To eat or to vapori...
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To eat or to vaporize?

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this is such good information imperium. I'm surprized nobody has commented on it. This thread led me to do much reading about cooking with and eating pot. I thought it was as simple as chomping down a bud and it would get you high.
there are some great forumns about pot and great info about cooking with weed. I made my first batch of brownies last week and I have got to say...Holy Shit, that really fucked me up. much more than smoking (plus I don't like to smoke anyway)
I can really see your point Helixer about eating hash rather than smoking with the time delay for the body to metabolize it

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If you guys think about your aneros as much as you think about getting stoned, you ain't nevah gonna get off. Luckily for us, pot is a lot more forgiving about your uptightness than the aneros is. Relax relax relax. And quit thinking about it that way. Like for what it does for you, not for what you think it could theoretically do for you.

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Love my "Da Buddha" vaporizer. You can't beat it's performance for the price.

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I have a Phyto Lab portable vaporizer. It's great, it will surely last a lifetime.

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Tks imperium for the bit on fertilization,

Did some "experimental horticulture" last summer and had read about separating male from females to avoid fertilization but didn't understand why.

Great discussion! Will see what cums up volunteer this spring and put your advice into practice.


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vaporizing is alot quiker as far as sensory response, yes eating it will take longer and is actually a slight different high.
no i havent eaten it i have made brownies that ive passed on to friends who thought it was great. and who have told me how the difference of the high was.
but u can vape and when your done with it u cant smoke it, it wont work but what u can do if u save the leftovers is......
use it to make butter or oil to make brownies or cookies or whatever you can, use everything off it and when you finally throw the leftovers away its not worth using for anything anymore and u get your full moneys worth. some people think vaporizing is a waste cause of the leftover vegitation, there is a way to use it all............................................... just my input hope it helps

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I gotta say, the cannabis edibles continue to amaze me, with how they have accelerated my aneros practice.
Last weekend, two hours of continuous orgasmic bliss radiating from my prostate. And, that carried over to several aneros-less sessions, the next day. The rewiring seems to last beyond the immediate cannabis session. I dont know whether this is a Super O, but I don't care... 🙂

There is a tolerance buildup, though. I am very conservative on dosage, and the dose needed for aneros awakening seems to be way lower than what is needed to get me high. I am still under one full dose, according to the package, even with the builtup tolerance. Very little "high" here.

I have settled on a cookie with a sativa/indica hybrid, and dose is about 12grams (about two bites). Effects come on in one hour, and last for four to five hours. Nip stim is supercharged during this time, too.

That is my current status! (I still have not tried need yet...)

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you seperate male and female plants to avoid polination. if polinated females produce seeds and hence poorer weed if unfertilised or sinsemila its all smoke and much stronger

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So i'm going to talk about weed here, nothing i"m stating has anything to do with its aneros application, i'm still a noob to aneros so little of what i would have to say on that subject is credible. But after reading through this thread it's obvious that many readers here have a ton of misconceptions and incorrect ideas. I will do my best to explain things in depth but there will be times when i will summarize an idea breifly that could really be its own discussion but this is meant to be a crash course for those that know nothing about weed, not a in-depth discussion of various aspects.
Please bear in mind the following 1. many of the ideas behind thc/weed are strictly theory and there is very little to zero proof for many of these ideas (i will do my best to point out facts from theory). 2. all mind altering states are subjective, some it hits harder, some may never notice it.

