowed you to reach the Super O.

Why Am I Telling You All This?
Now that you know how your brain works for learning, with this information you'll be able to put it to use for your experiences with your Aneros. Remember: The product itself DOES NOT give you the Super O. YOU DO. The product only HELPS pave the rode, and you just have to listen. Now that you know this, use it to your advantage. Don't get frustrated that you didn't achieve a Super O in your next session after reading this advice. It's OK. It's not suppose to come to you right away. Some of us have to work harder than others, but that's just fine because then when we achieve the same thing we have more tools under our belt than those who did achieve it first time. Look at it like a journey, stop letting the destination stop you from moving forward. Instead, let go as I have said before and use this knowledge to your advantage.

Just because this helped me, it may not help you. This is what I had to go through in order to finally achieve the Super O, and now that I have I believe everyone can if they just set their minds to it. Something that I don't see people say here. They just tell you "Oh change your mind, don't think like that" but then proceed not to tell you how to think in the first place, or they do tell you how to think and you take it too literal. Everyone is different, just because this may help someone it may not help you. But don't let that put a mental barrier just because you read that. Instead, see the good from things and good will come to you. Trust me.

Poseidon, SOwithoutAneros, Faith-Manages and 6 people reacted
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@flexxor I love your avatar - says everything about the aneros to me.

Very well put, I agree with everything you have written. It is all about learning to savour the pleasure and letting it take you where it wants to go. I think you have mastered mindfulness and I'm pleased to hear how it has turned your life around.

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Hi Flexxor

reading your thoughts really enlightens me and you are a very mature adult. If I was your father I would be proud of how successful you turned out. I too am glad you over came your troubled years as you gave us this great insight. I started to use this device only for the purpose of a healthy prostate if the super o is achieved so much the better. I can tell you that my sessions are very pleasurable and like you have said I have to live in the now and learn from those experiences and put that in the long term memory part of my mind. The last few sessions I did notice that my left eye makes a tear that runs down my face. Don't know why that happens but it does. It may be the feeling is so good and I am not paying attention in that moment. I will embrace every moment now as if it's the first experience that I have ever had and Just listen with all my senses.

Thanks again for your your thought provoking words.

Well done!

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Thank you for this posting and clearly stating fundamental principles that I also subscribe to. I think this post is another significant statement which new members will find helpful as they begin their own personal journeys with Aneros. I have added this post to the list in the Cherry Picks group.
Good Vibes to You !

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@flexxor I love your avatar - says everything about the aneros to me.

Very well put, I agree with everything you have written. It is all about learning to savour the pleasure and letting it take you where it wants to go. I think you have mastered mindfulness and I'm pleased to hear how it has turned your life around.

Thank you. I consider you one of the regulars around here because I see you on popular threads and ones that I agree with for the most part.

Hi Flexxor

reading your thoughts really enlightens me and you are a very mature adult. If I was your father I would be proud of how successful you turned out. I too am glad you over came your troubled years as you gave us this great insight. I started to use this device only for the purpose of a healthy prostate if the super o is achieved so much the better. I can tell you that my sessions are very pleasurable and like you have said I have to live in the now and learn from those experiences and put that in the long term memory part of my mind. The last few sessions I did notice that my left eye makes a tear that runs down my face. Don't know why that happens but it does. It may be the feeling is so good and I am not paying attention in that moment. I will embrace every moment now as if it's the first experience that I have ever had and Just listen with all my senses.

Thanks again for your your thought provoking words.

Well done!

Not a problem! Glad you enjoyed and hoped it helped you on your journey.

Thank you for this posting and clearly stating fundamental principles that I also subscribe to. I think this post is another significant statement which new members will find helpful as they begin their own personal journeys with Aneros. I have added this post to the list in the Cherry Picks group.

I've seen that list before. I had a similar idea to create the same list but then I noticed you made one a bit before me. Haha all the better! You should add the thread that talks about a-less sessions and it's basically a chat log of an old member on here giving advice on moving energies inside you using your hands and breath. When I first did it, I felt a sensation that was just so abstract and surreal in my belly. It was like tingling feelings of pleasure, but just some weird feeling. The methods included like "S" and "V"? I believe, and another called like tent or something. I'm not sure, but the thread was brilliant and what really opened up my mind to knowing that there is more, I just have to open my mind in order to see and feel it.

Also, HUGE FAN of your Hypnaeros tracks. Although I wish you had it in a male voice, as being gay it doesn't really help hearing a women and then hearing moaning of women. 🙁

I digress, my story with those audio files:

When I first listened to it with the Progasm in me, it didn't really do much if anything at all. Even though I was relaxing a lot it wasn't enough at the time. Months down the road, I listen to it again and it starts giving me really good pleasure. Years down the road, I listen to it with the Helix Syn in me and every time it moves onto the next "stage" I feel it. It's a very weird but enticing feeling. And then when it gets to the part where you are fully relaxed, I felt it. I felt my muscles not being able to be moved because I didn't want to. I felt the constant relaxation I had to do in my butt with my sphincter muscles because my muscles would contract automatically and I had to force them to relax and then they automatically contract back. It's basically auto-fucking me and I'm learning how to move it with my breathing so that it fucks me automatically because the audio has made me really relaxed while still being horny (achieving it's purpose). Then when it gets to playing with your nipples, the feelings go wild and become very hard to relax because I get so horny easily (being young doesn't help when you want to wank 24/7 lol).

