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To clean or not to clean

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Hi all
ive read a lot about being clean pre play, given its important to have free movement inside for the aneros then there must be some importance, however ive been wondering what regime others do or follow pre an aneros session.

i've currently been doing a fairly deep enama with a shower attachment and perform this as part of my pre session shower routine, the attachment works a treat, but its messy and a bit time consumming and ive started wondering if this might be OTT for a home play, i might try an anal laxative in the form of a suppository, ive been told that they work within 15 minutes and clear you right out - does anyone have any experience of these

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I have never "cleaned-out" before an Aneros session. Just be sure that you are reasonably "empty" before starting. If you do an enema with a large volume, remember that you may be subject to "after-shock" bowel movements! Not fun at all! Small volume is best. Regarding laxative suppositories, I would not recommend them for two reasons. They can become addictive and you will get "after-shock" bowel movements that will last for a while and will interfere with your Aneros sessions!

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Goldenboy - thanks for the advice, im not keen on the enima, its messy and time consuming and does give me bowl cramps for a while, and im guessing creates an element of pre session stress which im wanting to avoid
ill try a bowl movement an hour before and a hot shower before my session and see how that goes- my aim of course is to go into session as relaxed as i can be.

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@C3PO Sounds like a plan. Good luck! Sometimes there will be "interference" but hopefully not too often!

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I too enjoyed using enemas, as they were a perfect way to stay clean. But since they were time consuming and kind of a hassle i switched to a bulb enema. Instead of the bag and a hose and nozzle its just a rubber bulb with a nozzle attached. You can do it standing, and i find it is much easier and faster than the traditional method. Since its a bulb, you dont have to worry about using too much water. Just fill once, empty, and then repeat a second time if necessary. I have never had to do more than 2 rinses, and I have none of the side effects of too much enema use

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Ive been doing deep cleans because ive been playing with girls lately and they like you to be super clean, so have just got into the habbit of deep cleaning before play. Im planning an aneros session this evening as my new progasm ice has arrived (its huge compared to the helix) and want to give it a test run, so think i'll just stick to my plan, poo, shower and settle down for a play and see how that works out rather than faffing about with enemas

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We have this discussion about twice a year and I haven't contributed for some time so, as a Shower-Shot affectionado, here it is___>

I was habituated to enema long before Aneros became a part of my assplay so am able to do a small anal douche quickly and usually in the needed volume. Keep in mind that we want to confine the poo to the toilet or keep it in your Sigmoid Colon until well after the post-session glow has faded. Putting it four-fold:

a. Avoid screwing up one's body electrolytes with a large load of ill formulated tap water;

b. Clearing out last night's popcorn kernels along with the bone fragments from last week's quarter-pounder;

c. Avoiding unsightly poo where you or your mate doesn't want it; and finally,

d. Eliminating the presence of enema gear in open sight while it drys.

So, please disregard all you have read on how to use an enema bag etc. etc. Here's an approach to quickly clean your canal and perhaps rectum without sticking anything up your "bum."

I agree there's no need to douche if I'm headed for a Tempo session with "stiff" lube like Vaseline or Crisco. A BM with the usual 30 minute pause is sufficient for a couple of hours with Tempo or a simple (not too large) glass dildo. However, my rinse/douche routine (assuming two or three small injections) takes much less than 5 minutes so it's actually less time consuming for me to rinse rather than wait for the rectum to 'recoup residuals' from the bowel movement. Further, for the last two years of my wife's involvement in my ass with a long dildo, I got nary a complaint.

-- When my session is headed for a milking or will employ one of my "orgasmic" toys (Helix or Eupho, usually preceded by a larger tool) and, I'll be lubing with Shea Butter and/or Coconut Oil, I rinse both my Anal Canal and Rectum. That involves two (perhaps three) very small injections of warm tap water from the same sort of "Shower Shot" that @C3PO is using. (The nozzle on my model of Shower Shot is slick chrome on brass with five spray holes in the end; nevertheless it's blunt, unlubed and never enters my anus.)