-Potency, grade and type.
When you get a bag of weed it could be classified into 3 naming systems, the grade, the type and the strain. Grade refers to how the plant was grown, whether the plant was fertilized whether it was given artificial light cycles to aid in growing. A schwag weed as it is known has not been properly separated to prevent fertilization nor has it been tended to well this is the lowest potency bud you can find and it will often contain large amounts of seeds and can have substantially less bud to the plant. A chronic bud has been separated correctly such that the plants will not cross fertilize each other this lack of fertilization results in the plant putting more of is energy into the bud, resulting in higher and more potent yeild, chronic bud also has typically had a lot more care given into it such as trimming and artificial light cycles this also results in a higher and more potent yeild.
if you get a bag of schwag chances are it has been grown so carelessly that it would not even be worth the time to classify it into a type. however when you get a bag of nice chronic it can be broken down like this, there are 2 main types of canibus sativa & indica (there are some class bridging/defying strains but 90%+ fo what you'll find could be classified as one or the other). For most people there is a substantial difference in the effects of a sativa vs an indica. In general a sativa affects your head "making you stupid" as some would put it, where as an indica can be felt in your muscles/body more "a body high"(most people would probably find a indica preferable for aneros as it can be felt more in muscles instead of in the mind) . the difference of these effects has NOTHING to do with the THC level, it is a side product of the other canibid compounds that grow along with the THC naturally in the plant it also has some to do with the shape the THC has grown into. There are ways to tell the difference between the types but that involves a lot of defining and terminology (if you truly care about this issue go elsewhere to research it), long story short most of the time i don't care to classify my weed unless i bought it under the impression it was a given type, so if you really care about always getting 1 type then get a good trust-able dealer. Finally the strain each good chronic weed has been given a strain name by someone along the line, so if you have a source where you can always get the same strain then this can be your best bet for repeated success. However many people really don't know what their talking about here and it can in general be pointless to ask the strains as the person you are asking just knows what someone else told them not what is necessarily right. Majority of the time 9 out of 10 times when someone tells me "i got this weed" i ignore that comment and only a few people i have ever met can truly tell you correctly the strain of a given bud.
-Potency and THC compounds.
I have already noted that a chronic bud is far more potent and pure than a schwag bud, that is a general rule but now we will get into making various THC compounds from your bud. The side effects of sativa vs indica also are more or less carried on when you use that sativa or indica to make a butter, hash or other THC compound, in short if you use an indica to make hash that hash will feel similar to smoking that indica but will be more potent and take less to get to the same level. It should also be noted in this section that pure THC can be obtained most of the time if you find a pure THC it has been synthesized in a tube not extracted and refined from a plant and has substantially different effects from either variety. For me the 99% pure THC was more like a sativa and made me unable to think critically & problem solve which has never been the case with any other weed/THC derivative i have had. The pure THC also had none of the other side effects you commonly get with cannibids, i had absolutely no munchies with the pure which is entirely unheard of for me.
-Canibid Derivatives
It should also be noted in this section that there are various synthetically created canibid derivatives that act on the same brain receptor as THC does, most notable are JWH-018 and JWH-072 these were until dec 25th 2010 legal int the US and could be easily obtained in products known as "spice"(K2, spush, fun times, spike, spice, wicked, are some notable brands here) however the DEA has since banned products to contain these and a handful of other similar compounds, but if you have good connections and are persistent you can likely still get your hands on some. Since the ban many of the brands have switched to a different compound that has yet to be illegalized i cannot give you any information on this new compound as it has been highly under wraps and DEA is actually in multiple lawsuits currently to get more information. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD IF YOU DO CHOOSE TO TRY SPICE KEEP THIS WARNING IN MIND: YOU CAN OVERDOSE ON IT, ALSO MANY PEOPLE HAVE BAD REACTIONS OR ARE MADE SICK BY IT, SO TRY 1 SMALL HIT AND WAIT AT LEAST 2 HOURS BEFORE DECIDING WHETHER OR NOT TO PRECEDE.