Still, wish there was a male version. 🙁

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I'd just like to bump this thread so that new members who are looking into Aneros may see this thread and be intrigued. Almost everyone should go through the journey, if they aren't already.

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You have to learn to let go and "UNLEARN" all your previous knowledge of orgasm (through ejaculation), and instead focus on the NOW (current feelings you're getting) and build on them. Do not force anything. Use your body to your advantage and LISTEN to it. Let go. You control your body every day. Don't anymore. Just let go and let your feelings overcome you. Things will come naturally if you fully let go, and it's WAY easier said than do. [...] The real place of letting go takes place IN YOUR MIND. [...] Flow, like a river. Don't fight it. Just let go and go with the flow. The same with the Aneros. [...] Don't control it. [...]

Converting Feelings to Pleasure
[...] the process of noticing every single little feeling, and then ASSOCIATING that feeling with a moment/situation that gets me horny. This has little effect when you first try it. It doesn't give you instant success. Infact, there's a reason for this. [...] The problem is new information is taken in daily but will be lost if that new information is not "tapped" upon often. [...] "Practice makes perfect": [...] After every session, you should [...] think, "Man, did I just learn a thing or two! I can't wait to know what next time will feel like, probably even better! If not, that's ok! I'm still learning!"

[...] Remember: The product itself DOES NOT give you the Super O. YOU DO. The product only HELPS pave the road, and you just have to listen. [...] Look at it like a journey, stop letting the destination stop you from moving forward. Instead, see the good from things and good will come to you. Trust me.

Well said! @flexxor, I am very thankful for your post. It has been so helpful for my journey! Just stumbling over it and reading it once again, I soon remembered to have already read it. My subconsciousness must have inhaled your wisdom with the first reading, my mind needed more time. Only now I understand consciously. Especially the awakening of several hot spots, first of all my nipples, last but not least my hands themselves, prove your thesis. With the ongoing re-wiring the new wires - to stick to the picture - become thicker and thicker and thus the feelings become more and more intense. Just proved with day 30 of SR and thus "UNLEARNING all my previous knowledge of orgasm through ejaculation".

You're a lucky guy, oozing wisdom like a greybeard in your twenties! And the best seems yet to come!

if it were not for the chosen one who stops the destructive forces and reorganises the three dimensions of consciousness

All the best! And keep us posted from the other dimensions the chosen one will be able to transcend to! ;):eek::cool:

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Also, HUGE FAN of your Hypnaeros tracks. Although I wish you had it in a male voice, as being gay it doesn't really help hearing a women and then hearing moaning of women. 🙁

I bought this the other day and was quite impressed, not so much in the feelings but realising how much enjoyment I have too look forward too. I'd practised deep breathing exercises years ago and was surprised with how much I'd forget and have to enjoy and relearn.

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Just bumping the thread again for any new members who join or are checking out the forum. Bet they came from the Trident advertising or just curious. ^.^

If you haven't made an account, come on in and join us anonymously!

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It's been months since I've used my Aneros, but now I've moved on from needing the Aneros to achieving prostate orgasms without it. It starts with kegel exercises, and breathing techniques. Then slowly I start getting a bulging feeling from my prostate, and focus on being aroused from sexual fantasies to keeping my breathing in pace with my Kegels. The pleasure slowly builds up, and feels so good. Gets me even more aroused, at the point of having a constant hard on, as I try to move the ''energies" up my body through the ''chakras". I normally get stuck on my stomach chakra, also know as the Solar plexus. Sometimes the sacral chakra, or what I like to think of as the prostate. It goes from the 'root' charka/1st chakra/base of spine, to prostate, to stomach, to lungs/heart, to throat, to 'third eye', to 'crown'. There's been a few times I've moved this energy up and experienced prostate orgasms or the '''super o" and it felt like ejaculation without cumming, but other times just felt like waves of pleasure and very rarely I had a full body convulsion. I will say that at times, bringing this energy up and just letting go I sometimes feel like I just moan out in pleasure automatically without trying, but I have yet to record myself and see if it's just in my head.

Anyways, it's a rarity but I have successfully had a "Kundalini awakening" a few times. At least that's what I read it's called. And just wanted to share that, as I wish I could use my Aneros toys, but for the time being I cannot.

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For illustration I'll call "A" that wonderful swell, ball, bulb, node, or knot of pleasant feelings I get regularly (near my Perenium)

And I'll call the pulsing, throbbing, variations around that A "p-waves" (it feels like a steady heartbeat- zum zum zum zum)

Could you talk a bit more about moving / expanding "A"? I guess the "concept is opening the next Chakra?"

Am I creating a second A (A2?) or expanding A as if one big "column"? Are the p-waves the catalyst for that?