-- As @tweeve11 does, I also stand (usually with one foot on a small shower bench while I inject the douche. I agree that standing makes for a quicker routine than any other enema or douche body position. I think standing gives me a better sense of what's happening in my anal canal and rectum.

Method / Technique:

1. I clean my perineum and 'package' with the spray--a nice turn-on for me. Then, just touch my anus with the tip of the spray. Within four or five seconds I feel the anus (outer sphincter) start to open and know I'm about to flood my anal canal. That's going to be adequate for a brief Tempo or Peridise session or an over-nite with Helix-syn or a not-to-generous plug. Then I'll step to the toilet and let go.

2. For the more extensive Aneros prostate session I'll take a few more seconds of injection for my inner sphincter to open and some fluid pressure to build in my rectum. I drop the nozzle and move to the toilet. That fluid gets completely eliminated and then repeated once or twice so that I'm clean. All told this prep shouldn't take more than four or five minutes including toweling off. This is certainly more challenging that the smaller anal rinse since the rectum reacts to the feeling of fullness with a contraction (guaranteed to happen half-way to the toilet.) So there's a learning curve here. Meanwhile, it's easy to apply an old rag to one's anus to prevent the pre-mature dribble. Again, a second or third injection-discharge cycle should get most anyone clean without getting any fluid up into the Sigmoid.

Add on another five minutes for a relaxing shower with Dove-Male's dissolving bath beads. The Popcorn bits from last night's video and bone fragments from last weeks Steer-burger are gone and I'm GTG. The shower serves a second purpose, making sure I didn't accidentally open the Sigmoid sphincter, dilute some poo up there and set the stage for a failed Aneros session.

I think these quick rinses help develop a good sense of what the inner and outer sphincters are doing and when the rectum is approaching a "full condition." Unfortunately, as notedd above and historically by @BFMayfield, if you force the Sigmoid sphincter open with enema fluid you can probably plan of skipping any Aneros play for several hours.

Laxatives: I'd avoid using one. The discomfort, added stress and perhaps anxiety doesn't seem to promote the style of meditation and relaxation needed for a great orgasmic experience.

The threads of Shower Shot nozzles and U.S. hand showers are the same do swappiing the anal spray for a hand spray is simple. Take note that European shower gear is different so shop before you buy.

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@rook thanks for the detailed explaination

my shower attachment is actually the plastic wand end of a douche bulb, i found a stainless steel male / male adapter with the same thread size in my array of plumbing junk in the garage which adapts the nozzle, its now multi purposed 🙂

ive also found (through experimentation) that just the jet of water from the shower hose directed up whilst squatting in the bath is enough to get some water just in far enough to loosen any residue or stuff still floating about in there, without endusing a full on enema, and that along with a BM is enough for a self aneros play session.
of course the days i play out with the girls i'll super clean - they like things very clean and the psychological effect of failing to be clean can play on your mind and ruin a session, so on tbese days my prep starts the day before, ill enema before bed and then again wash through during my morning shower, maintain a fluid diet through out the day and douche an hour or so just before the session, this way im clean, its worked so far and i must stress i only do this on the odd occsssion i play out now, its a real ball ache following this routine, but worth it.

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Personally I just have a BM and then a nice soak in the shower for 20-25 minutes before a session. BM clears everything that could interfere and I spend my time in the shower playin with my nips and massaging my anus a bit to wind myself up so to speak.

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I usually rinse out with a small bulb type enema and warm water,like to be nice and empty before a session.

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I almost never clean out before a session. My body clock likes to have that area of my body in use for the other things in the morning so by the time I would want to do a session it's well cleaned out in there. There is the odd time when I feel like I would benefit from a clean out so I just use a bulb and some warm water for a few rinses and it does nicely.
I understand that a diet higher in fibre helps keep things generally cleaner in there as well....

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small enema bulb almost every time. It just flushes out your rectum and its not very invasive and the water doesn't get very deep. The water also aids my water-based lube, so it's extra slippery.

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