-Vaporizers and smoking
so for those that are unclear the idea behind a vaporizer is that you heat the weed to the point where the THC can become airborne gas without burning the plant matter creating smoke (if you are getting actual ash in the end with a vape you have it waaaay to high and your losing effectiveness of the product.), if done correctly you should NOT see smoke when vapeing, there should be some very light particulate floating in the gas but not heavy smoke. Which vaporizer is the best? the one that vaporizes all the THC effectively without creating burning, so the vaporizer with the most accurate control system you can find is the best, in my experience the best brand i have used is a "volcano" brand vape. to answer the question of grind the weed or not for a vape the answer is always yes, regardless of the manufactures instructions its simple chemistry here, greater surface area allows for quicker heating and more effective absorption however you can easily over grind wich will give you too small of bits and can either get sucked up clogging the tube or more seriously fall down into the heating element and possibly cause a fire, the manufacturer does not want a fire so they tell you not to grind it, you want to grind gentle a few times going for chunks of bud not specs of bud, always look at the vapes construction and ensure you do not grind to far allowing it to fall into the heating element. All in all a vape is a very cool and fun tool that can make smoking more pleasing/easy/effective than other means if done right but given the expense and testing to get that system down can be to hard for some. Personally i don't think a vape hits me as hard or last as long, to me a vape is like being tipsy not being drunk if you get the analogy im going for here.
Onto smoking the bud, i would like to once again remind you that THC is NOT water soluble but many other things are, things that you may not necessarily want to be inhaling thus when possible it is ALWAYS a good idea to pass your smoke though water at least one time, Ideally you would buy a bong that has 2+ water chambers that are as diffused as possible (diffused meaning break the smoke up into smaller bubbles giving greater surface area and higher efficiency) ideally your bong would also have a upper chamber for catching ice thus as the smoke passes the ice it cools it making it easier on your lungs. as the smoke passes though the water the THC passes right through not affected whatsoever but the other impurities are left behind trapped in the water and do not make it to your lungs, this makes a bong healthier than other aspects of smoking. now here is a KEY item that most avid smokers entirely overlook, what is the source of your heat? most people without a second thought whatsoever will grab a lighter torch it up and begin to light the bowl and not stop lighting the bowl until they are done inhaling THIS IS HORRIBLE FOR YOU. when you use a lighter you are inhaling all the fumes that are a result of combustion and gas being released from the lighter, this is absolutely horrible for you in every aspect. there are a lot of alternatives to lighters and unless you literally don't have any alternative you should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS use some form of heat/flame medium for lighting your smokeables. the best way you can light your bowl is to use pure heat this can be acquired in a few ways; a lens focusing sunlight into the bowl to burn it known as solar rip, this is one of your best options but this only works if you have a yard you can step out into the light and hit the bowl. there are other good ways of obtaining pure heat, u can use a heat gun (glorified hair dryer) but this requires a special shaped bowl or youll just blow the weed away & who wants that waste? the other good way of using pure heat is known as a glass match, & some times it is just that, a long glass rod you heat to be red hot with a torch then once its red hot simply gently poke it into the bowl, but probably the most user freindly way of getting pure heat is by using the correct soldering iron you MUST obtaion a HAKKO soldering iron (hakko has a patent on the ceramic inter tip and it is the ONLY soldering iron that is safe and suitable for this use, NEVER EVER use a metal heat source(more on that later)) the hakko soldering iron contains a ceramic inner tip and if you partially disassemble it correctly you can access this tip while leaving the heating element functional for use to light your bowl google this for more info and check out grass city they are very knowledgeable on such subjects. if you cant get sunlight or a glass match or other pure heat source, you should still skip on the lighter and go for a type of flame medium essentially all this is is a different object you burn and then use that fire to light the bowl instead of the lighter, there are some products made for this purpose the best of which is Bline brand hemp organic beeswax line for smoking, however if you cant get your hands on that find something else, even if that's toothpicks, Popsicle sitcks or other small sticks yo use as a flame medium hell even a small strip of paper is beter than the lighter, once again its the lighter thats killing you not the smoking weed. you will also notice that when you stop using a lighter you get much better tasting hits. in all honnesty i prefer smoking out of a good bong with a pure heat source FAR more than a vape or edible it hits me quick and hard and is far easier to keep track of actual consumption than a edible.

here are a few DONT'S when smoking, dont make a pipe out of a can you are melting and smoking the plastic liner of the can which is toxic and well as heating an alumininm can which is also toxic. Dont smoke out of metal or plastic ever, plastic can melt an burn as well as being toxic to inhale its gases, metal when heated will release some of the elements within it out into what your inhaling which is bad tasting and can be toxic depending on the metal, surgical grade non-outgassing steel would be safe to smoke out of however i can guarantee you that metal pipe you have is NOT made out of that grade of steel. i already said this but it happens so often it cant hurt to reiterate, dont fix your pipe with foil or glue or make a pipe out of foil or glue smoking from foil is extremely toxic as would be if you were to burn the glue holding it in-place. in general it is only truly safe to smoke out of glass or ceramic wood can be safe but typically has been treated with things that then make it unsafe.

[COLOR="blue"]imperium -

great post - i just read it for the first time and have a question =>

any word or opinion on the iolite for vaping?

... i don't own a vaporizer nor have i used the iolite butt they're advertized on the web (amazon) for around $120

appreciate yer feedback - and thanks for yer posts

- rip 😀

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I have never tried that specific brand so i can't comment,
If a internet search of Iolite review does not provide you with sufficient info to make a decision as to whether that smoking device is a good choice for you by price and effectiveness as reviewed.