I built up "A" today like I usually do (fully Aless). Inspired by your notes, I tried to "move / spread" "A" upward and I'll be damed - I felt new stuff! Little "p-waves" squiggling "up" ( towards my prostate?) Call me nuts but that's what it felt like!

Anyway some thoughts / visualizations of how that feels or how it's accomplished would be great! Thanks in advance!

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@flexxor Whoops, for got to direct my post

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Just bumping the thread again for any new members who join or are checking out the forum. Bet they came from the Trident advertising or just curious. ^.^

If you haven't made an account, come on in and join us anonymously!

Congrats on overcoming what you went through in your personal life at such a young age, I had a lot of medical problems around your age and even recently and falling into the hole of depression is a nightmare. Cannabis does help but you gotta learn to use it as a medicine and not as a crutch and it sounds like you don't abuse it. I had started smoking around 15 years old because of cancer and I did at times abuse it but I have learned to use it as a medicine now in my late 30s after getting cancer again. I can really relate to a lot of what you said about depression messed up childhood and the fear of not knowing what you are going to do with your life is really hard on men. For women they have a few ways out from marriage to I hate to say it stripping or sex worker things. Most guys do not have those choices. I figure this forum has more men on it so hopefully I won't be crucified for saying what I said. The way you talk and explain things reminds me of an engineer or computer science, you sound like a really good person keep it up! And like someone said already, I hope my son when he is your age is as level-headed and mature as you.

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Posted by: @mrniceguy

Just bumping the thread again for any new members who join or are checking out the forum. Bet they came from the Trident advertising or just curious. ^.^

If you haven't made an account, come on in and join us anonymously!

Congrats on overcoming what you went through in your personal life at such a young age, I had a lot of medical problems around your age and even recently and falling into the hole of depression is a nightmare. Cannabis does help but you gotta learn to use it as a medicine and not as a crutch and it sounds like you don't abuse it. I had started smoking around 15 years old because of cancer and I did at times abuse it but I have learned to use it as a medicine now in my late 30s after getting cancer again. I can really relate to a lot of what you said about depression messed up childhood and the fear of not knowing what you are going to do with your life is really hard on men. For women they have a few ways out from marriage to I hate to say it stripping or sex worker things. Most guys do not have those choices. I figure this forum has more men on it so hopefully I won't be crucified for saying what I said. The way you talk and explain things reminds me of an engineer or computer science, you sound like a really good person keep it up! And like someone said already, I hope my son when he is your age is as level-headed and mature as you.

Thank you for this wonderful compliment. I will cherish it. ❤️ 


Posted by: @herebyaccident

For illustration I'll call "A" that wonderful swell, ball, bulb, node, or knot of pleasant feelings I get regularly (near my Perenium)

And I'll call the pulsing, throbbing, variations around that A "p-waves" (it feels like a steady heartbeat- zum zum zum zum)

Could you talk a bit more about moving / expanding "A"? I guess the "concept is opening the next Chakra?"

Am I creating a second A (A2?) or expanding A as if one big "column"? Are the p-waves the catalyst for that?

I built up "A" today like I usually do (fully Aless). Inspired by your notes, I tried to "move / spread" "A" upward and I'll be damed - I felt new stuff! Little "p-waves" squiggling "up" ( towards my prostate?) Call me nuts but that's what it felt like!

Anyway some thoughts / visualizations of how that feels or how it's accomplished would be great! Thanks in advance!

Let's forget about the concept of moving the energies through chakras, as that is a mindset I developed that ultimately is negative towards my Aneros experiences and actually stopped me from achieving Super Os because I thought, "Why am I not able to move these energies up??" Which takes away from the present moment of pleasurable feelings during a session.

I recently came back to wanting to achieve Super Os again because I fell into old habits (don't we all at some point?) Because I had to go so long without the Aneros, and forgetting how to have prostate orgasms without the device, I developed the habits of falling back into jacking off. That's okay, time to pick the feet back up! Even if you fall, you're still moving forward. 😉 

Now it's time to rewire again and get rid of the jacking off habit and go back to prostate orgasms. Day 1 of Semen Retention.

It's been 3 days since I started using the prostate massagers. I have a collection of them now;
Helix Syn, Progasm, Vice 2, Eupho Syn, and MGX Trident.

From inserting the toys, and listening to Hypnaneros, I am getting closer and closer to achieving prostate orgasms again. It's amazing to see how different my mindset is now and new mental barriers I've made that stop me from progressing forward. I will not share the barriers, as I don't want others to attain them themselves.

Just know that if you're having trouble overcoming mental obstacles, the best thing you can do is be mindful of that and let go of control. This goes back to the original post, in the sense that the more you resist a river flowing downstream while you're going upstream, the harder it is to progress to the final destination of the ocean.

I am excited to share the rewiring process in these coming days after going so long without!

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Posted by: @flexxor

I am excited to share the rewiring process in these coming days after going so long without!

Wow!!! I just listened to Brine's audio files of his session with his Eupho and I would get aroused hearing him moan in pleasure at my desk and started having A-less pwaves again!!!

What an exciting journey! Can't wait to experience my next session with no expectations and just letting go to the pleasureable feelings being produced!!

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