Then my best suggestion is to stop by Forums - The Medicinal Marijuana Cultivation, Smoking, Activism and Counter-Culture Community and search there and or ask there, the people there have a much better knowledge of what brands are arguably the best

Put into a few points before buying a device to smoke with you should look at a few things.
~is it worth it? if you only spend say like $20-40 on weed in a month then imo its absurd to spend more than like $10-20 on the pipe. but ultimately "worth" is up to you.
~can i use it? if you use with family or some other reason you cant smoke in your own house, then its absurd to get anything large or hard to hide.
~In my experience in general the more art and flare on a peice, means there is likely less care put into make it strong and highly functional.
~ask the person at the shop if they have a suggestion comparable to what you are looking at, some times they have a better deal you just dont see, but also be weary because they may try to upsell you if they think you are foolish enough.

So below are the 2 IMO money is no option smoking devices to get, neither of which i own, one i have used.
~For a vaporizer the "volcano" vaporizer is ideal as it puts the "smoke" into a bag before you inhale, leading to cooler air and a smoother hit, it also has a very good adjustment dial so you can defiantly get it dialed in just right for any bud you may get. The aproxamate cost of the one i used was like $400 thaty my freinds spent on it, since then there have been generation changes and i just googled it and the first link it was $600, but as always shop 4 a deal.
~For a bong, get the Vortex Cold fusion. it hands down has the best design ive seen for cooling the smoke which is really the most important part of a smooth hit if you ask me.

Hope this helps.

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I like the Phyto Lab from Switzerland. It's small, portable and functional. Using is is an art easily learned, and very rewarding. Inhaling a hit is like breathing fresh forest air.


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I'm a Aneros beginner. I can't comment which method is best for prostate massage. But I've experimented with vaporizer and bong a long time.

For me, a bong is the best option for me. The only vaporizer that I like is volcano. But it costs over $500. That's my one year of supply cost. I can't justify the price. I have a da buddah. I don't like it at all. I'm not a smoker. The vaporizer isn't easier to inhale as they make you to believe. After all you still breathe in smoky hot air into your lung. A good glass percolator bong with ice is a lot more smoother.

And the vaporizer takes too long to get ready. And a lot longer to inhale to get the same effect as bong. I only need one or two hits to get high in about five minutes. With my "buddah", it takes 5 minutes to heat up, and I have to inhale for at least 10 minutes to get the same high as with my bong. It takes me longer with the lower grade weed. If I'm a pot head sitting in my underwear in my house all day, a vaporizer is a good choice since it utilize the weed the best.

If you can't afford a glass percolator bong with down diffuser and/or ash catcher for about $100. A $30 multi-chamber acrylic bong is almost as good.

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~is it worth it? if you only spend say like $20-40 on weed in a month then imo its absurd to spend more than like $10-20 on the pipe. but ultimately "worth" is up to you.

Bad math here.

The objective isn't to burn weed but to get as much THC into your body as possible. Without proper hardware to get THC into your system, you're just burning money. I think you know better than that based on your post.

A $20 bong will get your money back in a month than smoking blunt if you only spend $20-$40 on weed.

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Bad math here.

The objective isn't to burn weed but to get as much THC into your body as possible. Without proper hardware to get THC into your system, you're just burning money. I think you know better than that based on your post.

A $20 bong will get your money back in a month than smoking blunt if you only spend $20-$40 on weed.

Not gonna lie i haven't a clue what your "point" was.

Obviously a multi-chamber is no doubt smother of a burn and more healthy.
Also water filtering the smoke is no doubt a good choice, as well as other systems to cool the smoke.
Look at the "Price is no object" bong i recommended. (The Vortex Cold Fusion)
I do know my glass and would be willing to bet i have actually used more of the top manufacturers than most people.

And yeah i said in the $10-20 range and yes you can get a killer water price for hat price if you shop.
I have a perfect ceramic mini bong that i got for $20 i use for travel. (Look up "the Original Bing")
You even said yourself its absurd for u to get a volcano as its the cost of you year's smoke.

So really u said the exact same thing i did.
But disagreed & somehow im wrong but your right?, WTF?
(look back and actually read man u said the exact same thing i did)

Oh wait u want me to edit the word pipe to bong?
I'm not trying to be THAT much of a dick here but seriously whats your point?

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bad math here.

The objective isn't to burn weed but to get as much thc into your body as possible. Without proper hardware to get thc into your system, you're just burning money. I think you know better than that based on your post.

A $20 bong will get your money back in a month than smoking blunt if you only spend $20-$40 on weed.


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I see this thread has turned more into a vaporizor thread.... any of you guys that are serious smokers, have you tried cooking with weed instead of smoking it?
I am a long term smoker but since I started cooking with weed, my bongs and vaporizors are just collecting dust. Just the way my fleshlight collection does since I discovered the aneros.
eating it rather than smoking it is a way better high and has to be more healthy than any vaporizer. I will admit that I go through more weed that way but it's worth the additional money to me

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I made a spaceboterkoek once (Dutch butter cake with "authentic dutch ingredients") and it was a rollercoaster ride. I think edibles are more suitable for a communal trip, I like vaporizing more for casual occasions.


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I see this thread has turned more into a vaporizor thread.... any of you guys that are serious smokers, have you tried cooking with weed instead of smoking it?
I am a long term smoker but since I started cooking with weed, my bongs and vaporizors are just collecting dust. Just the way my fleshlight collection does since I discovered the aneros.
eating it rather than smoking it is a way better high and has to be more healthy than any vaporizer. I will admit that I go through more weed that way but it's worth the additional money to me

Yes actually a lot of my smoking im trying to cut back on.
However since im lazy i'd rather just make tincture instead of edibles.

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I've never eating before. I just worried that I can't control when the effect start and how long it last. The bong is instant.

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So I have a funny/stupid question; This is more of a curiosity inspired by this thread more than anything else, but since imperium's comments were so interesting to me I thought I'd ask.

If THC is fat soluble then I would imagine warming a well ground batch of cannabis (albeit carefully) in full fat milk and straining out the plant matter would produce a beverage that should achieve a high, right? Well, (and here's the stupid question) I recall someone telling me that the anus absorbs things rather quickly and thoroughly - I'm not sure to what degree this is true merely surmising. Does that mean that somehow squirting the aforementioned cannabis-milk concoction into the anus and retaining for a certain amount of time would produce more reliable results than ingesting?

As someone who has loved the plant in every form - I have many good friends who have been willing to share their gear - I can't help but wonder if this would work, and to what degree it would be effective. After reading this thread I did a handful of searches on the net but haven't come up with a single reported attempt or its results. Has anyone tried this?


p.s. Oh and I vote to eat when the time is available as it has produced the best highs I have ever experienced in my life. However, those highs lasted the better part of 5 hours the times I tried them (from the first moment of noticing any effects at all to the moment they disappeared completely).

I enjoy vaporizing when I can but it's a bit of an expensive hobby methinks. Perhaps I'll give imperium's recommendations a go.

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Hello, mover.

I doubt you'll get much effect out of eating raw cannabis. Until the plant matter is heated to 350 degrees F, most of the THC remains "locked up;" unavailable to be absorbed by your body. If you want to try rectal delivery, cook the weed, first. Better yet, dissolve the THC out into hot vegetable oil, cool it, and then use the doped oil anally. I'll be interested to hear how that works, so let us know.

Best Regards,


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Practically any dug can be absorbed by the rectum lining.
Weed being a social thing mostly i"m sure there are people that have tried your idea but I don't know if they reported it.
I am not certain if it would result in stronger effects or longer effects.
I am fairly certain that it would be absorbed & kick in quicker & I'm also inclined to think you would feel it down there in a unique way.

As for the milk / cream concoction yes that can be done I have had THC coffee creamer before.
Part of getting the THC into your concoction is aided by heating which is more likely to destroy the cream thus many people use butter or other mediums to extract THC

Here"s a link on the cream.
Quick weed recipe - Forums

And another cool recipe page I stumbled upon.
THC Club - Cannabis Recipies

Edit: Please follow thier directions to the letter, this is a safety concern people can & do mess up & light shit on fire & burn thier house down when trying to make hash oil. DO THIS STUFF SOBER & CLEAR HEADED!!!!

Edit 2: Some of those recipes include the use of isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol. Don't use that there is nothing that rubbing alcohol can do that ever-clear or other high proof alcohol cant achieve. Rubbing alcohol labels have those warnings for a reason.

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You know what? I am curious enough to give it a shot. What do you guys think would be better?

Oil? Butter? Milk/creamer? Since I'm not eating or drinking it, I guess taste doesn't matter

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Pick a fat or oil that does not decompose at 350F. Monitor the temperature. Too hot and you will decompose the THC. When I had asthma and couldn't smoke, I used clarified butter to extract the THC. Problem was, at 350F, butter turns brown and gets a burnt taste. I guess if it's going up your butt, the taste won't matter. Nonetheless, I'd use something more stable than butterfat. Lard?



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milk would not be the best liquid to dissolve thc in as the fat content is so low.
butter is probably most often used - I have been using coconut oil lately and that works great.

I don't see any reason why you couldn't give yourself a thc enema - wouldn't you have to hold it in for quite a while for the body to absord it? I wouldn't think you would want to use very much. the last batch of oil I made, I made part of it into capusules using a size 000 cap. One of those is enough for a great buzz so I don't think you would want to inject your rectum with a shooter full of canabutter or oil

I think I might give that a try... sounds interesting

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Thanks for the feedback all! This is going to be interesting LOL

There are several websites around that list all the smoking points - I'll probably go with whatever appears to be the healthiest and has a point above 350. Refined Olive Oil seems to fit the bill quite nicely actually.

@ thhn what amounts of each did you use? I would imagine potency varies a LOT based on the quality of bud, but what amounts did you use when you made the caps? Should I estimate the same approximate amount that I would smoke?

How long you guys think it should stay in the oil at 350?

I'm thinking I won't need more than a few tablespoons of oil. I have an oil thermometer so I can monitor the temp accurately the whole time, and I'll probably wait for the oil to hit the target temp before dropping in the plant matter. Will most likely monitor time elapsed as well so we have a reference, and make caps of the excess if there is any.

Any/all feedback welcome!

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When I made my clarified butter batch (years ago) I put all the ground weed (one half ounce) in the frying pan on low heat and then added butter until the weed was saturated. It might have been a half stick of butter. I don't remember exactly. I cooked the mixture at the butter's smoking point (350F) until all the cannabis turned very dark brown, darker than coffee, almost black. I think that took about 15 minutes. We did not filter the mess. Instead, we mixed it with a pint of strawberry jam and refrigerated it. Kind of ugly-tasting jam, but very effective.



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Thanks for the feedback all! This is going to be interesting LOL

There are several websites around that list all the smoking points - I'll probably go with whatever appears to be the healthiest and has a point above 350. Refined Olive Oil seems to fit the bill quite nicely actually.

@ thhn what amounts of each did you use? I would imagine potency varies a LOT based on the quality of bud, but what amounts did you use when you made the caps? Should I estimate the same approximate amount that I would smoke?

How long you guys think it should stay in the oil at 350?

I'm thinking I won't need more than a few tablespoons of oil. I have an oil thermometer so I can monitor the temp accurately the whole time, and I'll probably wait for the oil to hit the target temp before dropping in the plant matter. Will most likely monitor time elapsed as well so we have a reference, and make caps of the excess if there is any.

Any/all feedback welcome!

Before you do anything, I would check out the first link that imperium sent to you. It would be very easy to burn the cannibus by putting it in oil in a frying pan. The method I have always used is to use a crock pot with butter and quite a bit of water. Let this cook for 3-12 hours and then refrigerate it overnight.
the butter/thc will solidify on top - discard the water and the rest is the good stuff. you can do the same proecess once more to reomove more impurities but I'm not sure the second steeping is worth the effort.
the quality of your weed would certainly determine the outcome of the product. I generally use one oz of grass to 1 lb of butter. when I make cookies or brownies (or whatever) substitute the cannabutter or cannoil for the ammount of oil or butter called for in the recipie. I generally use about 1/4 cup of oil per batch. You should also familarize yourself with decarbing the grass. I think this step is very important.

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Consider tinctures rather than fats; however, it's not a fast process:

Cannabis Tincture Recipe by Sweet Baby Ruth - YouTube

How To Make Medical Marijuana Tonic & Tincture (Alcohol Infused w/Cannabis):THE GREEN MONSTER RECIPE - YouTube


Old family recipe from my Carolina kin: dry-bake the whole plant at 250 deg. F. for 2.5 hours to convert thc. distribute the baked remains, into 1 qt fruit jars generously filling them and balancing out amounts of flowers, leaves and stems between jars. Fill jars with vodka or preferably, Everclear. Cap and allow to 'steep for 2-3 months. Enjoy !

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Yes In my opinion rook a tincture is superior to a edible as you are eating as little as possible just the extract, not the unnecessary brownie along with it.

The recipe is just that simple,grind a bunch of bud put it in a jar full of ever-clear or glycerin if you prefer alcohol free or a sweeter concoction allow it to macerate 2+ months, if you like you can strain out the plant matter but I usually just grind it so fine it can all be swallowed easily.

For movers experiment however that will not work as glycerin is notoriously uncomfortable and ever-clear is down right stupidly dangerous.

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